Azure App Service Enviroment - how to assign different IPs to app services - azure

I have created an Azure App Service Environment with 4 IP Addresses but all of them are unassigned. I have a bunch of app services and I need to have one IP per app service.

I figured it out. You need to upload a SSL certificate (you can buy it in Azure portal or from any other company), import it and bind it. When you bind it you say it's an IP Based SSL. After you save you get a dedicated IP for that app service.
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Azure web service ip address

I have a question regarding the IP address of my web application.
I deployed my app to azure. The application (API) has been successfully deployed to azure web service and for a client to make a request to the API, the IP address of the app is needed. In azure portal under properties I can find the virtual IP address (e.g. typing it to the browser gives 404) and outbound API addresses.
How to make the API's virtual IP address reachable by clients ?
As an addition to Stanley's answer:
The App Service gets its own URL in the form of <appservice-name> which can be used to access the application / API. You can also Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service making the application / API available through your own domain, like
Unfortunately, you can't access an Azure App service directly by virtual IP. Virtual IP is bind to the App service plan, one App service plan could contain multiple Azure App services. App service plan maps the domain name with the individual app services, so using a virtual IP is not possible to do that.

Is an Azure app service plan analogous to an instance of IIS?

I've been struggling with adding a custom domain to one of my sites because it's already in use on another site. I have these:
TMProfile1 tm profile
+EastUSAppServicePlan1 app service plan S2 app service custom domain
+WestUSAppServicePlan1 app service plan S2 app service custom domain
These sites both have a custom domain of set up. Both these sites are in the same traffic manager profile and the DNS points -CNAME-> All is good
I've created another app service plan (this time an S1) called EastUsAppServicePlan2 and I created a new app service inside of it called Even though this new app service is in a different app service plan to the two that already exist, I'm trying to add the same custom domain to this new app service: custom domain is already assigned to website
I always thought that an app service plan is analogous to an instance of IIS, and that every app service plan would have a unique IP address but it seems not. If I nslookup (a site in EastUsAppServicePlan1) I get an IP of and if I nslookup (the site in the new EastUSAppServicePlan2) I get the same IP of
It seems to be then, that it is region that determines IP; even if I create different app service plans in the same region, they will all have the same IP address? (It might explain some of the other issues I'm having)
By pulling the definition from the Microsoft documentation, we have:
Azure App Service is a multi-tenant service, except for App Service
Environments. Apps that are not in an App Service environment (not in
the Isolated tier) share network infrastructure with other apps. As a
result, the inbound and outbound IP addresses of an app can be
different, and can even change in certain situations.
So, even in same region you may have scenarios that your apps, using different service plans, have same inbound ip addresses, or different. That's managed by Azure, so you have no control over it, unless you have a scenario that you want to use a dedicated static inboud ip address to your apps, then you can leverage the IP-based SSL binding feature to have the same ip address for them.

Access Azure website by IP cause 404 error

I have an azure website that I can access by
In Azure dashboard, the IP is
When I try to access my website by IP I have a 404 error
I don't understand. My plan App Service is S1
Azure App Service is a multi-tenant service, except for App Service Environments. Apps that are not in an App Service environment (not in the Isolated tier) share network infrastructure with other apps. As a result, the inbound and outbound IP addresses of an app can be different, and can even change in certain situations.
App Service Environments use dedicated network infrastructures, so apps running in an App Service environment get static, dedicated IP addresses both for inbound and outbound connections.
Azure AppService IP addresses are shared between tenants and not guaranteed to be static. Your app is bound to the hostname, not the IP address. Unless you are using App Service Environment, you cannot use a static / dedicated IP address with Azure AppServices. You can add additional custom hostnames to your app.

Azure: Webapp Slots in different vnets

is it possible to determine each slot of an azure webapp to different ip adresses / vnets? e.g. dev-slot to the dev-vnet and prod-slot to the prod-vnet
the properties to determine outbound ip-adresses work "global" (for the whole webapp is not offering slot individual options.
Any idea how to do that (one ip / better vnet for each webapp slot) is very much appreciated!
Thank you very much!
As I know, it is not possible to determine each slot of an Azure web app to a different IP address.
Deployment slots are actually live apps with their own hostnames which is different from Azure web app hostnames. But the slots have the same IP address with Azure web app in Azure. You can use Ping utility to verify it, Ping timeout can say nothing only we can see the host from the web app or each slot in azure.
Here are the screenshots of two slots- staging and full in Azure web app service.
Actually, the IP address is also the IP address of the Azure web app service. If you want dev-slot to the dev-vnet and prod-slot to the prod-vnet. I think it should be dev-slot linked to Azure web app service1 and prod-slot linked to Azure web service2. The service1 has a different IP address with service2.
Hope this makes sense.

Does my app service share VM/outgoing IP with other people's app service?

Since App Service is multi-tenant infrastructure, is it true that my app service might share same underlying VM and outgoing IP with other app service which not owned by me?
Yes. Your app service will share the same outgoing IP. App services in the same plan will share a load balancer, and will use one of four IP's for outgoing traffic.
The IP's are shown in the Azure portal in the app service's properties, and can also be retrieved using powershell.
Details about the network traffic for app services:
