What tools do I need to learn to manipulate Excel files and update some values into a Web page? - excel

To be more detailed, let's say I have an Excel file with some numerical values that need to be updated every day into a Web platform, and I would like to automate this process as it is very time consuming to do it manually. I know some basic Java but that's it, but I'm keen to learn what it takes to improve this process.

The is the Java libary Apache POI is a mature libary for reading and writing Microsoft Offic documents. Its contains two components called POI-HSSF and POI-XSSF, that are for handlin Excel files.
If you do not want to insert images or graphs it is relative easy to use.


Export Excel file to Google Sheet

Hi guys,
I'm trying to push data from an excel file to a google spreadsheet, using VBA
User Story : When my user close excel, it automatically pushes the data into a back up on google sheet.
I've read some solutions about the Google API, but i do not understand how to use it.
if someone has an explanation it would be nice
Mixing Excel and Google is going to be a tough journey. They have a lot of compatible features and implementations and then a whole bunch of things that are just not compatible.
You won't be able to control what your users do in Excel so the "backup" may end up as a poor representation of the excel version.
If it is purely for backup, you could go the MSFT route and use OneDrive/O365 which keeps versions for you if you store in a local OneDrive. You can use auto save to keep your backup up to date.
You could go the google route by using sheets on the desktop browser.
As Thomas suggested, go with an off the shelf sync tool if the data and format is straight forward. I have had very mixed results for even some simple stuff.
Not wishing to start a tech-religion war by recommending one over the other but how you are trying to achieve this feels fraught with risk and may be hard to future-proof.

Is there a shortcut to insert the unix time stamp into the code in Android Studio?

Inserting the unix time stamps is common technique to create ids within the code. I guess this can be done by Live Templates. Other solutions are also welcome.
As an official of IntelliJ was asking, why I call it common. I know it from TYPO3 to give unique ids to exceptions. They point to a wiki page, where the community can give specific solutions.
Many developers use PHPStorm.
In my current Android project I give unique ids while wiring up a graph of hundreds of objects. The relations are hardcoded in a setup file.

plot the graph using different Excel files

I have some data stored in different Microsoft Excel Worksheet (.xlsx) .
Now i want to ploat a graph by using these data (which are in different .xlsx) files. How can i do this ? means which language or platform i should use or any other help related to that.
You can use Java API's to create graph if you are familiar with java. You can use Apache POI or jfreechart or openxmlformats(api provided by apache).
Matlab has the built-in function xlsread which parses data from Excel files. Depending on how the files are organized, writing some code to read them all should be easy, and concatenating the matrices of data and plotting them is also pretty easy.
if you use saveAs to save them as CSV files, you can read them in very easily to Java and split the values with String.split(","). If you want to keep them as .xlsx files, JExcelApi might be able to help, though personally I've never used it. As for graphing, I'd recommend Javaplot/gnuplot, Jzy3D, or JMathPlot depending on what you want to graph. They're free and relatively easy to use.

How to read excel(2007+ xlsx) sheet using actionscript(AIR)?

How to read excel(2007+ xlsx) sheet using actionscript(AIR)?
An Actionscript 3 library for reading and writing Excel files. Currently reading numbers, text, and formulas from Excel version 2.0-2003 and writing numbers, text, and dates to Excel 2.0 is supported. No server-side help is needed.
Documentation and samples are at http://code.google.com/p/as3xls/
I wrote this: https://github.com/childoftv/as3-xlsx-reader I'd love to know if it helps
Do you have any idea how... Inefficient this is?
Excel uses a complex setup for files, and unless you want to write a full-scale parser for its spreadsheets (which, believe me, will be difficult, alone to figure out what the format chars do), you'd be better off finding another solution.
Say, using a "save to XML" option would make your job a few thousand times easier, without exaggeration. AS3 has no native support for Excel, there is no real point for it to have such. But it has great integrated methods for working with XML.
If possible, save the Excel files to XML and parse those.
Better still, use databases, and parse them as XML through PHP.
I did a search and came up with this: http://code.google.com/p/php-excel-reader/
Once you've got it in PHP, passing it on to Flash is no problem at all. I'd recommend turning it into straight arrays of objects and converting it to AMF3 via Zend_Amf, AMFPHP or WebOrb, whichever one you're most comfortable with. You can then create tables, manipulate the data or whatever you like. It'd also be a lot faster and lighter than using XML.
I took a look at the xlsx breakdown and it would take me 1 week to write an xlsx writer that could do basic formatting and formulas. I've only spent 1 hour perusing through the directories in an xlsx file and all you'd have to do is create the same directory structure...mostly cut and paste some strings..and then zip it and call it xlsx.
I tried this theory by manually making an xlsx file using 7zip. I downloaded childoftv's reader and, though I don't need the reader, the package includes a few zip/unzip classes that would prove helpful for anyone who wants to make a xlsx writer.
Long story short, the setup isn't complex, somebody just has to take a week out of their busy schedule to do it. I need this functionality so if nobody's done it yet, then I'll have to. Hopefully my search will find something better than a forum where the general consensus is "it's too hard, give up."

How do you visualize logfiles in realtime?

Sometimes it might be useful, but mostly just looking cool or impressive to visualize log files (anything from http requests and to bandwith usage to cups of coffee drunk per day).
I know about Visitorville which I think look a bit silly, and then there's gltail.
How do you "visualize" your log files in realtime?
There is also the logstalgia tool. Visualizes Apache logs. See http://code.google.com/p/logstalgia/ for more details and a youtube video.
You may take a look at Apache Chainsaw. This nifty tool allows Log incomes from nearly everyqhere and has live filtering and colering. If you have an already written Log, I'm not sure if it can read it, it's been a while since I used it last time (was very usefull for the prototyping phase of our JBoss server)
Google has released the Visualization API that is probably flexible enough to help you:
The Google Visualization API lets you access multiple sources of structured data that you can display, choosing from a large selection of visualizations. The Google Visualization API also provides a platform that can be used to create, share and reuse visualizations written by the developer community at large.
It requires some Javascript knowledge and includes Google Docs integration, Spreadsheet integration. Check out the Gallery for some examples.
You could take a look at this. http://www.intalisys.com. 3D realtime vis app
We use Awk and Perl scripts to parse the log files and create summary reports and "databases" (technically databases in that each row corresponds to a unique event with many columns of data about that event, but not stored in a traditional database format. We're moving in that direction). I like Awk because you can very quickly search for specific strings in the log files using regex, keep counters and gather data from the log file entries, and do all kinds of calculations with that data. Then use your favorite plotting software. We use Excel, mainly because that's what was here before I started this job. I prefer MATLAB and it's open-source cousin, Octave, which is built on gnuplot.
I prefer Sawmill for visualizing data. You can basically throw any log file against it, and it will not only autodetect its structure*, but will also decide on how to analyze it. Even if you have a custom log file, you can still define what and how shall be analyzed and visualized.
I mainly use R to visualize data, but I've heard of Orange, too.
Not sure if it fits the question, but I just released this:
numStepCsvLogVis - analyze logfile data in CSV format
It uses Python's matplotlib, is motivated by the need to visualize syslog data in context of debugging kernel circular buffer operation (and variables) in C; and it visualizes by using CSV file format as intermediary to the logfile data (I cannot explain it better in brief - take a look at the README for more detail).
It has a "step" player accessed in terminal, and can handle "live" stdin input, but unfortunately, I cannot get a better response that 1 FPS when plot renders, so I wouldn't really call it "realtime" per se - but you can use it to eventually generate sonified videos of plot animations.
A simple solution is to use Logstalgia alongside the lightweight local-web-server.
First install the above. Then, from the root folder of your site visualise your logs in realtime with:
$ ws --log-format default | logstalgia -
Using SciTe, Notepad++ or other powerful text editor which have file processing routines, so you can create a script that colorizes parts of the log or just delete some non-important lines from it
