Excel Average Delivery Time ETA Timestamp - excel

First full disclosure. Excel is new to me. My boss has given me this task. I've tried to search yadda yadda here I am. :)
I have been given the task over SETTING a NEW ETA for milk DELIVERIES. So I've taken all 700 STOPS in our region and COPY and PASTED ARRIVAL TIMES from every STOP over the LAST 50 DAYS.
I am trying to AVERAGE ETA.
Example: Truck arrives between 11:37 pm and 1:30 am over the last 50 days.
I have 50 exact delivery times and I need an average time that falls in the 11:37 pm to 1:30 am window.
What I've tried.
AutoSum AVERAGE gives a time of 4:30 pm.
Converting all times to decimals.
Formating Custom and choosing [h]:mm:ss
The only way I seem to get a time anywhere near a valuable ETA is to change to military time and change 0:15 to 24:15, 1:15 to 25:15 etc.
While I could manually enter this in 23,000 cells there has to be an easier way.
HELP! =)
Picture of my spreadsheet

I took a shot at this. As you can see, I formatted columns B2, C2 as time hh:mm:ss AM/PM then I simply used AVERAGE formula in D2 as AVERAGE of B2 and C2
Excel seems to be doing the right thing here and I even used multiple columns
and experimented with some times.
Perhaps all that is needed is to format the cells so that the format represents as time AM/PM.


I produce 365 items in one hour and 4000 in 10.95 hour how to set when it will complet by time

Let's say i logged in today 9:00 AM and end up 5:00 PM i have to produce 4000 items i know it will exceed the time because my software will stop working at 5 PM so tomorrow when i start working again what would be date and time of completion work
What i did
bring working hour =SUM(B2-A2)
total complete work=ROUND(D2/C2, 2)
If i understood correctly you can use the simple difference of times and correct formatting for the time cells to get the remaining hours
The Formula in cell C5 is simple =C1-C3
The formatting applied to the cells is as below
10.95 hours is equal to 10 hours and 57 (95% of 60) minutes
You can write 10:57:00 instead of 10.95
To convert the time to again a number you can divide the time by 0.041666667 and set the format to general

How to calculate the hour between two hour times in Excel?

I have an excel sheet with the following in a row as an example:
'10:00 - 16:00'.. Typically it is HOUR - HOUR2.
I am trying to get the total hours based on this. So 10:00 - 16:00 would be 6 hours. 10:00 to 16:30 will probably be 6.5 hours etc.
Is there an possible way to do this in excel with a formula?
I'm ok with it not doing the overly complex ones (Ones with several hour - hour2 in one column) but it would make it easier if it at least did the ones that are simplistic.
With data in A1, in B1 enter:
and then apply a time format to B1 to give hours:minutes. To get numeric hours, use:
You could try:

How do i Subtract a duration from a time in Excel?

I am having an issue with Excel and it’s probably very simple but I need to get a starting time by subtracting a duration from and end time.
For example say I know that an event needs to end at 1:55:23 pm and it will take 0:22:13 what formula would I use to find out what time I should start?
I would like to be able to input the duration in the format h:mm:ss without excel trying to turn it into a time and not a duration as well.
Thank you for any suggestions
You simply subtract them.
For example...
Cell A1 has the end time: 1:55:23 PM
Cell B1 has the duration: 0:22:13 (this is the only 'strange' part because it's actually an AM time, as in minutes after midnight... but if you think about it, that's what you want).
Cell C1 has this formula: =A1-B1
That's it.
NOTE: If your duration is longer than your event start time (for example, a 4-hour event that started at 3:00 in the morning!) then the subtraction would result in a negative time.
A negative time is OK in reality, but Excel will not display it as a formatted time... instead it displays a bunch of ############. In that case, you need to display the calculation as a decimal value, which is the fraction of a day. For example. 0.25 means exactly 6 hours. If you would prefer decimal hours you simply multiply the fractional day figure by 24.

Excel shows 1:30 passed between 12:30 and 13:00

I am trying to get a calculation of h:mm between two different times. I am using this formula
=TEXT(D21+E21, "h:mm")
When the Two cells are 12:00 and 12:30 or 12:00 and 1:00 it shows :30 and 1:00 respectively. When it is between 12:30 and 1:00, it shows 1:30. Note, all times are times of day.
Ultimately I want four cells, Time In, Time Out, Lunch In, and Lunch out, with a timespan showing time minus lunch. I am having trouble getting excel to give my anything close to accurate for nearly any input.
I recommend you don't use TEXT function. As the name implies - the result of TEXT function is a text value, which you might not be able to use in subsequent calculations. It should be sufficient to use just
...then format result cell as [h]:mm
Change it to:
=TEXT(E21-D21, "h:mm")
(changed E2 to E21 to match the original question JMG)
Change it to TEXT(E21-D21, "h:mm") and also use 13:00 instead of 1:00, or add dates. It will fail if E21 is less than D21, and 1:00 is translated as 1AM. If you want to get the difference across days then add date information as well.

Subtract two times of day to get interval length in hours

I am working on creating Time sheet in excel and i have the format like this.
Date Day Time IN Time OUT Lunch Total
8/29/2011 Monday 9.00 18.00 0.45 8.55
I am not able to get correct hours in Total field. Correct value should have been 8.15 and not 8.55.
This is the current formula i am using in to calculate Total.
Can someone please help me get the formula right?
Instead of typing e.g. 9.00 in your cells, type 9:00 (and format your cells as time to make sure they display correctly).
The formula itself is fine, but currently you're just subtracting decimal numbers, and of course the correct result is 8.55.
