Excel shows 1:30 passed between 12:30 and 13:00 - excel

I am trying to get a calculation of h:mm between two different times. I am using this formula
=TEXT(D21+E21, "h:mm")
When the Two cells are 12:00 and 12:30 or 12:00 and 1:00 it shows :30 and 1:00 respectively. When it is between 12:30 and 1:00, it shows 1:30. Note, all times are times of day.
Ultimately I want four cells, Time In, Time Out, Lunch In, and Lunch out, with a timespan showing time minus lunch. I am having trouble getting excel to give my anything close to accurate for nearly any input.

I recommend you don't use TEXT function. As the name implies - the result of TEXT function is a text value, which you might not be able to use in subsequent calculations. It should be sufficient to use just
...then format result cell as [h]:mm

Change it to:
=TEXT(E21-D21, "h:mm")
(changed E2 to E21 to match the original question JMG)

Change it to TEXT(E21-D21, "h:mm") and also use 13:00 instead of 1:00, or add dates. It will fail if E21 is less than D21, and 1:00 is translated as 1AM. If you want to get the difference across days then add date information as well.


Two Separate Ranges of Business Hours (Like Shifts) Between Date Ranges

I've run into a dilemma that I thought I would overcome easily but ended in getting different results.
So I've been using the following formula:
This formula works perfectly, as I've modified it to use NETWORKDAYS.INTL because all workdays are working days, but the working hours are from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM.
My modified code is:
upper = Named Range containing the End Time i.e. 11:00 PM
lower = Named Range containing the Start Time i.e. 8:00 AM
Now the problem is that for a particular month, the working hours in a day change to shifts:
Start Time 1 = 11:00 AM
End Time 1 = 5:00 PM
Start Time 2 = 9:00 PM
End Time 2 = 2:00 AM
Any time outside the above-mentioned times are non-working hours. The TTs we receive CAN be outside working hours, but I will only calculate time duration inside working hours.
What I tried doing was to use the same formula twice on the same date range (first time, upper becomes 5:00 PM and lower becomes 11:00 AM and the result is stored in the cell, the second time, upper becomes 2:00 AM and lower becomes 9:00 PM and the result is stored in a different cell), and then add the two results in separate cells to get the overall working hours between the working hours range.
Alas, I thought it was that simple but what I'm seeing are different results, for both formulas when they're run.
Because if the time is outside of the working range, even for start and end, it should return 0. (I believe I can overcome this by using IF)
The ######## is the field showing the value in negative. Since I'm formatting all cells to [h]:mm
Anyone who can help me in this regard?
Since your Upper 2 time is next day, you need to enter it as such.
The underlying value of 2:00 AM is 0.083333333. To make it next day, enter it as 1.083333333. You can stil format it as 2:00 AM if you wish, it's the underlying value your formula is using.
Some examples, with your formula unchanged (other than including Upper/Lower 1 and 2)

Excel IF AND formula between two times

I would like to have a formula which will tell me if a time in a cell is between 2 separate vlaues in other cells and to return a value if so.
I have already created the below code but this is not returning any values back at all.
=IF(AND(F4>=$R$1,F4<P1),"Night Shift",IF(AND(F4>=$P$1,F4<$Q$1),"AM Shift",IF(AND(F4>=$Q$1,F4<$R$1),"PM Shift","")))
In this example the cell values are (P1 = 06:00, Q1 = 14:00, R1 = 22:00). The value in the F4 is 00:31:38.
Any help would be appreciated.
Your first AND needs to adjust a little.
Excel sees TIME as a fraction of 1 whole day. So 00:31:38 though you meant it to be the next day from 22:00, Excel does not know that and as such will not see it greater than 22:00
We also do not need to test for the Night Shift. It is the only option left if the time is not in one of the others:
=IF(F4<>"",IF(AND(F4>=$P$1,F4<$Q$1),"AM Shift",IF(AND(F4>=$Q$1,F4<$R$1),"PM Shift","Night Shift")),"")
You could also create a small table like such:
0 6:00 14:00 22:00
Night Shift AM Shift PM Shift Night Shift
Then use a HLOOKUP to return the correct value:
I took a slightly different path that Scotts.
A Night Shift occurs if the time is greater or equal to 10PM, OR is less than 6AM.
An AM Shift occurs when the time is greater or equal to 6AM, AND is less than 2PM.
A PM Shift occurs when the time is greater or equal to 2PM, AND is less than 10PM.
Stick the three conditions together and you have:
=IF(OR($F$4<$P$1,$F$4>=$R$1),"Night Shift",IF(AND($F$4>=$P$1,$F$4<$Q$1),"AM Shift",IF(AND($F$4>=$Q$1,$F$4<$R$1),"PM Shift","")))
During testing I entered 00:00:00 in A1 and =A1+TIMEVALUE("00:01:00") in A2:A1440.
At 06:00:00, 14:00:00 and 22:00:00 the changeover in shift happened a minute later.
If, however, I manually typed in 06:00:00 the changeover happened on the hour. This seems to be because TIMEVALUE is calculating 6AM as 0.2499999 rather than 0.25.
I know a bit late but simplifies everything without the need of using other cells (note there are different times used).
Night - 23-07
AM - 07-15
PM - 15-23

Excel Categorize Times of day

I am trying to create an excel function that categorizes the time of day.
I have a column of DateTimes, Format: 3/3/2017 13:30 (but can change the format if needed). I need a second column declaring "ON" for the hours 9 pm to 5 am, "AM" for 5 am to 9 am, "BH" for 9 am to 5 pm, and "PM" for the hours 5 pm to 9 pm. I need weekends too but I figure I can pull those manually.
Result would look like (where I have column 1 and need to calculate column 2):
DateTime Time period
3/3/2017 13:30 BH
3/3/2017 17:30 PM
3/4/2017 3:30 ON
3/5/2017 5:30 AM
Make a table with the lower time and expected out put:
Then a simple VLOOKUP:
We can save a few characters by only testing one end of each range. Once we have tested a value for less than 5 am, we no longer need to test to see if it is greater than 5 am. (The AND( statements aren't necessary.)
If you want to detect weekends, wrap the whole thing in a weekend test. Two methods presented:
The better approach, suggested by #ScottCraner in the comments:
=IF(weekday(a1,2)>5,"WEEKEND","THE WHOLE THING")
The first argument for weekday( is obviously the date we are testing. The second forces Monday to be the first day of the week, which leaves Sat & Sun as the last two.
Combined with the rest, we would get:
An unnecessarily long, and somewhat fragile approach (breaks in non-English)
This works because TEXT(A1,"ddd") formats the date as the three-letter day of week. In English, at least, both weekend days starts with an "S", and we use left( to grab that first letter.
Together, it would end up looking like:
Just to show a different way:
This is an array formula and must be confirmed with ctrl+shift+enter.
Can be extended as you like without getting in trouble of the bracket-limit.
Also like the Scott's answer: this works with times like 17:43. ;)
A little long, but works:

Excel Average Delivery Time ETA Timestamp

First full disclosure. Excel is new to me. My boss has given me this task. I've tried to search yadda yadda here I am. :)
I have been given the task over SETTING a NEW ETA for milk DELIVERIES. So I've taken all 700 STOPS in our region and COPY and PASTED ARRIVAL TIMES from every STOP over the LAST 50 DAYS.
I am trying to AVERAGE ETA.
Example: Truck arrives between 11:37 pm and 1:30 am over the last 50 days.
I have 50 exact delivery times and I need an average time that falls in the 11:37 pm to 1:30 am window.
What I've tried.
AutoSum AVERAGE gives a time of 4:30 pm.
Converting all times to decimals.
Formating Custom and choosing [h]:mm:ss
The only way I seem to get a time anywhere near a valuable ETA is to change to military time and change 0:15 to 24:15, 1:15 to 25:15 etc.
While I could manually enter this in 23,000 cells there has to be an easier way.
HELP! =)
Picture of my spreadsheet
I took a shot at this. As you can see, I formatted columns B2, C2 as time hh:mm:ss AM/PM then I simply used AVERAGE formula in D2 as AVERAGE of B2 and C2
Excel seems to be doing the right thing here and I even used multiple columns
and experimented with some times.
Perhaps all that is needed is to format the cells so that the format represents as time AM/PM.

Round Excel Time Difference to Next 15 Minute Interval

I have a start time and an End Time in Excel:
Start Time
9:15 PM
End Time 9:30 PM
Time Spent 0:15
I'm looking to round up to the next 15 minute increment, and are using the formula:
However, this rounds up the example data above from 0:15 to 0:30 (It should stay at 0:15 because it's a quarter hour already)
How to I avoid the rounding if the time difference is ALREADY on a quarter hour?
I would normally expect the original formula to work. When I test in Excel 2007 with manually input time values that are always whole minutes the original formula with ROUNDUP, brettdj's formula and the following formula:
.....all give me the same results
....but if the times are derived from some sort of formula calculation then excel floating point arithmetic can cause very small rounding errors so that 0:15 is deemed to be very marginally above that value (although it would still display as 0:15:00.000) and is therefore rounded up to 0:30.
Because brettdj's suggestion only looks at hours and minutes that problem is avoided but it will round 0:15:59 to 0:15 too, so this approach might be preferable
That rounds the original time to the nearest second with MROUND (thus dealing with any floating point errors) and then rounds up to the next quarter hour
Edit: if you are using a formula to get the A1 time value it might be worth incorporating some rounding within that formula, e.g. wrap formula in MROUND like this to round to the nearest second
It may look like that does nothing in terms of changing the formula results but that will potentially avoid any further floating point issues with any other calculations you might need to do.....and then your original formula with ROUNDUP should work......
You could use
which converts a time in A1 of
- 9:15 PM to 9:15 PM
- 9:16 PM to 9:30 PM
