Subtract two times of day to get interval length in hours - excel

I am working on creating Time sheet in excel and i have the format like this.
Date Day Time IN Time OUT Lunch Total
8/29/2011 Monday 9.00 18.00 0.45 8.55
I am not able to get correct hours in Total field. Correct value should have been 8.15 and not 8.55.
This is the current formula i am using in to calculate Total.
Can someone please help me get the formula right?

Instead of typing e.g. 9.00 in your cells, type 9:00 (and format your cells as time to make sure they display correctly).
The formula itself is fine, but currently you're just subtracting decimal numbers, and of course the correct result is 8.55.


Extract the hour from the h" hour(s) and "m" minute(s)" in excel

I have the list of data that showing the Hours and the Minutes that I extract from the system. I need to be extract the hours.
As example below, column B first row, the Hours would be 64 and the minutes would be 46.
But when I used the formula =Hour , its turn up the different value since its actually decimal number.
Cannot use left() , it will give the actual decimal number.
We tried the #harun24HR 's but cannot readable the value.
But if you noticed, if i copy and paste the value is different. thats why the search not applicable.
4th Update:
To Solar Mike, I have tried the formula given from the thread the i think the value not readable
It's a time value which Excel stores as calculated value based on 24 hours = 1.
To retrieve the hours only you can use:
To retrieve the minutes only you can use:
Your time value is already a number in time format so you just need it to change it to decimal system. Dates and time values are numbers. Even if you see it as 30/09/2019 or 12:00:00, actually, for Excel, both cases are numbers.
First date Excel can recognize properly is 01/01/1900 which integer numeric value is 1. Number 2 would be 02/01/1900 and so on. Actually, today is 44659.
Now, about your data, you posted this screenshoot:
So the value is numeric, not text/string. In Excel, what you see is not always what you have. Probably that column has been formatted using custom mask. My fake data is like this:
The numeric value is 02/01/1900 16:46:36 (or 02/01/1900 4:46:36 PM it depends on your regional settings) but I've applied a custom format like this:
[hh]" hours" mm " minutes"
So what I have is a number but what I see is a text!
We have to work with the number (to be honest, ist's easier to work with numbers), so to extract the total hours, minutes and seconds.
Formula in B1: =INT(A1*24) total hours
Formula in C1: =INT(A1*24*60-B1*60) total minutes
Formula in D1: =A1*24*60*60-B1*60*60-C1*60 total seconds
This should guide you on whatever are you trying to achieve.
From your current sample data you try-
For hour =LEFT(A2,SEARCH(" ",A2)-1)
For minutes =RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2," minutes",""),2)

Excel Average Delivery Time ETA Timestamp

First full disclosure. Excel is new to me. My boss has given me this task. I've tried to search yadda yadda here I am. :)
I have been given the task over SETTING a NEW ETA for milk DELIVERIES. So I've taken all 700 STOPS in our region and COPY and PASTED ARRIVAL TIMES from every STOP over the LAST 50 DAYS.
I am trying to AVERAGE ETA.
Example: Truck arrives between 11:37 pm and 1:30 am over the last 50 days.
I have 50 exact delivery times and I need an average time that falls in the 11:37 pm to 1:30 am window.
What I've tried.
AutoSum AVERAGE gives a time of 4:30 pm.
Converting all times to decimals.
Formating Custom and choosing [h]:mm:ss
The only way I seem to get a time anywhere near a valuable ETA is to change to military time and change 0:15 to 24:15, 1:15 to 25:15 etc.
While I could manually enter this in 23,000 cells there has to be an easier way.
HELP! =)
Picture of my spreadsheet
I took a shot at this. As you can see, I formatted columns B2, C2 as time hh:mm:ss AM/PM then I simply used AVERAGE formula in D2 as AVERAGE of B2 and C2
Excel seems to be doing the right thing here and I even used multiple columns
and experimented with some times.
Perhaps all that is needed is to format the cells so that the format represents as time AM/PM.

How can I extract the hour part from a duration value in Excel?

How can I convert duration in excel to text ? I am having 1037:00:00 in a cell, which is the sum of certain durations. I want to extract 1037 alone. Excel returns "hours" when I try to extract with MID or use TEXT function.
If it is really the sum of some durations you can get the amount of hours by multiplying the cell by 24. The internal representation of a date or time cell is the number of days since beginning of the year 1900, so you have to multiply it by 24 to get the number of hours. (The year 1900 is not interesting for you as you just want a time span.) The Hour function does not work here because you get the day hour which is 5 in this case.
Be sure to format your target cell as regular number.
lets assume your cell with 1037:00:00 is in cell L40. You can use the following formula to pull the hours.
Note this will only pull full hours rounded down. It does not take into account minutes or seconds.
This alternative is what Fratyx explained in his answer.

Formula to get the worked hours from time A to time B where B is past midnight

I'm using Excel to write down my shifts and get a total of worked hours per day and per week.
I structured it this way:
Everything seemed to work fine until I finished to work at 12.30 am. The result with my formula was -17 hours instead of 7. How can I fix my formula so that it displays a correct amount? I'm using the following formula and I want the result to be displayed in number format, not time.
What formula can I use?
Excel treats days as 1 for every day past Dec 31, 1899. Today happens to be 42,217. Time is nothing more than a decimal portion of a day. Today at noon was 42,217.5 and tomorrow at 03:00 will be 42,218.125.
Excel also treats boolean (e.g. TRUE/FALSE) values as either 1 or 0 when used in a mathematical equation. e.g. 0.5 + TRUE = 1.5 while 0.5 + FALSE = 0.5.
Test to see if the minuend is less than the subtrahend and if it is, add 1 to it using the result of the test itself.
Finally, it should be mentioned that while you can subtract a larger time from a smaller time to receive a negative decimal value, the negative value cannot be interpreted as time since Excel does not recognize negative time. If you were not multiplying by 24 to retrieve the hours as integers and simply subtracting B11 from C11 the cell would be filled with hashmarks (e.g. ############) to show the error. e.g. 08:00 - 10:00 = (as time) #######.

Elapsed Days Hours Minutes Excluding Weekends and Holidays Time

This sounds simple but I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure out a solution. Any help before I go bald would be great.
I need a formula which is able to
calculate the duration in (days, hrs, mins) between two date\time values (eg 05/12/2012 5:30 PM and say 07/12/2012 5:45 PM);
excluding weekends and holidays.
I would like the result of the formula to read as follows "e.g 2 Days 0 Hrs and 15 Mins".
Link to sample workbook
You can use NETWORKDAYS and NETWORKDAYS.INTL to achieve this
A bit of manipulation is required as these return net whole days:
Use these functions to calculate the number of non workdays, then subtract from the difference between start and end dates
This returns the working day difference, where 1.0 = 1 day
NETWORKDAYS.INTL(D3,E3,"0000000") calculates whole days between the two dates (no weekends, no holidays)
NETWORKDAYS(D3,E3,"0000000",$A$16:$A$24) calculates whole working days days between the two dates (Sat/Sun weekends, holidays as per your list in $A$16:$A$24)
Difference in non-working days between the two dates.
E3-D3 is time between start and end date/times (1.0 = 1 day)
Use custom number formatting to display thye result in the format you require
d "Days" h "Hours" mm "Mins"
Note: this format won't work for negative values, you will need an alternative for when end date is before start date.
The following formula works like a treat with no additional formatting or manipulation.
To make it more stable I have turned all the holiday dates for UK 2012/13 into ‘Excel Serial Number’ format and placed them in an array bracket.
Replacing the "D5" in the formula with your cell reference for your course or metric "End Date" and "E5" with your course or Metric for "Completion Date".
=IF(E5<D5,"-"&TEXT(D5-E5,"h:mm"),NETWORKDAYS(D5,E5,({40910,41005,41008,41036,41064,41065,41148,41268,41269,41275,41362,41365,41400,41421,41512,41633,41634}))-1-(MOD(E5,1)<MOD(D5,1))&" days "&TEXT(E5-D5,"h:mm"))
