how to send a no-reply email using SendGrid and nodemailer - node.js

am using sendgrid and nodemailer transporter to send emails to users, is there I way for me to turn the no-reply policy to the email am sending? I don't want users to be able to reply to the mail sent to them.
can I set to-reply field in nodemailer to null?
and can nodemailer and sendgrid help me achieve that, or do I need to use another package?


Nodemailer is not sending the email

I am using Nodemailer to send the email to user. But the user is not receiving the email. And I am using etheral mail in Nodemailer. It shows that(In Provided Image) the email is successfully sent but the user is not receiving the email in his Account . I have tried with with gmail, outlook mail as well as with temp mail but the email wasn't received in any of them.
Image showing the sended mails

Using Intercom Email feature to send a verification email

I can send a email using outbound -> email feature in the intercom dashboard. I would like to know if I can use that as a api so when user finish complete a signup form it will send an email from that data. is it doable with nodejs? an help would be greatfull.

Nodemailer gmail copy

I am using nodemailer to send email using gmail, the email as send, but it store in on gmail account.
Any parameter on nodemailer to disable storage copy on send email?
If you're using a gmail smtp service this situation is not preventable. You have only 2 workarounds, first is to use another service (obviously) or use a filter from gmail side to delete mail from a specific field. The below reference is quite old but still valid.
Reference :!msg/gmail/reIlN3wHNYw/cznTPjdAa4IJ
On how to create a filter :

how to use email channel in microsoft bot builder

Currently i am using slack channel with bot builder.
I want to use email channel, is there any sample code for this.
What is effective way to send email from bot to avoid spam
I am using node js
There's no extra code needed for the email channel. Your bot will reply to the body of an email it receives. You can add things like channel specific code if you like. Right now only office 365 emails will work, please read the documentation here
The bot will reply to an email sent to the registered email address with an email where the body is the same message that you would see as a response in other channels like slack, emulator, etc

Amazon SES vs Node Mailer

With nodemailer npm, I am able to send email notifications. Found Amazon SES, another transport facility for email notifications. I can push messages using nodemailer and SMTP or can use AWS-SES as transport facility. In both the cases, I am pushing messages from my system.What is advantage of using Amazon SES over nodemailer.
NodeMailer is a utility by using which you can send email but they will not provide the email facility itself.
but AWS SES is a service(SMTP) by which you can send the emails.
You can use Nodemailer with AWS SES.
Amazon SES is like a email service. You can also use Outlook 365 as a email service. NodeMailer is just a utility to send emails.
Amazon SES has its own API. You could use NodeMailer like utility and configure it with Amazon SES API's to send emails.
NodeMailer requires Node.js while AWS has multi-language API.
