Building data with logic - haskell

I have a data type like this:
data FooBar =
FooBar { foo :: Double
, bar :: Double
, ter :: Double
-- hypothetical builder with some random logic
mkFooBar :: Double -> Double -> FooBar
mkFooBar a b
| a < 5 = FooBar a b (a + b)
| a > 100 = FooBar a b (a * b)
| otherwise = FooBar (a ^ 2) (b ^ 2) ((a + b) ^2)
and some predefined values used around the program like:
fBLess5 = mkFooBar 1 200
fBMore100 = mkFooBar 200 200
fBSquared = mkFooBar 50 200
-- and so on
Is it ok building predefined values like that in Haskell? If fBLess5 is used N-times around the program, it will be built N-times if it is written in that way?

This will work. By binding the value to a name, you ensure that it is only evaluated (at most) once and then shared, no matter how often you use it.
(There is an exception, though:
foo :: (Num a) => a
foo = 42
This apparent constant is polymorphic and will be recomputed at each use (it's really fromInteger (42 :: Integer)). But that doesn't apply to your code, which is all monomorphic.)


How do I declare that my attributes belong to some type class in a record?

I want to say that my record attributes have to belong to a type class so they are not constrained to a specific type within that type class. My code example of what I want to do:
data Complex = Complex {
real :: Num a => a,
imag :: Num b => b
Is this possible, if so, how?
Typically, you would parameterize the type itself
data Complex a b = Complex { real :: a, image :: b }
or more likely
data Complex a = Complex { real :: a, image :: a }
and put the constraints on any function that uses the type:
foo :: Num a => Complex a -> a
foo c = 3 * real c - 5 * imag c
bar :: Num a => Complex a -> Complex a
bar (Complex r i) = Complex (3 * r) (negate (5 * i))

data type with a default field and that needs a function that works with it

Say, I have a data type
data FooBar a = Foo String Char [a]
| Bar String Int [a]
I need to create values of this type and give empty list as the second field:
Foo "hello" 'a' []
Bar "world" 1 []
1) I do this everywhere in my code and I think it would be nice if I could omit the empty list part somehow and have the empty list assigned implicitly. Is this possible? Something similar to default function arguments in other languages.
2) Because of this [] "default" value, I often need to have a partial constructor application that results in a function that takes the first two values:
mkFoo x y = Foo x y []
mkBar x y = Bar x y []
Is there a "better" (more idiomatic, etc) way to do it? to avoid defining new functions?
3) I need a way to add things to the list:
add (Foo u v xs) x = Foo u v (x:xs)
add (Bar u v xs) x = Bar u v (x:xs)
Is this how it is done idiomatically? Just a general purpose function?
As you see I am a beginner, so maybe these questions make little sense. Hope not.
I'll address your questions one by one.
Default arguments do not exist in Haskell. They are simply not worth the added complexity and loss of compositionally. Being a functional language, you do a lot more function manipulation in Haskell, so funkiness like default arguments would be tough to handle.
One thing I didn't realize when I started Haskell is that data constructors are functions just like everything else. In your example,
Foo :: String -> Char -> [a] -> FooBar a
Thus you can write functions for filling in various arguments of other functions, and then those functions will work with Foo or Bar or whatever.
fill1 :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
fill1 a f = f a
--Note that fill1 = flip ($)
fill2 :: b -> (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> c)
--Equivalently, fill2 :: b -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> c
fill2 b f = \a -> f a b
fill3 :: c -> (a -> b -> c -> d) -> (a -> b -> d)
fill3 c f = \a b -> f a b c
fill3Empty :: (a -> b -> [c] -> d) -> (a -> b -> d)
fill3Empty f = fill3 [] f
--Now, we can write
> fill3Empty Foo x y
Foo x y []
The lens package provides elegant solutions to questions like this. However, you can tell at a glance that this package is enormously complicated. Here is the net result of how you would call the lens package:
_list :: Lens (FooBar a) (FooBar b) [a] [b]
_list = lens getter setter
where getter (Foo _ _ as) = as
getter (Bar _ _ as) = as
setter (Foo s c _) bs = Foo s c bs
setter (Bar s i _) bs = Bar s i bs
Now we can do
> over _list (3:) (Foo "ab" 'c' [2,1])
Foo "ab" 'c' [3,2,1]
Some explanation: the lens function produces a Lens type when given a getter and a setter for some type. Lens s t a b is a type that says "s holds an a and t holds a b. Thus, if you give me a function a -> b, I can give you a function s -> t". That is exactly what over does: you provide it a lens and a function (in our case, (3:) was a function that adds 3 to the front of a List) and it applies the function "where the lens indicates". This is very similar to a functor, however, we have significantly more freedom (in this example, the functor instance would be obligated to change every element of the lists, not operate on the lists themselves).
Note that our new _list lens is very generic: it works equally well over Foo and Bar and the lens package provides many functions other than over for doing magical things.
The idiomatic thing is to take those parameters of a function or constructor that you commonly want to partially apply, and move them toward the beginning:
data FooBar a = Foo [a] String Char
| Bar [a] String Int
foo :: String -> Char -> FooBar a
foo = Foo []
bar :: String -> Int -> FooBar a
bar = Bar []
Similarly, reordering the parameters to add lets you partially apply add to get functions of type FooBar a -> FooBar a, which can be easily composed:
add :: a -> FooBar a -> FooBar a
add x (Foo xs u v) = Foo (x:xs) u v
add123 :: FooBar Int -> FooBar Int
add123 = add 1 . add 2 . add 3
add123 (foo "bar" 42) == Foo [1, 2, 3] "bar" 42
(2) and (3) are perfectly normal and idiomatic ways of doing such things. About (2) in particular, one expression you will occasionally hear is "smart constructor". That just means a function like your mkFoo/mkBar that produces a FooBar a (or a Maybe (FooBar a) etc.) with some extra logic to ensure only reasonable values can be constructed.
Here are some additional tricks that might (or might not!) make sense, depending on what you are trying to do with FooBar.
If you use Foo values and Barvalues in similar ways most of the time (i.e. the difference between having the Char field and the Int one is a minor detail), it makes sense to factor out the similarities and use a single constructor:
data FooBar a = FooBar String FooBarTag [a]
data FooBarTag = Foo Char | Bar Int
Beyond avoiding case analysis when you don't care about the FooBarTag, that allows you to safely use record syntax (records and types with multiple constructors do not mix well).
data FooBar a = FooBar
{ fooBarName :: String
, fooBarTag :: FooBarTag
, fooBarList :: [a]
Records allow you to use the fields without having to pattern match the whole thing.
If there are sensible defaults for all fields in a FooBar, you can go one step beyond mkFoo-like constructors and define a default value.
defaultFooBar :: FooBar a
defaultFooBar = FooBar
{ fooBarName = ""
, fooBarTag = Bar 0
, fooBarList = []
You don't need records to use a default, but they allow overriding default fields conveniently.
myFooBar = defaultFooBar
{ fooBarTag = Foo 'x'
If you ever get tired of typing long names for the defaults over and over, consider the data-default package:
instance Default (FooBar a) where
def = defaultFooBar
myFooBar = def { fooBarTag = Foo 'x' }
Do note that a significant number of people do not like the Default class, and not without reason. Still, for types which are very specific to your application (e.g. configuration settings) Default is perfectly fine IMO.
Finally, updating record fields can be messy. If you end up annoyed by that, you will find lens very useful. Note that it is a big library, and it might be a little overwhelming to a beginner, so take a deep breath beforehand. Here is a small sample:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} -- At the top of the file. Needed for makeLenses.
import Control.Lens
-- Note the underscores.
-- If you are going to use lenses, it is sensible not to export the field names.
data FooBar a = FooBar
{ _fooBarName :: String
, _fooBarTag :: FooBarTag
, _fooBarList :: [a]
makeLenses ''FooBar -- Defines lenses for the fields automatically.
defaultFooBar :: FooBar a
defaultFooBar = FooBar
{ _fooBarName = ""
, _fooBarTag = Bar 0
, _fooBarList = []
-- Using a lens (fooBarTag) to set a field without record syntax.
-- Note the lack of underscores in the name of the lens.
myFooBar = set fooBarTag (Foo 'x') defaultFooBar
-- Using a lens to access a field.
myTag = view fooBarTag myFooBar -- Results in Foo 'x'
-- Using a lens (fooBarList) to modify a field.
add :: a -> FooBar a -> FooBar a
add x fb = over fooBarList (x :) fb
-- set, view and over have operator equivalents, (.~). (^.) and (%~) respectively.
-- Note that (^.) is flipped with respect to view.
Here is a gentle introduction to lens which focuses on aspects I have not demonstrated here, specially in how nicely lenses can be composed.

Omitting constructor arguments in Haskell case statements

Omitting function arguments is a nice tool for concise Haskell code.
h :: String -> Int
h = (4 +) . length
What about omitting data constructor arguments in case statements. The following code might be considered a little grungy, where s and i are the final arguments in A and B but are repeated as the final arguments in the body of each case match.
f :: Foo -> Int
f = \case
A s -> 4 + length s
B i -> 2 + id i
Is there a way to omit such arguments in case pattern matching? For constructors with a large number of arguments, this would radically shorten code width. E.g. the following pseudo code.
g :: Foo -> Int
g = \case
{- match `A` constructor -> function application to A's arguments -}
A -> (4 +) . length
{- match `B` constructor -> function application to B's arguments -}
B -> (2 +) . id
The GHC extension RecordWildCards lets you concisely bring all the fields of a constructor into scope (of course, this requires you to give names to those fields).
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RecordWildCards #-}
data Foo = Foo {field1, field2 :: Int} | Bar {field1 :: Int}
baz = \case
Foo{..} -> 4 + field2
Bar{..} -> 2 + field1
-- plus it also "sucks in" fields from a scope
mkBar400 = let field1 = 400 in Bar{..}
You can always refactor case statements on constructors into a single function so that from then on you only pass your concise function definitions as arguments to these specific functions. Allow me to illustrate.
Consider the Maybe a datatype:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
Should you now need to define a function f :: Maybe a -> b (for some fixed b and perhaps also a), instead of writing it like
f Nothing = this
f (Just x) = that x
you could start by first defining a function
maybe f _ Nothing = f
maybe _ g (Just x) = g x
and then f can by defined as maybe this that. Pretty much as what happens with all the familiar recursion patterns.
This way you're effectively refactoring out case statements. The code gets arguably cleaner and it does not require language extensions.

Functional dependency: Two types determining third type

Why doesn't this code work:
class Foo a b c | a b -> c where
foo :: a -> b -> c
instance Foo Int Int Int where
foo a b = a + b
ghci > foo 4 4 -- This produces run time error
And by using functional dependency, why the following code produces compile time error:
instance Foo Float Float Int where
foo a b = a + b
I know that the above instance is an crazy example, but isn't the aim of functional dependency to help the type checker in resolving these issues ?
Actually it did resolve the ambiguity. The problem is that 4 :: Num a => a so GHC can't decide that you want to use foo :: Int -> Int -> Int. Now if instead you did
foo (4 :: Int) (4 :: Int)
> 8
Since now it is clear which instance we want to use. To make this clearer, suppose we had
class Foo a b c | a -> b, a -> c where
Now we could do
foo (4 :: Int) 4
> 8
since once GHC has filled in all the type variables not on the right side of an ->, it can fill in the rest.
instance Foo Float Float Int where
foo a b = a + b
This is a error even without the functional dependency. If a and b are Float, then a + b is a Float, not an Int.

Challenged by types

The problem:
Currently I have a type WorkConfig, which looks like this
data WorkConfig = PhaseZero_wc BuildConfig
| PhaseOne_wc BuildConfig Filename (Maybe XMLFilepath)
| PhaseTwo_wc String
| SoulSucker_wc String
| ImageInjector_wc String
| ESX_wc String
| XVA_wc String
| VNX_wc String
| HyperV_wc String
| Finish_wc String
deriving Show
(I'm using String from PhaseTwo_wc on as a placeholder for what will actually be used)
I have a function updateConfig that takes a WorkConfig as one of it's parameters.
The problem is that I want to be able to enforce which constructor is used.
For example in the function phaseOne I want to be able to guarantee that when updateConfig is invoked, only the PhaseTwo_wc constructor can be used.
In order to use a type class for this enforcement, I would have to make separate data constructors, for example:
data PhaseOne_wc = PhaseOne_wc BuildConfig Filename (Maybe XMLFilepath)
If I go this route, I have another problem to solve. I have other data types that have WorkConfig as a value, what would I do to address this? For example,
type ConfigTracker = TMVar (Map CurrentPhase WorkConfig)
How can I use the type system for the enforcement I would like, while keeping in mind what I mentioned above?
ConfigTracker would have to be able to know which data type I wanted.
* Clarification:
I'm looking to restrict which WorkConfig that updateConfig may take as a parameter.
Your question was a little vague, so I will answer in the general.
If you have a type of the form:
data MyType a b c d e f g = C1 a b | C2 c | C3 e f g
... and you want some function f that works on all three constructors:
f :: MyType a b c d e f g -> ...
... but you want some function g that works on just the last constructor, then you have two choices.
The first option is to create a second type embedded within C3:
data SecondType e f g = C4 e f g
... and then embed that within the original C3 constructor:
data MyType a b c d e f g = C1 a b | C2 c | C3 (SecondType e f g)
... and make g a function of SecondType:
g :: SecondType e f g -> ...
This only slightly complicates the code for f as you will have to first unpack C3 to access the C4 constructor.
The second solution is that you just make g a function of the values stored in the C3 constructor:
g :: e -> f -> g -> ...
This requires no modification to f or the MyType type.
To be more concrete and drive the discussion, how close does this GADT & Existential code get to what you want?
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures, DeriveDataTypeable, ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Maybe
data Phase0 deriving(Typeable)
data Phase1 deriving(Typeable)
data Phase2 deriving(Typeable)
data WC :: * -> * where
Phase0_ :: Int -> WC Phase0
Phase1_ :: Bool -> WC Phase1
deriving (Typeable)
deriving instance Show (WC a)
data Some = forall a. Typeable a => Some (WC a)
deriving instance Show Some
things :: [Some]
things = [ Some (Phase0_ 6) , Some (Phase1_ True) ]
do'phase0 :: WC Phase0 -> WC Phase1
do'phase0 (Phase0_ i) = Phase1_ (even i)
-- Simplify by using TypeRep of the Phase* types as key
type M = Map.Map TypeRep Some
updateConfig :: forall a. Typeable a => WC a -> M -> M
updateConfig wc m = Map.insert key (Some wc) m
where key = typeOf (undefined :: a)
getConfig :: forall a. Typeable a => M -> Maybe (WC a)
getConfig m = case Map.lookup key m of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Some wc) -> cast wc
where key = typeOf (undefined :: a)
-- Specialization of updateConfig restricted to taking Phase0
updateConfig_0 :: WC Phase0 -> M -> M
updateConfig_0 = updateConfig
-- Example of processing from Phase0 to Phase1
process_0_1 :: WC Phase0 -> WC Phase1
process_0_1 (Phase0_ i) = (Phase1_ (even i))
main = do
print things
let p0 = Phase0_ 6
m1 = updateConfig p0 Map.empty
m2 = updateConfig (process_0_1 p0) m1
print m2
print (getConfig m2 :: Maybe (WC Phase0))
print (getConfig m2 :: Maybe (WC Phase1))
print (getConfig m2 :: Maybe (WC Phase2))
Sorry, this is more of an extended comment than an answer. I'm a little confused. It sounds like you have some functions like
phaseOne = ...
... (updateConfig ...) ...
phaseTwo = ...
... (updateConfig ...) ...
and you're trying to make sure that eg, inside the definition of phaseOne, this never appears:
phaseOne = ...
... (updateConfig $ PhaseTwo_wc ...) ...
But now I ask you: is updateConfig a pure (non-monadic) function? Because if it is, than phaseOne can easily be perfectly correct and still invoke updateConfig with a PhaseTwo_wc; ie it could just throw away the result (and even if it's monadic too):
phaseOne = ...
... (updateConfig $ PhaseTwo_wc ...) `seq` ...
In other words, I'm wondering if the constraint you're trying to enforce is really the actual property you are looking for?
But now, if we're thinking of monads, there is a common pattern that what you describe is sort of like: making "special" monads that limit the kind of actions that can be performed; eg
data PhaseOneMonad a = PhaseOnePure a | PhaseOneUpdate BuildConfig Filename (Maybe XMLFilepath) a
instance Monad PhaseOneMonad where ...
Is this maybe what you're getting at? Note also that PhaseOneUpdate doesn't take a WorkConfig; it just takes the constructor parameters it is interested in. This is another common pattern: you can't constrain which constructor is used, but you can just take the arguments directly.
Hm... still not sure though.
