Connecting to a mongoDB with a TCP prefix on a NodeJS application - node.js

I created a NodeJS app that connects with a MongoDB and it seems to work locally.
Now, after hosting the NodeJS application on a remote machine, I am trying to connect to a mongoDB that was already created on that machine. When I print out some of the environment variables, the only one I see of relevance seems to be :
MONGODB_PORT: 'tcp://',
I tried connecting like I usually do with
and replacing it with mongoose.connect('tcp://') but I get an error that says my URI needs to start with 'mongodb'.
So I tried replacing it with mongoose.connect('mongodb://') and it no longer throws any error. But on the MongoDB side I don't see any new connections happening and my app does not start up on the machine. What should I be putting in the URI?

Your URI should indeed start with mongodb:
See this page for more information:
Did you try to connect to the database from cli? Or Telnet to see that connection isn't blocked.


Procedure for creating a database locally using mongodb

I've connected to mLab using MongoClient.connect, but now I want to create a local database rather than use mLab. I've tried changing the URL to "mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb" to create a database locally as suggested, but I'm getting a failed to connect to server error. Is there anything I should install? Or am I just missing something?
First, install your mongoDB server:
After that, you should be able to start your local mongodb server:
sudo service mongod start //in case of linux
Here the docs to start the mongodb server
Then, you will type mongo and the client command line will start.
And when typing use yourDatabase, mongo will create the database if
it does not exist.
Then, your server will be up, and the database created. Anyway, check the docs if you need the guides for windows or other systems.
First you need to understand how server works and mlab works. mLab is a company who provide database as a services. Means you no need to handle server hurdles, they take care server , backups , infrastructure etc. They provide mongodb server , You just need to create database on mongodb server's and use them.
Now comes to main points.
If you want use mongodb on your local system then you first need to install mongodb on your local system and then connect it.

database settings in reactioncommerce

I installed reactioncommerce and I would like to access the database settings to check the name that the installation created in my mongodb server. I checked the information on the website but I cannot find any details about it.
in mongodb: when I use "show dbs" in mongo I cannot see any new db in my server. on the other hand, the demo application is running on port localhost:3000.
any guidance appreciated.
well it seems the mongodb for meteor always runs at one port above the meteor port. So by default the db is running at 3001. While you can have Meteor running you can also run meteor mongo and get a db console that way.

Setup MongoDB to be reachable from remote application

I have a web server that runs MongoDB. It will save some data that I need a second application installed in a different computer to be able to query on. The server with MongoDB is an Ubuntu, it will use Meteor (currently I'm just doing some tests, so I only have the MongoDB installed) and the other application is a NodeJS script with MongooseJS.
What should I do to setup that instance of MongoDB to be reachable from remote applications?
I'm actually finding it quite hard to understand and find information on the web. I tried
var connection =;
But it's throwing an error Failed to connect to.... :27017
The host is a virtual machine on Koding that I set up to run these tests. How can I make sure Mongo is accessible and how can I ping it to see if the mongo is responding my requests?
By default MongoDB is restricted to allow connections only from .
The configuration file of mongo is placed in /etc/mongod.conf. In that file you can find the following two lines:
# Listen to local interface only. Comment out to listen on all interfaces.
bind_ip =
Follow the instructions and go on commenting the bind_ip line (use the # symbol). Restart MongoDB and try again.
Make sure that you can reach your server to port 27017 (is the port that MongoDB uses). You'll have to allow it in your server if you have something like iptables or allow it in any firewall you may have.

I want to connect openshift mongodb database from my local client tools

I have my premium openshift account
I have all types of access in openshift
I have ssh key & user's credentials
I have MongoVUE & Robomongo & others client tools to open mongodb database.
when I try to open any local mongodb database then its working fine
but I want to directly connect my mongodb database of openshift server to mongoVUE or any else
so I can see which data is in my server database.
I have tried so many times to connect locally but it can connect to openshift but can not connect with mongodb database so please provide some good & exact steps so I can connect it.
I use mongovue also. Just do a
'rhc port-forward '
Then run mongovue using the Mongodb credentials that OPENSHIFT gave you.
rhc port-forward <app-name>
Wait a couple of seconds. You then should see something like this.
Then run Mongovue. Add a connection and enter in your Openshift Mongodb credentials like this:
Save, Select your connection, and press connect. It should work.
You should have been given you mongodb credentials when you added the mongodb cartridge. You can also ssh into your app and do a "env" and see your mongodb password and username.
Finally I got perfect tool for it to connect with mongodb with server database in which we can perform all kind of CRUD operations.
we can use Robomongo tool for it which doesn't require paid version to perform CRUD operation.
Robomongo is available here
mongoVUE requires paid version.
I use Robomongo. Just do a 'rhc port-forward '
Then run Robomongo using the Mongodb credentials that OPENSHIFT gave you.
rhc port-forward
Wait a couple of seconds. You then should see something like this.
port forward image
Then run Robomongo. Add a connection and enter in your Openshift Mongodb credentials:

keep separate the local database for local dev and nodejutsu database URL for nodejitsu app?

When I'm developing on my local box I use mongodb://localhost/Data as my connection string when connecting to mongoDB that's running locally.
But then when I upload/update my local app to nodejitsu I have to change the url to the one provided by nodejitsu mongodb://
How do I switch between my localhost mongoDB connection URL and the one provided by Nodejitsu? I don't wanna keep changing it and committing the changes everytime I want to test out my local changes in the cloud...
I use nconf , you can easily change between diferent configurations
