Create a module in qpython 3 - python-3.x

Is there any way to create my own module in qpython3 ? If there is, it would be great to fix my code properly, without going all the way down to fix just onde line.

well, i'm creating a game with 3 games inside it and i would like to put the game functions inside individual modules, like:
from tictactoe import
from Chess import structureChess
then these functions when called simply print the specific game structure like the tictactoe grade and the chess table. For instance, it's simpler to edit the game functions inside individual modules

You have to write the functions that you want into a .py script that has the same name as you want the module to be called. You then have to add that into the site packages directory and then you should be able to access them from anywhere.
Just make sure that it is in the "qpython\lib\python3.2\packages\" directory

create your game library, such as in your script's local directory.
Then from your main python code:
import from myGameLib *
Note that this will work. However, if you want to create a sub directory for your python lib, such as a local directory to your script, /mysubdir,
import from mysubdir.myGameLib *
appears to be broken in QPython3.


How to import libraries from another (local) directory?

Why I mean with that title is:
I have some generated code which I am using in my Angular application.
Currently, I am installing this as a package using npm, but this makes problem with my whole deployment setup.
Therefore I'd like to move this code to something like src/vendor/my-generated-library.
I can do that but all my imports then would look something like
import {MyObject} from '../../../../vendor/my-generated-library';
Is there a way to define src/vendor as some sort of additional library-root, such as node_modules, such that all my imports can stay as they currently are?
import {MyObject} from 'my-generated-library';
You could simply modify your package.json to have this library as dependency and point the path as your src's directory. something like
"my-generated-library": "./somepath/vendor/my-generated-library"
Hope this helps

Freeling Python API working on sample, get Import error on other code

I'm trying out Freeling's API for python. The installation and test were ok, they provide a file that works perfectly (I've played around a little bit with it and it works).
So I was trying to use it on some other python code I have, in a different folder (I'm kind of guessing this is a path issue), but whenever I import freeling (like it shows on the
import freeling
FREELINGDIR = "/usr/local";
DATA = FREELINGDIR+"/share/freeling/";
I get this error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'freeling'.
The is located on the ~/Freeling-4.0/APIs/Python/ folder, while my other file is located in ~/project/, I dont know if that can be an issue.
Thank you!
A simple solution is to have a copy of in the same directory as your code, since python will look there.
A better solution is to either paste it in one of the locations where it usually checks (like the lib folder in its install directory), or to tell it that the path where your file is should be scanned for a module.
You can check out this question to see how it can be done on Windows. You are basically just setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable, and there will only be minor differences in how to do so for other OSes. This page gives instructions that should work on Linux systems.
I like this answer since it adds the path at runtime in the script itself, doesn't make persistent changes, and is largely independent of the underlying OS (apart from the fact that you need to use the appropriate module path of course).
You need to set PYTHONPATH so python can find the modules if they are not in the same folder.

Python Modules Replacing Themselves During Load

I've come across some code recently that uses a trick that makes me rather nervous. The system I'm looking at has a Python extension file stored outside the path and the developer wants to import it with just import Moo. For various reasons neither the file location nor sys.path can be changed, and the extension must be loaded with ExtensionFileLoader anyway.
So what has been done is to have a in the path that loads the extension module and then replaces itself in sys.modules with the extension module, along the following lines:
' '
from importlib.machinery import ExtensionFileLoader
loader = ExtensionFileLoader('AnotherNameForMoo', '/path/to/')
module = loader.load_module()
sys.modules['Moo'] = module
Now this does actually work. (I have some tests of it in rather gory detail in this repo if you want to have a look.) It appears that, at least in CPython 3.4 through 3.7, import Moo does not bind to Moo the module that it loaded and put into sys.modules['Moo'], but instead binds the current value of sys.modules['Moo'] after the module's top-level script returns, regardless of whether or not that's what it originally put in there.
I can't find anything in any Python documentation that indicates that this is required behaviour rather than just an accident of implementation.
How safe is this? What are other ways that one might try to achieve a similar "bootstrap" effect?

Preload/Globally certain classes in Python

I Have got some models (mapped on database tables), in a python project. I want to make them preload when the project bootup so i don't need to do like this in every file
from db.models.user import User
I tried to load them in file, but they are not available.
TL;DR: You need to import your models in every file.
In Python, every module (*.py file) has its own namespace (set of global variables). There is no way to have a truly global variable (or class, function, etc.), because every name is local to the module in which it is defined. This is a deliberate feature of Python; it would be very bad if (for example) you could redefine the range() function in some random module and break everyone else's code.
You can place the import from db.models.user import User in db/models/, but that won't make User globally accessible. Instead, it will create an alias db.models.User for the original class (db.models.user.User), which you still have to import as normal. This may save you a small amount of typing when importing the model in other places, and is a great way to flatten deep hierarchies of packages, but it does not make anything truly global, because you cannot make things global.

What is supposed to be in

I am trying to create a Python package. You can have a look at my awful attempt here.
I have a module called It lives in a directory called ImgurAlbumDownloader which I understand is the name of the package -- in terms of what you type in an import statement, e.g.
import ImgurAlbumDownloader
My module contains two classes ImgurAlbumDownloader and ImgurAlbumException. I need to be able to use both of these classes in another module (script). However, I cannot for the life of me work out what I am supposed to put in my file to make this so. I realize that this duplicates a lot of previously answered questions, but the advice seems very conflicting.
I still have to figure out why (I have some ideas), but this is now working:
from ImgurAlbumDownloader.imguralbum import ImgurAlbumDownloader, ImgurAlbumException
The trick was adding the package name to the module name.
It sure sounds to me like you don't actually want a package. It's OK to just use a single module, if your code just does one main thing and all its parts are closely related. Packages are useful when you have distinct parts of your code that might not all be needed at the same time, or when you have so much code that a single module would be very large and hard to find things in.
