How can I deploy firebase queue to app engine and have it observe Firebase nodes? - node.js

I am trying to send device-to-device notification via FCM which is not so trivial. I use Firebase as the database and by reading the documentation have learned that I need to have an app server to communicate between clients and FCM. Also, I have found that Firebase queue can be used to observe the Firebase nodes and upon any change e.g, ChildAdded, send a notification to other related users on other devices via FCM.
Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to deploy Firebase queue to app engine; as I'm not that experienced with node.js and it seems that Firebase queue documents are all written with node.js.
Any help would be appreciated.

So for someone who is new to node.js it was a bit of confusing cycle to understand whats going on , but I was able to upload a simple job which is pretty much the "sanichat" example of firebase-queue and it seems to be working.
Here's the job for anyone who might be struggling with the same issue:
// chat_message_sanitization.js
var Queue = require('firebase-queue');
var firebase = require('firebase');
serviceAccount: 'path to the json file downloaded when setting up google services account',
databaseURL: 'https://***your firebase***'
var db = firebase.database();
queueRef = db.ref('queue');
var messagesRef = db.ref('queue_messgs');
var options = {
'specId': 'sanitize_message'
var sanitizeQueue = new Queue(queueRef, options, function(data, progress, resolve, reject) {
// sanitize input message
data.message = sanitize(data.message);
// pass sanitized message and username along to be fanned out
I have been able to run it locally "node app.js" and deploying using "gcloud app deploy"


Firebase cloud functions emulator - how to connect node.js to emulator

I've installed firebase emulator to be able to develop some cloud function locally before deploy them.
Im reading this guide but I'm not sure how to proceed. The example use the import syntax but I need to write a node.js cloud function and I'm not sure how to proceed.
How I can correctly connect to the cloud functions emulator from my index.js file that will contain the needed logics?
At the moment my file looks like this:
const admin = require('firebase-admin')
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const stripe = require('stripe')
// // Create and Deploy Your First Cloud Functions
// //
// exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
//"Hello logs!", {structuredData: true});
// response.send("Hello from Firebase!");
// });
const db = admin.getDatabase()
What I need is to use stripe but to achive my scope I need to read from firebase realtime database first and I didn't setup that emulator but only the cloud functions one.
Any suggestion will be appreciated, thank you!

How can I deploy a discord.js bot to Cloud Functions?

I want to deploy a Discord bot running on discord.js to Firebase Cloud Functions but I can't get the bot to run in Firebase. If I use nodemon it runs perfectly but if I use firebase deploy it will not start the bot.
Here is my current code:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const token = process.env.TOKEN
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const Client = new Discord.Client();
Client.on('ready', () => {
Client.channels.find(x => === 'main-cannel').send('bot is deployed')
Client.user.setGame(`The Cult | ${Client.guilds.size} servers`)
//is is not working but de basic
//export.App = functions.... {Client} = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
This may not be the best combination of google cloud platform services, since cloud functions where not designed with this in mind. You can just host your Discord bot on a compute engine machine.
If you want to use the dynamic scaling have a look at Discord Microservice Bots where DasWolke describes what microservices are. Hey also included his javascript code to split up the different services for Discord.
What you can do on Google cloud platform specifically, is creating a VM with the Gateway running. This needs to run 24/7 and should be lightweight. You can use an f1-micro (which is free) for this though google recommends a g1-small for the task.
The gateway should filter the events you are looking for (because Discord sends a lot of events and you don't need most) and send the data to cloud function or cloud run (you can send the data via pub/sub). In my experience, a cloud run has much shorter startup times so I went with that.
Inside your function, you receive the data do with it what you want. If you want something in Discord (send a message, manage channels, ...) you can use SnowTransfer for that. SnowTransfer just calls the rest API on discord.
Put client.login(token) into where response.send("Test"); is. This will prompt your bot's code to execute upon an HTTP request.
In https://us-central1-<your project ID>, replace <your project ID> with your project's ID.
If Firebase Hosting gives you the URL, your project ID is example-123. You can also get your project ID through the console: open the Firebase console, select your project, click the settings icon, go to "Project settings," and its ID is on the second line of the table.
For this to work, you have to move your token straight into the code. You can't use a shell file like .env.
In the end, your code will be:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const token = 'whatever the token is';
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const Client = new Discord.Client();
Client.on('ready', () => {
Client.channels.find(x => === 'main-cannel').send('bot is deployed')
Client.user.setGame(`The Cult | ${Client.guilds.size} servers`)
}); = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
response.send("Test"); // Do not delete this! Your request will time out if you do.
As Gabber235 noted, this is probably not the best Google Cloud Platform service to use for this, and you should probably use Compute Engine.

Why is Google Cloud Functions throwing a "Invalid value for config firebase.databaseURL" error when I try to initialize a firebase app?

I have a Google Cloud Function that syncs presence information from a Firebase realtime database to a Firestore database (as explained here). This is the relevant Cloud Functions code from the linked example:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Since this code will be running in the Cloud Functions enviornment
// we call initialize Firestore without any arguments because it
// detects authentication from the environment.
const firestore = admin.firestore();
// Create a new function which is triggered on changes to /status/{uid}
// Note: This is a Realtime Database trigger, *not* Cloud Firestore.
exports.onUserStatusChanged = functions.database.ref('/status/{uid}').onUpdate(
(change, context) => {
// Get the data written to Realtime Database
const eventStatus = change.after.val();
// Then use other event data to create a reference to the
// corresponding Firestore document.
const userStatusFirestoreRef = firestore.doc(`status/${context.params.uid}`);
// It is likely that the Realtime Database change that triggered
// this event has already been overwritten by a fast change in
// online / offline status, so we'll re-read the current data
// and compare the timestamps.
return change.after.ref.once('value').then((statusSnapshot) => {
const status = statusSnapshot.val();
console.log(status, eventStatus);
// If the current timestamp for this data is newer than
// the data that triggered this event, we exit this function.
if (status.last_changed > eventStatus.last_changed) {
return null;
// Otherwise, we convert the last_changed field to a Date
eventStatus.last_changed = new Date(eventStatus.last_changed);
// ... and write it to Firestore.
return userStatusFirestoreRef.set(eventStatus);
I recently received an email from Google informing me that I will need to update from NodeJS 6 to NodeJS 8 or 10. As this particular function isn't in production yet, I went ahead and made the configuration change in the Google Cloud Console. I now get the error below. I tried switching back to NodeJS 6, recreating the function from scratch, checking Github issues and other online forums. It appears that my Google Cloud Function is no longer being provided with the necessary environment variables to connect with Firebase/Firestore. However, I'm unsure why that would be the case.
Error: Invalid value for config firebase.databaseURL: undefined
at resourceGetter (/srv/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/providers/database.js:101:19)
at cloudFunctionNewSignature (/srv/node_modules/firebase-functions/lib/cloud-functions.js:102:13)
at /worker/worker.js:825:24
at <anonymous> at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:229:7)
This error also shows up in the Stackdriver logs for the Cloud Function:
Warning, estimating Firebase Config based on GCLOUD_PROJECT. Initializing firebase-admin may fail
You should redeploy using the Firebase CLI. It does some special things in the environment to help the Firebase Admin SDK initialize correctly without any parameters (adding FIREBASE_CONFIG). It sounds like when you changed the runtime in the console, you also lost this special configuration.
For me, I use firestore, and I was getting the same error as you, so I had to create a real-time database without any record then I set the credentials for the admin like so:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require("firebase-admin");
databaseURL: "your realtime database url"
When you are done, run firebase deploy --only functions to deploy your functions.
Here is your Realtime database URL:

Cloud Functions for Firebase and third party api

My problem is to make use of an API along with Firebase Functions, the API in question is Coinbase, I use the API with node, if I test in the terminal with the node command it works, however when I use it with Firebase Functions Does not work at all, I've been trying to solve the problem for almost a week now.
The code is as follows>
var functions = require('firebase-functions');
var Client = require('coinbase').Client;
var client = new Client({
"apiKey": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"apiSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
this.client.getAccounts({}, function(err, accounts) {
The error:
The Coinbase API:
There's a warning in the docs:
Firebase projects on the Spark plan can make only outbound requests to
Google APIs. Requests to third-party APIs fail with an error. For more
information about upgrading your project, see Pricing.
So you'll need to upgrade to a paid plan to use external APIs.

Where to add Firebase in Node

I will be making a Web App in Firebase. Problem is, I am still unsure of how a few things will work.
Eventually I will need a server (which will be in Node) for sending emails and such. One of my biggest questions though is where Firebase will actually be needed. Let me elaborate some more!
I see that in the docs (here) you can add Firebase to your server by adding the following code in Node:
var firebase = require("firebase");
serviceAccount: "path/to/serviceAccountCredentials.json",
databaseURL: ""
But you can also add Firebase directly to the browser with the following code:
<script src=""></script>
// Initialize Firebase
// TODO: Replace with your project's customized code snippet
var config = {
apiKey: "apiKey",
authDomain: "",
databaseURL: "",
storageBucket: "",
So my question is in what circumstances would I do either of the above? When would I add Firebase to the browser, and when would I add Firebase to the server? What uses do both provide?
For instance, could I access the Realtime Database from the server without connecting to Firebase? And if I add Firebase to the server, do I then have to add it again to the Browser? Please explain, thank you!
You already have most of the parts of the answer in your question.
Say that you want the users of your web app to be able to send email. As you say, you'll typically want to do that from your server, since you'd otherwise have to rely on the email client of your users.
But even when it's your node.js server that sends the email, it's the users of your web app that determine when and where to send the email. So the users needs a way to talk to your node.js script.
You can easily let the users talk directly to your node.js server. Set up some express.js endpoints and you're in business. But then you'd need to set up security on your node.js server, ensure that you can handle cases where your users are submitting more email requests than your node.js script can handle, etc. Lot of plumbing work that has nothing to do with sending an email.
Another way to handle this scenario is to let the web clients write "email requests" into the Firebase database. Simply include the Firebase client (with the snippet you have) and:
to: '',
subject: 'nice answer!',
body: '...'
Now your web client is done and the user can continue.
On the node.js server you include the Firebase client (with the second snippet you have) and connect to the same database, waiting for the email requests to come in:
ref.child('outbox').on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
var msg = snapshot.val();
sendEmailTo(, msg.subject, msg.body).then(function(error) {
// if the message was sent, delete it from the queue
if (!error) snapshot.ref.remove();
This approach is covered in our classic blog post on Firebase application architectures as pattern 2.
