How to get weighted sum depending on two conditions in Excel? - excel

I have this table in Excel:
I am trying to get weighted sum depending on two conditions:
Whether it is Company 1 or Company 2 (shares quantity differ)
Whether column A (Company 1) and column B (Company 2) has 0 or 1 (multipliers differ)
Lets calculate weighted sum for row 2:
Sum = 2 (multiplier 1) * 50 (1 share price) * 3 (shares quantity for Company 1) +
+0.5 (multiplier 0) * 50 (1 share price) * 6 (shares quantity for Company 2) = 450
So, Sum for Row 2 = 450.
For now I am checking only for multipliers (1 or 0) using this code:
=COUNTIF(A2:B2,0)*$B$9*$B$8 + COUNTIF(A2:B2,1)*$B$9*$B$7
But it does not take into account the shares quantities for Company 1 or Company 2. I only multiply 1 share price with multipliers, but not with shares quantity).
How can I also check whether it is Company 1 or Company 2 in order to multiply by corresponding Shares quantity?
Rasmus0607 gave a solution when there are only two companies:
Tom Sharpe gave a more general solution (number of companies can be greater than 2)
I uploaded my Excel file to DropBox:
Excel file

I can offer a more general way of doing it with the benefit of hindsight that you can apply to more than two columns by altering the second CHOOSE statement:-
Unfortunately it's an array formula that you have to enter with CtrlShiftEnter. But it's a moot point whether or not it would be better just to use one of the other answers with some repetition and keep it simple.
You could also try this:-
Here's how it would be for three companies
(array formula) or


Since in the COUNTIF function, you don't know beforehand, which company column contains a 0, or a 1, I would suggest a longer, but more systematic solution using IF:
This is a bit less general, but should produce the result you expect in this case.


How to return count of number in sequence after validating three values from 3 different columns even though there will be matched data found?

I have a range of cells in excel. How to increment numbers when meeting data validation from three different columns?
I tried using formula COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2) which creates a number sequence. But I have other data to validate from another column for it to return the correct number sequence.
First validation: count the emp no in column range A1:A5 which return a result under Hierarchy column.
Second validation: check the % value under column L as per below level of hierarchy in which the problem comes from.
1 - 0.25
2 - 0.25
3 - 0.5
4 - 0.5
5 - 1
Third validation: check the type of Relation (see Relation column) that needs to check when returning number of sequence too. Below is the Relation Level table.
I don't know on how to join these three conditions for the result to be as below.
My really problem here is on how will i get a sequence number if a person does have 3 children and should be tagged as 2,3,4 (next to spouse which is 1) then the next relation which is parent will be tagged then as next number sequence from the last count of child wherein will be 5 given that as per relation table, Parent level is 3 but it will be adjusted as per count of relations a person has. And for this specific instance, if Parent count will be 5, it still should have 0.5 EE % (see relation table level vs % hierarchy level) even though the count of number is 5. I hope this will make sense. But let me know if you have any questions.
Hope someone could help me on this coz I am not that expert when it comes to excel formula. Thank you!

Count of Excel based on 2 column criteria and counting the 3rd column

I need a count of how many date items fall within Data 1 & Data 2
x-1 will have a count of 2
x-2 will have a count of 1
-x-3 will have a count of 2
-y-1 will have a count of 2
What would be the best way to go abouts when approaching this?
Data 1
Data 2
Date 1
Date 1
Date 2
Date 3
Date 3
Date 1
Date 1
I see only one way to interpret with the available information:
To count the number of times Date_to_test falls within Date_1 and Date_2 (screenshot below, sheet here), you could use either the sum or something like a countifs (with interim calc):
sum approach
countifs + interim calc
(additional column, drag down)
as for the 'sum' approach, sumproduct variants (e.g. =SUMPRODUCT(1*($C$2:$C$11<=$B$2:$B$11),1*($B$2:$B$11>=$A$2:$A$11))) are calculation/memory intensive
despite the countifs + helper approach containing more 'visible' data - these values need only be calculated once, the countifs can then be determined independently (assuming no updates to the helper column) - thus making it more memory/calculation efficient depending upon your calculation mode, screen-updating preferences
if, by some misfortune re: interpreting your question, you are referring to some other means of establishing whether "date items fall within Data 1 & Data 2", then without knowing what this is, there very low likelihood of being able to guess this correctly

Dynamically sort list based off associated values with tie-breaker values

I'm trying to sort students based off frequency of participation. I have a table that is automatically generated totaling up how often a student has participated in the last few days.
I want it to do 2 things that I can't figure out.
I want it to ignore students that are at 0 removing them from the resulting rankings.
The first number is most important but I want it to reference the next value in the result of a tie.
Short example of table:
Andy - 1 1 2 3
Brad - 0 1 2 3
Cade - 1 2 3 4
Dane - 1 1 1 2
Desired result:
Cade - 1
Andy - 1
Dane - 1
The tie-breaker isn't that important and I figure I can have conditional formatting to remove children at 0, but I still can't seem to figure it out.
The closest formulas I have found in my searching are:
This one doesn't work because it returns #N/A for pretty much all students who are tied.
I had this formula that can handle ties but it needs to be OFFSET but I don't know how since it is an array formula. Also, with both these formulas it reverses the ranks with the lowest values at the top. If anyone could assist me I would greatly appreciate it. I'm doing this so that I can give all students a chance to participate equally.
Use a helper column. In that column put the following formula:
This will return a single number based on the rankings.
Then in your output column use:
Then a simple VLOOKUP to return the first number:

Excel IF OR Statement

I am having trouble determining the correct way to calculate a final rank order for four categories. Each of the four metrics make up a higher group. A Top 10 of each category is applied to the respective product to risk analysis.
CURRENT LOGIC - Assignment of 25% max per category.
Columns - Y4
=IF(L9=1,$Y$4,IF(L9=2,$Y$4*0.9, IF(L9=3,$Y$4*0.8, IF(L9=4,$Y$4*0.7, IF(L9=5,$Y$4*0.6, IF(L9=6,$Y$4*0.5, IF(L9=7,$Y$4*0.4, IF(L9=8,$Y$4*0.3, IF(L9=9,$Y$4*0.2, IF(L9=10,$Y$4*0.1,0))))))))))
I would like to use a statement to determine three criteria in order to apply a score (1=100, 2=90, 3=80, etc..).
SUM the rank positions of each of the four categories-apply product rank ascending (not including NULL since it's not in the Top 10)
IF a product is identified in more than one metric-apply a significant contribution weight of (*.75),
IF a product has the number 1 rank in any of the four metrics-apply a score of (100).
(Product) Parts Labor Overhead External Final Score
"XYZ" 3 1 7 7 100
"ABC" NULL 6 NULL 2 100
This is way beyond my capability. ANY assistance is appreciated greatly!!!
I figured this is a good start and I can alter the weight as needed to reflect the reality of the situation.
However, I couldn't figure out how to put a cap on the score of no more than 100 points.
I am still unclear of what exactly you are attempting and if this will work, but how about this simple matrix using an array formula and some conditional formatting.
Array Formula in F2 (make sure to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter when exiting formula edit mode)
Conditional Formatting defined as shown below.
Red = 100 value where it comes from a 1
Yellow = 100 value where it comes from more than 1 factor, but without a 1.

excel calculate stdev given distribution

I have a table which describes "Products Per User" distribution.
It has 2 columns nProducts and nUsers:
First row has values nProducts = 1, nUsers = 60000, meaning 60000 users bought 1 product.
Second row has values nProducts = 2, nUsers = 20000, meaning 20000 users bought 2 products, and so on...
I want to calculate its STDEV. How do I do it in excel?
In addition, could you tell me how to calculate in excel how many users bought:
nProducts > thresh?
Do you mean you want to calculate the standard deviation of the number of products bought? Try this "array formula"
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
So in a small example if you have 1 product bought by 4 people and 2 products bought by 3 people that will give you the standard deviation of the following values
Is that what you need?
Note that you can also use this "non array" version
which calculates standard deviation by calculating the square root of the average of the squared differences of the values from their average value
Just select all the second column values.
Then on the Ribbon bar:
go to Forumulas
click More Functions
select Statistical
click on STDEV.P
At this point as parameters you should have your second column already selected, just clik OK and you will have your Standard Deviation calculated.
In case you can write it manually the formula is =STDEV.P(B2:B10)
I supposed you have values from the 2nd to the 10th row in column B.
