Converting a Row Matrix into a Breeze Dense Matrix - apache-spark

I have an MLLIB distributed row matrix in which row order doesn't matter. Is there any way to easily convert this into a breeze dense matrix? I'd imagine a row-by-row mapping might work, but I'm relatively unfamiliar with breeze as a whole.
Edit: Using => x.toArray), I've managed to convert it into an RDD of the form org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[Array[Double]]. I believe this is a step in the right direction...

Do a collect on your RDD. It'll return you an Array[Array[Double]].
val array = your_rdd.collect()
One to convert the array of arrays into a matrix would be to do the following:
val dm = DenseMatrix(*)
Part of the answer was taken from here. Hope this solves the problem.

Ended up getting it working with the below code.
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector => BDV, DenseMatrix => BDM, sum}
val arr = => x.toArray).collect.flatten
val dm = new BDM(X.numRows().toInt, X.numCols().toInt, arr)
Thanks, #ar7 for hte help.


Solving a large-scale linear system in Apache Spark

I am currently looking to solve a large-scale linear system, Ax=b using Spark. I have done a lot of search in order to find a solution and this link has been the only solution I have found for calculating the pseudo-inverse of A in order to inverse and multiply it by b as the next step. For simplicity I will copy the solution here.
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vectors,Vector,Matrix,SingularValueDecomposition,DenseMatrix,DenseVector}
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix
def computeInverse(X: RowMatrix): DenseMatrix = {
val nCoef = X.numCols.toInt
val svd = X.computeSVD(nCoef, computeU = true)
if (svd.s.size < nCoef) {
sys.error(s"RowMatrix.computeInverse called on singular matrix.")
// Create the inv diagonal matrix from S
val invS = DenseMatrix.diag(new DenseVector( => math.pow(x,-1))))
// U cannot be a RowMatrix
val U = new DenseMatrix(svd.U.numRows().toInt,svd.U.numCols().toInt,svd.U.rows.collect.flatMap(x => x.toArray))
// If you could make V distributed, then this may be better. However its alreadly maybe this is fine.
val V = svd.V
// inv(X) = V*inv(S)*transpose(U) --- the U is already transposed.
However the problem with this solution is that in the end, we will have to make U a local DenseMatrix and I think it will not be possible for large matrices. I would appreciate any help and thoughts in order to solve this problem.
You could try one of the iterative algorithms (e.g. PCG). Instead of solving Ax=b directly, you search for x that minimizes f(x)=0.5x^tAx -x^tb
With parallel PCG, the actual iteration is done serially; it's the simple multiplication and other operations that are shared among your workers. But this allows you to distribute your sparse matrix across your cluster.
Unfortunately Spark's linear algebra library is a work-in-progress and I don't have an example code to show you. There are probably better methods than PCG for your problem, we just need to implement them in Spark. Not sure what your background is but you could start by researching generally how systems of linear equations can be solved in parallel.
Edit: There's some more discussion here and here.

Text Classification using Spark ML

I have a free text description based on which I need to perform a classification. For example the description can be that of an incident. Based on the description of the incident , I need to predict the risk associated with the event . For eg : "A murder in town" - this description is a candidate for "high" risk.
I tried logistic regression but realized that currently there is support only for binary classification. For Multi class classification ( there are only three possible values ) based on free text description , what would be the most suitable algorithm? ( Linear Regression or Naive Bayes )
Since you are using spark, I assume you have bigdata, so -I am no expert- but after reading your answer, I would like to make some points.
Create the Training (80%) and Testing Data Sets (20%)
I would partition my data to Training (60-70%), Testing (15-20%) and Evaluation (15-20%) sets..
The idea is that you can fine tune your classification algorithm w.r.t. the Training set, but we really want to do with with Classification tasks, is to have them classify unseen data. So fine tune your algorithm with the Testing set, and when you are done, use the Evaluation set, to get a real understanding of how things work!
Stop words
If your data are articles from Newspapers and such,I personally haven't seen any significant improvement by using more sophisticated stop words removal approaches...
But that's just a personal statement, but if I were you, I wouldn't focus on that step.
Term Frequency
How about using Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) term weighting instead? You may want to read: How can I create a TF-IDF for Text Classification using Spark?
I would try both and compare!
Do you have any particular reason to try the Multinomial Distribution? If no, since when n is 1 and k is 2 the multinomial distribution is the Bernoulli distribution, as stated in Wikipedia, which is supported.
Try both and compare ( this is something you have to get used to, if you wish to make your model better! :) )
I also see that apache-spark-mllib offers Random forests, which might worth a read, at least! ;)
If your data is not that big, I would also try Support vector machines (SVMs), from scikit-learn, which however supports python, so you should switch to pyspark or plain python, abandoning spark. BTW, if you are actually going for sklearn, this might come in handy: How to split into train, test and evaluation sets in sklearn?, since Pandas plays nicely along with sklearn.
Hope this helps!
This is really not the way to ask a question in Stack Overflow. Read How to ask a good question?
Personally, if I were you, I would do all the things you have done in your answer first, and then post a question, summarizing my approach.
As for the bounty, you may want to read: How does the Bounty System work?
This is how I solved the above problem.
Though prediction accuracy is not bad ,the model has to be tuned further
for better results.
Experts , please revert back if you find anything wrong.
My input data frame has two columns "Text" and "RiskClassification"
Below are the sequence of steps to predict using Naive Bayes in Java
Add a new column "label" to the input dataframe . This column will basically decode the risk classification like below
sqlContext.udf().register("myUDF", new UDF1<String, Integer>() {
public Integer call(String input) throws Exception {
if ("LOW".equals(input))
return 1;
if ("MEDIUM".equals(input))
return 2;
if ("HIGH".equals(input))
return 3;
return 0;
}, DataTypes.IntegerType);
samplingData = samplingData.withColumn("label", functions.callUDF("myUDF", samplingData.col("riskClassification")));
Create the Training ( 80 % ) and Testing Data Sets ( 20 % )
For eg :
DataFrame lowRisk = samplingData.filter(samplingData.col("label").equalTo(1));
DataFrame lowRiskTraining = lowRisk.sample(false, 0.8);
Union All the dataframes to build the complete training data
Building test data is slightly tricky . Test Data should have all data which
is not present in the training data
Start transformation of training data and build the model
6 . Tokenize the text column in the training data set
Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer().setInputCol("text").setOutputCol("words");
DataFrame tokenized = tokenizer.transform(trainingRiskData);
Remove Stop Words. (Here you can also do advanced operations like lemme, stemmer, POS etc using Stanford NLP library)
StopWordsRemover remover = new StopWordsRemover().setInputCol("words").setOutputCol("filtered");
DataFrame stopWordsRemoved = remover.transform(tokenized);
Compute Term Frequency using HashingTF. CountVectorizer is another way to do this
int numFeatures = 20;
HashingTF hashingTF = new HashingTF().setInputCol("filtered").setOutputCol("rawFeatures")
DataFrame rawFeaturizedData = hashingTF.transform(stopWordsRemoved);
IDF idf = new IDF().setInputCol("rawFeatures").setOutputCol("features");
IDFModel idfModel =;
DataFrame featurizedData = idfModel.transform(rawFeaturizedData);
Convert the featurized input into JavaRDD . Naive Bayes works on LabeledPoint
JavaRDD<LabeledPoint> labelledJavaRDD ="label", "features").toJavaRDD()
.map(new Function<Row, LabeledPoint>() {
public LabeledPoint call(Row arg0) throws Exception {
LabeledPoint labeledPoint = new LabeledPoint(new Double(arg0.get(0).toString()),
(org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector) arg0.get(1));
return labeledPoint;
Build the model
NaiveBayes naiveBayes = new NaiveBayes(1.0, "multinomial");
NaiveBayesModel naiveBayesModel = naiveBayes.train(labelledJavaRDD.rdd(), 1.0);
Run all the above transformations on the test data also
Loop through the test data frame and perform the below actions
Create a LabeledPoint using the "label" and "features" in the test data frame
For eg : If the test data frame has label and features in the third and seventh column , then
LabeledPoint labeledPoint = new LabeledPoint(new Double(dataFrameRow.get(3).toString()),
(org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector) dataFrameRow.get(7));
Use the Prediction Model to predict the label
double predictedLabel = naiveBayesModel.predict(labeledPoint.features());
Add the predicted label also as a column to the test data frame.
Now test data frame has the expected label and the predicted label.
You can export the test data to csv and do analysis or you can compute the accuracy programatically as well.

Take part of rdd and keep it rdd

I can't find a way to take just a part on rdd. take seems promising but it returns a list instead of rdd. I of course can then convert it to an rdd, but this seems wasteful and ugly.
my_rdd = sc.textFile("my_file.csv")
part_of_my_rdd = sc.parallelize(my_rdd.take(10000))
I there a better way to do this?
Yes, indeed there is a better way. You can use the sample method from RDDs, it states:
sample(withReplacement, fraction, seed=None)
Return a sampled subset of this RDD.
quantity = 10000
my_rdd = sc.textFile("my_file.csv")
part_of_my_rdd = my_rdd.sample(False, quantity / my_rdd.count())
#Akavall , it is a good idea. but the format have some change.
my_rdd = sc.textFile("my_file.csv")
part_of_my_rdd = sc.parallelize(my_rdd.take(10000)).map(x=>x.slice(1, x.length-1))
remove the brackets is OK!

K-Means clustering is biased to one center

I have a corpus of wiki pages (baseball, hockey, music, football) which I'm running through tfidf and then through kmeans. After a couple issues to start (you can see my previous questions), I'm finally getting a KMeansModel...but when I try to predict, I keep getting the same center. Is this because of the small dataset, or because I'm comparing a multi-word document against a smaller amount of words(1-20) query? Or is there something else I'm doing wrong? See the below code:
//Preprocessing of data includes splitting into words
//and removing words with only 1 or 2 characters
val corpus: RDD[Seq[String]]
val hashingTF = new HashingTF(100000)
val tf = hashingTF.transform(corpus)
val idf = new IDF().fit(tf)
val tfidf = idf.transform(tf).cache
val kMeansModel = KMeans.train(tfidf, 3, 10)
val queryTf = hashingTF.transform(List("music"))
val queryTfidf = idf.transform(queryTf)
kMeansModel.predict(queryTfidf) //Always the same, no matter the term supplied
This question seems somewhat related to this one
More a checklist than an answer:
A single word query or a very short sentence is probably not a good choice especially when combined with a large feature vector. I would start with significant fragments of the documents from the corpus
Manually check similarity between query an each cluster. Is it even remotely similar to each cluster?
import breeze.linalg.{DenseVector => BDV, SparseVector => BSV, Vector => BV}
import breeze.linalg.functions.cosineDistance
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, SparseVector, DenseVector}
def toBreeze(v: Vector): BV[Double] = v match {
case DenseVector(values) => new BDV[Double](values)
case SparseVector(size, indices, values) => {
new BSV[Double](indices, values, size)
val centers =
val query = toBreeze(queryTfidf) => cosineDistance(query, c))
Does K-Means converge? Depending on a dataset and initial centroids ten or twenty iterations can be not enough. Try to increase this number to one thousand or so and see if the problem persist.
Is your corpus diverse enough to form meaningful clusters? Try to find centroids for each document in you corpus. Do you get a relatively uniform distribution or almost all documents are assigned to a single cluster.
Perform visual inspection. Take your tfidf RDD convert to a matrix, apply PCA, plot, color by cluster and see if you get a meaningful results.
Plot centroids as well and check if these cover possible cluster. If not check convergence once again.
You can also check similarities between centroids:
(0 until centers.size)
.flatMap(i => ((i + 1) until centers.size)
.map(j => (i, j, 1 - cosineDistance(centers(i), centers(j)))))
Is your pre-processing thorough enough? Simple removal of the short words most likely won't suffice. I would at lest extend it using with stopwords removal. Some stemming wouldn't hurt too.
K-Means results depend on the initial centroids. Try running an algorithm multiple times an see if problem persists.
Try more sophisticated algorithm like LDA

Does LogisticRegression assumes numerical features only?

I was looking at the Spark 1.5 dataframe/row api and the implementation for the logistic regression. As I understand, the train method therein first converts the dataframe to RDD[LabeledPoint] as,
override protected def train(dataset: DataFrame): LogisticRegressionModel = {
// Extract columns from data. If dataset is persisted, do not persist oldDataset.
val instances = extractLabeledPoints(dataset).map {
case LabeledPoint(label: Double, features: Vector) => (label, features)
And then it proceeds to feature standardization, etc.
What I am confused with is, the DataFrame is of type RDD[Row] and Row is allowed to have any valueTypes, for e.g. (1, true, "a string", null) seems a valid row of a dataframe. If that is so, what does the extractLabeledPoints above mean? It seems it is selecting only Array[Double] as the feature values in Vector. What happens if a column in the data-frame was strings? Also, what happens to the integer categorical values?
Thanks in advance,
Lets ignore Spark for a moment. Generally speaking linear models, including logistic regression, expect numeric independent variables. It is not in any way specific to Spark / MLlib. If input contains categorical or ordinal variables these have to be encoded first. Some languages, like R, handle this in a transparent manner:
> df <- data.frame(x1 = c("a", "b", "c", "d"), y=c("aa", "aa", "bb", "bb"))
> glm(y ~ x1, df, family="binomial")
Call: glm(formula = y ~ x1, family = "binomial", data = df)
(Intercept) x1b x1c x1d
-2.357e+01 -4.974e-15 4.713e+01 4.713e+01
but what is really used behind the scenes is so called design matrix:
> model.matrix( ~ x1, df)
(Intercept) x1b x1c x1d
1 1 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0
3 1 0 1 0
4 1 0 0 1
Skipping over the details it is the same type of transformation as the one performed by the OneHotEncoder in Spark.
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
import{OneHotEncoder, StringIndexer}
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(Seq(
Tuple1("a"), Tuple1("b"), Tuple1("c"), Tuple1("d")
val indexer = new StringIndexer()
val indexed = indexer.transform(df)
val encoder = new OneHotEncoder()
val encoded = encoder.transform(indexed)
Spark goes one step further and all features, even if algorithm allows nominal/ordinal independent variables, have to be stored as Double using a spark.mllib.linalg.Vector. In case of it is a DataFrame column, in spark.mllib a field in spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint.
Depending on a model interpretation of the feature vector can be different though. As mentioned above for linear model these will be interpreted as numerical variables. For Naive Bayes theses are considered nominal. If model accepts both numerical and nominal variables Spark and treats each group in a different way, like decision / regression trees, you can provide categoricalFeaturesInfo parameter.
It is worth pointing out that dependent variables should be encoded as Double as well but, unlike independent variables, may require additional metadata to be handled properly. If you take a look at the indexed DataFrame you'll see that StringIndexer not only transforms x, but also adds attributes:
res12: = {"vals":["d","a","b","c"],"type":"nominal","name":"xIdx"}
Finally some Transformers from ML, like VectorIndexer, can automatically detect and encode categorical variables based on the number of distinct values.
Copying clarification from zero323 in the comments:
Categorical values before being passed to MLlib / ML estimators have to be encoded as Double. There quite a few built-in transformers like StringIndexer or OneHotEncoder which can be helpful here. If algorithm treats categorical features in a different manner than a numerical ones, like for example DecisionTree, you identify which variables are categorical using categoricalFeaturesInfo.
Finally some transformers use special attributes on columns to distinguish between different types of attributes.
