Linux command to check zip file hierarchy - linux

Is there a good linux command that can show the file hierarchy of zipped directory?
If I open a zip file with emacs, I can see it. But I guess there is a appropriate command for that purpose.
Thank you.

The less utility is capable of peeking into a zip archive. In fact, if you look at the outputs of unzip -l zipfile and less zipfile, you will find them to be identical.


unziping files in linux folder

in Python I have the following command executed unzip '{dir}ATTOM_RECORDER/*.zip' -d {dir}ATTOM_RECORDER/ as a bash command. The python call works perfectly. my question is about the unzip command itself.
for some reason when unzip is called to expand any relevent zip files in the folder specified, not all the files WITHIN the zip is extracted. There's usually a rpt and a txt file. However, sometimes the txt file is not coming out and I do not have an error command.
How can I ensure the txt file is guaranteed to be extracted before moving on?
While you want to unzip your specific zip file. There are many option to decompress any file from zip files. Easiest way is the ā€˜-lā€™ option with unzip command is used to list the contents of a zip file after extracting it.
Syntax: unzip -l []

how to extract files from a large (30Gb+) zip file on linux server

1) extract from large zip file
I want to extract files from a large zip file (30Gb+) on the linux server. There is enough free disk space.
I've tried jar xf However, there's an error that push button is full, and it failed to extract all of the files.
I tried unzip, but zipfile corrupt.
warning []: 35141564204 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
(attempting to process anyway)
error []: start of central directory not found;
zipfile corrupt.
(please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the
appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled UnZip properly)
I tried zip -FF --out, and there's an error that entry too big:
zip error: Entry too big to split, read, or write (Poor compression resulted in unexpectedly large entry - try -fz)
Is there anyway I can efficiently extract files from really large zip file?
2) extract certain files from a large zip file
If I only want some certain files from this large zip file, is there anyway I can extract only these files? For example, data1.txt from It seems that I can't use any zip or unzip command (always have the zipfile corrupt problem).
I've solved the problem. It turns out to be a zip corruption problem. I first fixed the file with:
zip -FF --out -fz
then unzip the fixed zipfile:
and have successfully extracted all the files!
Many thanks to Fattaneh Talebi for the help!
you can extract specific file from zip
$ unzip -j "" "file.txt"
file.txt is the file you want to extract from
I had the similar kind of problem and it got solved by unar command.
try extracting directories to retain control and know where you left off.
tar tv --wildcards -f siteRF.tar './Movies/*'
I tried all the steps mentioned above to unzip the file, but failed miserably.
My last resort was to copy my zip file (11.1GB) into a hard drive and unzip it using 7 zip on Windows 8 OS.
Worked like a charm :D
I also solved it in similar manner like Irene W did. It was a corrupted zip. I first fixed the file with:
zip -FF --out -fz
then unzip the fixed zip file:

How to use command zip in linux that folder have short path?

I used command zip in linux (RedHat), this is my command:
zip -r /home/username/folder/compress/ /home/username/folder/compressed/*
Then, i open file, i see architecture as path folder compress.
I want to in folder zip only consist list file *.txt
Because i used this command in script crontab hence i can't use command cd to path folder before run command zip
Please help me
I skimmed the zip man page and this is what I have found. There is not an option archive files relative to a different directory. The closest I have found is zip -j which removes the entire path and stores the files directly in the zip rather than sub directories. I do not know what happens in the case of file name conflicts such as if /home/username/folder/compressed/a.txt and /home/username/folder/compressed/subdir/a.txt both exist. If this is not a problem for you, you can use this option, but I am concerned because you did specify the -r option indicating that you expect zip to traverse sub folders.
I also thought of the possibility that your script could somehow call zip with a different working directory, but I took a look at this unix stack exchange page and it looks like their options use cd.
I have to admit I do not understand why you cannot use cd and I am very curious about it. You said something about using crontab, but I have never heard of anything wrong with changing directories in a crontab script.
I used option -j in command zip
zip -jr /home/username/folder/compress/ /home/username/folder/compressed/*
and i was yet settled this problem, thanks

How to create a Linux compatible zip archive of a directory on a Mac

I've tried multiple ways of creating a zip or a tar.gz on the mac using GUI or command lines, and I have tried decompressing on the Linux side and gotten various errors, from things like "File.XML" and "File.xml" both appearing in a directory, to all sorts of others about something being truncated, etc.
Without listing all my experiments on the command line on the Mac and Linux (using tcsh), what should 2 bullet proof commands be to:
1) make a zip file of a directory (with no __MACOSX folders)
2) unzip / untar (whatever) the Mac zip on Linux with no errors (and no __MACOSX folders)
IT staff on the Linux side said they "usually use .gz and use gzip and gunzip commands".
After much research and experimentation, I found this works every time:
1) Create a zipped tar file with this command on the Mac in Terminal:
tar -cvzf your_archive_name.tar.gz your_folder_name/
2) When you FTP the file from one server to another, make sure you do so with binary mode turned on
3) Unzip and untar in two steps in your shell on the Linux box (in this case, tcsh):
gunzip your_archive_name.tar.gz
tar -xvf your_archive_name.tar
On my Mac and in ssh bash I use the following simple commands:
Create Zip File (-czf)
tar -czf NAME.tgz FOLDER
Extract Zip File (-xzf)
tar -xzf NAME.tgz
Best, Mike
First off, the File.XML and File.xml cannot both appear in an HFS+ file system. It is possible, but very unusual, for someone to format a case-sensitive HFSX file system that would permit that. Can you really create two such files and see them listed separately?
You can use the -X option with zip to prevent resource forks and extended attributes from being saved. You can also throw in a -x .DS_Store to get rid of those files as well.
For tar, precede it with COPYFILE_DISABLE=true or setenv COPYFILE_DISABLE true, depending on your shell. You can also throw in an --exclude=.DS_Store.
Your "IT Staff" gave you a pretty useless answer, since gzip can only compress one file. gzip has to be used in combination with tar to archive a directory.

How to zip folder that contains more than 12GB data

I have a requirement to zip a folder which contains large number of files.
When I tried to zip in command line, it is showing zip error: Input file read failure
I searched net and found "The .ZIP file format, only handles file lengths that can be
contained in a 32-bit integer." If so, then it must be the cause of the error I got, because my folder size is more than 12GB. Is there any way to extend the file size to be zipped.
Or is there another way to solve this?
I am using CENTOS 5.
You can use tar for that.
Just try:
$tar -cvzf compress.tgz /path/to/your/data
and to extract it:
$tar -xvzf compress.tgz
GZip can handle any size that your file system can handle. You might want to first "tar" the content to one file, unsing the GnuTar you can use the z option to do the compression in one go.
7Zip is also a good alternative to ZIP. It is ported to many platforms and the size limits are much higher.
