Excel, How to write a formula that fits these criteria - excel

1 Date: 9/15/2016 9/16/2016 9/17/2016 9/18/2016 9/19/2016 9/20/2016
2 Points: 0.5 1 - - 0.5 1
The above data is on tab 1 of an excel spread sheet
And below are fields on tab 2 of the same excel spread sheet:
1 DATE: Points
I am trying to write a formula that will go through the dates and points rows on tab 1 and when it finds a date with a corresponding point it will populate that date in tab 2 under the Date column. Simple enough right? Well here's where I'm running into problems, I need a formula to include the following criteria:
1) If the date does not have a corresponding point in the second row on tab 1 it will skip it and move on to the next date to validate it and so on
*note- I also need the Points column on tab 2 to populate with the corresponding date, but I believe a simple HLOOKUP formula will work just fine
2) I would like to have the formula to where it can be duplicated on tab 2 cells A3,A4,A5 and so on, but as an example: if A2 has date of 9/15/2016, when the formula in A3 is checking for dates with corresponding points in tab 1, it will skip the date in tab 2 located in A2 since it's already been used
Below is a picture of the above data in case it didn't come out right, and thanks for the help!!

Use this array formula:
Being an array formula it needs to be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter when exiting edit mode instead of Enter. If done correctly then Excel will put {} around the formula.
This will create a list as it is dragged/copied done. The list will be in the same order as the list on tab1.


Identify if list contains not unique values without countif in a helper column

1 Product A 1 Error
2 Product B 1
3 Product C 2
4 Product C 2
5 Product D 1
6 Product E 1
In the table above I want to identify if the values in Column A are unique.
If there is at least one value which is not unique Error should be displayed in Cell C1.
In order to achieve this I went with helper Column B and with the following formulas:
Column B `=COUNTIF($A$1:$A$6,A2)`
Cell C1 =`IF(COUNTA($A$1:$A$6)<SUM($B$1:$B$6),"Error","OK")`
All this works fine.
Now, I am wondering if there is also way to avoid the helper column.
Basically, a formula that goes through Column A and if it identfies at least one not-unique value it should display Error in Cell C1.
This is an array formula and depending on one's version will require the confirmation of Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter when exiting edit mode.
If one has the dynamic formula UNIQUE() then:
As a normal formula.
Another formula, that will work in Conditional formatting:

Match on 2 cells and return value from 3rd cell (Excel 2013)

I have 2 worksheets.
SHEET1 has numbers from 1-31 across Row 1. It has a list of cars in Column A (Ford, VW...).
SHEET2 has a list of cars in Column A, the day of the month in Column B and the condition in Column C (New, Used or Wreck).
I need to make a match on the car and the day of the month and then retrieve the condition.
For example:
SHEET2 has one row that shows:
Ford 8 New
SHEET1 shows at the intersection of Ford and 8 - "New".
Any help to resolve this is appreciated. I have looked at VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH until I am blue in the face, but I can't figure this one out! I also looked through this site and couldn't find any similar scenarios.
Thanks in advance.
The below works (based on a scaled-down version I set up based on your data.
Array formula is: =IFERROR(OFFSET($C$8,MATCH($A2&B$1,$A$9:$A$12&$B$9:$B$12,0),0),"")
For array formulas to work be sure to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter instead of just Enter when exiting edit mode.

Calculate Occurrence Number - Excel

I have simple problem, but I've not be able to get an answer from searching. I require a column to calculate the number of the nth occurrence of a value. It's best explained in this picture
I require a method to calculate column B.
I'd be very grateful for any help.
Are you looking to merely provide a count of the distinct entries of column A in column B? Or merely add a formula to come up with the table in your link?
If the latter, then the formula to write in cell B2 is:
then copy/paste it down column B. Note - if your data is both a Date and Time, but the cell is formatted to only display a date, you may not get the results you want. You'd need to interject a new column with a "floor" calculation to round the date/time value to a date (Excel date times are decimal, with integer part dictating the date, and remaining 0.0 -> 1.0 dictating the time of day)
If you just want to derive a table of the counts of distinct entries in column A, then a pivot table will do this for you - simple add a pivot table to cover the data in column A, then select column A into the rows category, and then also drag it into the values category, ensuring the field is set to "Count of". You should then have a table with the distinct entries in your data set in one column, and the count of their occurrences in the other column.
You can use the COUNTIF worksheet function, with a relative address.
Eg. In cell B2, enter this formula:
And then fill-down.
Use the following formula to generate the required series:
=COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1) and strech(copy) it in all the cells
This will generate result like this:
A 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1)
A 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A2,A2)
C 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A3,A3)
C 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A4,A4)
B 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A5,A5)
B 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A6,A6)
A 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A7,A7)
C 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A8,A8)
D 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A9,A9)
D 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A10,A10)
D 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A11,A11)
D 4 COUNTIF($A$1:A12,A12)

Format Cells from 2 sheets, based on 4 column comparison

I need to find changed values in dataSet.
So I have 2 sheets with, in general, same data.
I have two columns: docID(which is unique key) and rev(which is not unique).
I need to find(highlight/display only/...) those rows, where for same docID from first sheet rev is different in the second sheet.
Sheet 1:
docID rev
1 5
2 6
3 1
Sheet 2:
docID rev
1 6
2 6
3 1
Only the first row makes an interest to me, as others did not changed.
simple if statement which should give some understanding what I need. In general this is done on similar test data set, so cells are incorrect.
So values are NOT equal.
You can do this with a custom formula in Conditional Highlighting:
Select the top cell in the column docID column, then select the whole column (in the example, I assume that this is column A and you select A1 and the rev is in column B, same structure in both sheets. Adjust as to your needs)
Goto home->Conditional Formatting->New rules->Use formula to determine which cells to format and enter the following formula:
Click on format and select the format you need.

Excel - move a whole row into the next worksheet if the text in a particular cell of the first worksheet is Y (or Yes)

I am trying to set up a formula where worksheet 1 is a list of dates, names and the final column (I) is a simple Y or N (for Yes or No).
If the answer is Y (or Yes) then I would like the entire row to be copied into the next worksheet (worksheet 2) and if the answer is N (or No) then it does not go onto the next worksheet.
Is this possible to do, and if so how can i do it by cell formula (I don't want to change the srcipt module if possible)?
Any guidance would be gratfeully recieved.
Moving is a 2-step process in Excel (i.e. cut - paste) so this can't be done with a formula.
You could look into
autofilter to display all Y-records within the base data worksheet ... you then can copy/paste them manually
advanced filters to display and even copy Y-records, but within the same worksheet
writing a VBA procedure (not a function) to do the extraction job for you, where you first would set the Y/N field in each record manually, then press a button which moves the records; you gould go as far as capturing the event of entering Y into column 3 to automatically fire the move procedure, but I wouldn't recommend it ... what if the user accidentally entered Y ...
finally you could insert on the extraction sheet an array formula to display the Y-records; example:
Sheet 1
1 Index Info Flag
2 1 A Y
3 2 B N
4 3 C N
5 4 D Y
Sheet 2
copy headers of sheet 1 into A1..A3
select B1..B3 and enter formula =IF(Sheet1!C2="Y",Sheet1!A2:C2)
press Ctrl+Shift+ENTER to save as array formula
copy B1..B3 down
not very nice though, because you will get a FALSE FALSE FALSE for every N-record
Personally I would prefer 3) ... the button solution
You can do a workaround.
Create another tab or table within the original worksheet that pulls all your rows over via a conditional. This can be done with a VLOOKUP nested within an IF statement. (IF the cell = YES, VLOOKUP the rest of the row). I apologize for not including the exact formula, but its pretty easy to find videos etc on that portion.
On your other worksheet, use PowerQuery to query the original worksheet, and append the rows from your new table.
simply put = sign where u wanna see the result than go to that entire row and drag cursor to downward press enter. that's it.
regard: that's T.J
i entry some data i.e Customer name in Sheet1;s A1 cell , and I use this name in sheet2's cell B1 using this formula =Sheet1!B1 , now I want to move(transfer as CUT ) data from sheet2;B1 to sheet3's "C1" cel , from which formula it can be possible , ples tell
It's not the prettiest solution but it does work and I use it at my job on a workbook for logging checks received. It carries over the row if the check is postdated so that the row appears at the top of the next sheet. And it's an array formula so all the data is contiguous.
Let's use MikeD's data example above and expand upon it:
1 Index Info Flag Index 2 Info 2
2 1 A Y =If(C2="Y",A2,"") =If(C2="Y",B2,"")
3 2 B N =If(C3="Y",A3,"") =If(C3="Y",B3,"")
4 3 C N =If(C4="Y",A4,"") =If(C4="Y",B4,"")
5 4 D Y =If(C5="Y",A5,"") =If(C5="Y",B5,"")
Basically you are adding columns to the right of your data which checks to see if Column C equals "Y" and copies the row one cell at a time. So what we end up with is:
1 Index Info Flag Index 2 Info 2
2 1 A Y 1 A
3 2 B N
4 3 C N
5 4 D Y 4 D
Then on Sheet2 in cell A1 enter the following Array Formula (don't forget to use Ctrl+Shift+Enter):
Then in cell B1 you would enter a similar Array Formula:
Then you can highlight A1:B1 and drag the formulas down to A1:B5 and you should see this:
Index 2 Info 2
1 A
4 D
Then you can go back to Sheet1 and hide those nasty looking formula columns :).
