Qt c++ projects on another pc - linux

I have built a Qt project on Ubuntu, but when I am running the executable file of the project on windows it prompts with the error:
"This app can't run on your PC".
Why is this happening? what can I do to make my app work?

check out this link for building qt app on windows https://wiki.qt.io/Build_Standalone_Qt_Application_for_Windows


Is an .exe file generated when publishing a .net core console app in Linux?

Does the .net console app published on Linux-x64 produce an .exe file like in Windows?
The .exe is windows supported file which is not support in Linux, if you select Linux when publishing the application, it will just generate the dll which you could use dotnet command in Linux to run this dll.
For example:

How to use dotnet?

I'm trying to compile an old VS2010 Framework 4.0 project with dotnet command for Linux and I provided a source path to a .sln file but I'm keep getting MSB1003 error.
Do I need to import the project to VS2019?
VS2019 opens and compile from the GUI without problem, but for Windows x86 platform.
I want to run my App in Ubuntu and CentOS 6

publish and deploying .net core application to linux

Im having truble with publish and deploying a .net core web-api on a ubuntu 16.04 desktop ran in vmware. I have developed a simple web-api application with almost no extra implementation from the template v1.1. I have been installing and using some dependencies that are runnable in .net core.
Im using framework dependent release v1.1.
I can launch a released version on windows by using "dotnet publish -c release" and it works fine. I then move the published files to my ubuntu machine and tries to run it I get the error that it cannot locate some kind of assembly that I know is in the dll folder.
However if I move the source code and project to my ubuntu machine and do a "dotnet restore" and "dotnet publish -c release" the application works. If I dont use the "dotnet restore" and tries to publish on my ubuntu machine it gets another "are you missing an assembly reference".
My guess is that when I do "dotnet publish -c release" it targets runtimes only for windows or ubuntu depending on the machine publishing.
Im grateful for help and explanation for this.
Sorry for bad language.
Stupid me have been running the wrong application dll. I always ran the application dll in the folder netcoreapp1.1 when I should have ran the same dll in the sub directory publish.

Can't get qwt_designer_plugin to load in Qt Creator

My setup is:
Visual Studio 2012
Qt 5.2.0 from
Unzip Qwt from http://sourceforge.net/projects/qwt/files/qwt/6.1.0/qwt-6.1.0.zip/download to C:\qwt-6.1.0
Opened Qt 5.2.0 64-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2012) and ran "qmake qwt.pro"
Opened VS2012 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt and ran "nmake" and "nmake install"
Set QWT_ROOT = C:\qwt-6.1.0
Added C:\qwt-6.1.0\lib to PATH
Copied C:\qwt-6.1.0\plugins\designer\qwt_designer_plugin.dll to C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin\plugins\designer
When I open Qt Creator and edit the UI then go to Tools->Form Editor->About Qt Designer Plugins I see "Cannot load library qwt_designer_plugin.dll:" but no error or reason.
I used Dependency Walker to check the Dll, and QtCreator.exe and all its dependencies are 32-bit whereas my build of qwt_designer_plugin.dll is 64-bit. I wondered if this was causing the problem so I:
Downloaded Qt5.2.0 from http://download.qt-project.org/official_releases/qt/5.2/5.2.0/qt-windows-opensource-5.2.0-msvc2012-x86-offline.exe and install into C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0-32
Unzipped Qwt into C:\qwt-6.1.0-32bit to create a fresh copy.
Opened Qt 5.2.0 32-bit for Desktop (MSVC 2012), cd into C:\qwt-6.1.0-32bit and "qmake qwt.pro"
Opened VS2012 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt and ran "nmake" and "nmake install"
Copied C:\qwt-6.1.0-32bit\designer\plugins\designer\qwt_designer_plugin.dll to C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0\Tools\QtCreator\bin\plugins\designer
This works fine and I can now see the plugin loaded correctly and add Qwt widgets in the UI designer.
This worked for me:
Step 1
I check what MSVC version the QtCreator in my Qt framework version was built with. E.g. QtCreator that comes with Qt_5.6.2 MSVC2015 (qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2015-5.6.2.exe) was built with MSVC 2013 (qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.6.2.exe).
Step 2
I install qt-opensource-windows-x86-msvc2013-5.6.2.exe and build Qwt(plugin) with that Qt version.
For comparison here is what happens when Qwt is built with Qt_5.6.2 MSVC2013 and Qt_5.6.2 MSVC2015:
Also here:

VS2012 Install Shield project building using TFS build definition

I have a VS2012 sln which includes an install shield installer project.
If I build the solution/projects manually via solution explorer everything builds fine.
However when using the TFS build definitions i get the following error:
C:\Builds\1\<NAME>\<Build_Definition_Name>\Sources\InstallSetup\InstallSetup.isproj (29): The imported project
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\InstallShield\2012SpringLimited\InstallShield.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
Can someone please help with this?
Using VS 2012
OS - Win 7 x64 Pro
You need to install InstallShield on the machine on which you are running the build.
In-case someone is facing the same issue, I was able to solve it by reading what Flexera mentioned on their website: Link
Brief description: in build definition, process tab, make sure the MSBuild Platform is targeting x86.
I too had 64bit Windows (8.1) running and Team Foundation Server 2013 Express.
