How to include a channel name and a username in slack incoming webhook? - node.js

I am trying to post a message to a channel in slack using an incoming webhook, in the channel option i see you can either pass the username of a channel name, is there a way to include the #channel in the channel name as well so that it sends an alert to all the user?

Yes, that works.
You just need to include a special link in your message text and Slack will automatically alert all users of that channel.
e.g. <!channel>
See here for more examples on how to use links in a message.


Microsoft Assure Bot service

Is there any possible way of creating a Assure bot, when O365 email is received to particular persons and can we send a automated call or voice message through MS Teams to alert relevant person.
Thanks in advance.
I would suggest to avoid mapping Email channel and simply send your email with whatever sender you prefer (SmtpClient, SendGrid...).
your bot can use the channel data property to instruct Office365 to send an email.
Here is link To create a channel specific functionality.

Telegram: Can a bot write a message to a specific user in a group?

I have a telegram group with several human members and a bot. This bot sends regular status updates to the group. I do this with a simple curl command.<MYBOT-ID>/sendMessage?chat_id=<MYCHAT-ID>=&text=hello%20world
Is there a possibility that the bot sends a message to a specific user in the group, e.g. to inform about a failure. The other members of the group should of course not see or hear this.
You can use "user_id" instead of "chat_id" to send the message to the PV of users instead of sending message in the group<MYBOT-ID>/sendMessage?chat_id=<USER-ID>=&text=hello%20world

Parse a value from a message in Teams using Flow

Currently I send MessageCards to Teams via the O365 connecter from Cherwell. In the message there is an #NAME being the name of the technician in Cherwell.
Does anyone know of a way to parse a new message in FLOW (starting with the 'When a new channel message is added' method) to use the name after the # as a mention in the channel.
So basically the Message appears via the O365 connector, then the flow runs to mention the person in the channel where the message arrived?
Worked a treat. I parsed out the email address from the JSON that was sent as the MessageCard then created a flow that created a variable and wrapped the around it and using he Flow Bot now have the mentions sending around from a MessageCard being sent via the O365 connector to Teams.

Retrieve invited users with Telegram Bot API

I have a Telegram channel and a Telegram bot using Node.js and PSQL. With a command (for example /how), I need to return to the user the number of user which has been invited to the channel by this user (and has joined).
How can I retrieve this list of users ?
If by "invited" you mean users who sent others a link to the channel then Telegram API does not provide such functionality.
However, channel administrators can add users to the channel and those should be sent as regular Message updates with new_chat_members field set, all you have to do is log those updates to the database and then fetch it with your command.

how to use email channel in microsoft bot builder

Currently i am using slack channel with bot builder.
I want to use email channel, is there any sample code for this.
What is effective way to send email from bot to avoid spam
I am using node js
There's no extra code needed for the email channel. Your bot will reply to the body of an email it receives. You can add things like channel specific code if you like. Right now only office 365 emails will work, please read the documentation here
The bot will reply to an email sent to the registered email address with an email where the body is the same message that you would see as a response in other channels like slack, emulator, etc
