Highlighting rows based on the absence of another row - excel

I have a data Sheet that I need to highlight rows based on certain conditions
I have been successful in highlighting duplicate rows using the following formula in conditional formatting:
and applying it to all the cells in the data sheet
Employee_Col refers to the emp_ID
Job_Col refers to the job_ID
I have created named ranges for the columns in question as per above
I have a separate sheet(Employees) which includes and emp_ID and a type column where I can specify if they are a "Supervisor"
What I'm trying to accomplish is to highlight rows in my Data sheet where I have entries(rows) emp_ID, job_ID, Date but there is no entry for a job_ID, Date combination for an employee designated as a "Supervisor" from the Employee sheet
In other words if there are regular employee entries for a given job and date but no corresponding supervisor employee entry then I would like to highlight the regular employee entries for this given job/date combination
The emp_ID, job_ID, Date entries in the Data sheet can appear anywhere in the Data i.e. they are not necessarily adjacent(by job_id/Date) to one another.
"Supervisor" entries can be added to the Employee sheet at any time so I need the highlighting provided by the conditional formatting to be reflected automatically in the Data sheet.
Hope I'm clear with my intentions, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Adding Screenshots to help explain my intentions...
From the Employee sheet employees 1, 4 and 6 are designated as "Supervisor" in column D
The Highlighted rows in Data_Before_After is the result I'm looking for.
The rows highlighted have no corresponding "Supervisor" entry for the indicated Date and Job
Perhaps I need a helper column that performs the INDEX/MATCH lookup on the Employee sheet to get employees who are supervisors and use that column as well in the conditional formatting.
Just not sure how to get there.
If it can't be done in excel is there a VBA solution?
Thanks again.


Adding values to different cells depending on conditions - Excel

I am not very good with excel formulas, and I would need some help with a process I want to implement:
Simplifying things, I have an excel sheet (sheet n°1) with rows like this:
Company name | Price | Date
On other excel sheet (sheet n°2) I have one row for every company, and in each column there are all 12 months. I would need a formula so every time I add a row in the first sheet, the price I add is automatically added to the corresponding company row and in the corresponding month (based on the date) on sheet 2
I am really lost here, I know how to apply simple formulas, but not this, is there a way to add each value to a different cell depending on some conditions?
I forgot to add, that I would need to sum this values in sheet 2, so every time I add a new value, it is summed to the actual value of the corresponding cell.
I hope my english is not to bad, and thank you in advance!! :)
One caveat to this the month headers must be an actual date in the month desired. This can be formatted any way you want to display. My cells all contain the 1st of each month as their true dates.

Excel formula/VBA that shows only a part of a column of another sheet

What I am trying to do is to show only a part of a column into another sheet through a formula.
Basically I have an Excel file in which I type in work shifts, as you can see on the example. The top of this table contains the date. The first column contains the name of the employee.
If possible I'd like to have the column of a specified date on another sheet (maintaining formatting), so that I can “sort” employees in their exact place without the need of swapping between Sheets.
The “blacked out” part is the one with employees names, the red-highlighted part is the one that should “appear” on the other sheet.

MS Excel Compare 2 Columns And Add Additional Column

really need some professional ms excel guru, I'm working in small company HR and we have a list of names of our clients and employees (3000 names give or take) with their salary by the side,
now our management wants to add like say "bonuses" to the salary but don't want to add it directly to it's cell but a column next to the "salary's" column,
I've drawn a chart of basically what I'm talking about, I know it's doable or any way of comparing a list of our employee's name and adding additional columns to the employee's row?
Example Of Workflow
Create a named range by the name of "BonusList", anywhere in the same workbook as the list of salaries. That list should consist of 2 columns, the first of which has the names, the second the bonus.
Use this formula in the column where you want the bonus to appear (the new column).
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A3, BonusList,2,FALSE),"")
Make sure that the names are in column A of the salary list. You can change the column, if the names are in another column. Make sure that the row in which you paste the first formula is aligned with the row in the formula (here it is row 3). Copy down.
The formula will display a blank if the name from the salary list isn't found in the bonus list.

How to conditional format with multiple criteria (Excel Pivot table)

I have an Excel pivot table with no set boundaries (boundaries depend on what slicer option the user select).
In Column A: I have the store information such as daily sales volume and other value information. Since there are countless stores, this information repeats for each store. Sales_Volume column is placed in the VALUES section area in PivotTable Fields (Along with other columns that are also placed in the VALUES section, but I am only concerned with Sales_Volume column).
In Column B - xxx: I have the daily dates in the COLUMNS section area in PivotTable Fields so starting from Column B contains the Sales_Volume information for that day (Along with other values,but I am only concerned with Sales_Volume column). Every 9th row starting from row 13 contains the Sales_Volume value for that day.
What I want is for the conditional formatting to search for the the word "Sales_Volume" in Column A and for that Row color the cell red for any values in that row that are less than 200.
Does that makes sense? So ONLY every 9th row starting from row 13 would contain the conditional formatting (if the values are less than 200 in those specific rows only).
Any help would GREATLY appreciated!!
Perhaps a helper column could work for you...create another column with the formula of =AND(A1="Sales_Volume",B1<200). This would either return TRUE or FALSE, and you could conditionally format that column.
I found the solution if anyone is interested:
I used the same formula listed here: "=AND(B6<200, $A6="Sales_Volume")"
however, my fix came from selecting the entire workbook from the first row that I wanted the conditional formatting to be set on so my selected range was:
B6 - XFD1048576 and voila!

excel - advanced vlookup or other formula?

I have a question regarding excel and I am looking for a formula that can help me transport my data from one sheet to the other. I have some experience with excel, however I am not a pro at it, so I apologize if this is a very trivial question but would also be happy since that would mean it probably has a very trivial answer! Unfortunately I do not have enough reputation points yet to post images, but I will try to explain it as clearly as possible.
Basically I am creating an excel template and the goal is to have 2 sheets in excel.
In the first sheet I have a column with following input in rows A1 - A3: Sales Region,
Country, Account ID's.
Above is the example of column A; from column B --> x; I will put e.g.
Americas, US and as many account numbers as there are in that specific country.
However on the second sheet it gets a bit complicated. My goal is that all the account numbers from sheet 1 irrespective of their sales region and country (which also means irrespective of their column) will automatically be listed on the second sheet.
The second sheet will be organized in the following way:
From column A - C; sales region, country and account ID.; from column D - x financial information for each account.
As a first step I want all the different account ID's from the different columns on the first sheet to be listed under column C (account ID's) on the seconds sheet.
As a second step I want column A - B to be automatically filled out according to account number by accessing the information in which column and thus sales region and country the account is in on sheet one.
I don't think a simple vlookup would do the job, especially for step 1, since I want the account ID's from many different columns and rows in sheet 1 to be listed in just one column....
hope it is clear enough! Would appreciate any help! :) thanks in advance!
The first step take all of column A and copy it to the 2nd sheet on column C.
Select data ribbon and select remove duplicates.
For column A insert vlookup for column C for all the data in 1st sheet
For column B insert vlookup for column B for all the data in 1st sheet
Those value will work well only if an ID has one valid Region and country.
Now just use custom sort to sort it in the way you desire.
