uwp nodejs local site - node.js

I build a uwp App with a webview. It loads a nodejs local site at http://127.0.01:81. When I try to load 127.0.01:81 from my uwp App, I have a blank page. When I try to load http://127.0.01:81 directly from chrome, or edge on my w10 pro tablet, it's working.
If I try the uwp App on the pc, where I build the App, it's ok.
Nodejs is correctly install on my w10 pro tablet, but there is something blocked when I try to use it from the uwp App. I try to give all the permissions to the nodejs directory, stop windows firewall, reinstall the tablet but nothing change.

Hello I have found the solution : I have activated the 'Allow local network loopback' on my w10 tab pro with 'Loopback Exemption Manager' downloaded on loopback.codeplex.com (check the app name)
On the pc where I build the app in visual studio in the propertie of the project in the 'Debug' section, the option 'Allow local network loopback' is checked. It's why it works on the pc where I build the UWP App...

you should not use the, it only will be used on the same device. in you local, you should use like 192.168....... the local ip of the device you are running on.


vite can't open webapp running on linux machine from other devices ERR_CONNECTIONS_TIMED_OUT

I'm building a React web app using vite on my laptop(linux) and trying to access its URL though local network (like http://192.x.x.x:3000 on my computer (windows) or phone(android), but I can't open the page(ERR_CONNECTIONS_TIMED_OUT), also I can't open others projects this way, but I can open that url locally on laptop
When I was using windows 10 on laptop long ago and doing website with gulp I could expose page url the same way and simply open it on phone without any other configurations. So the question is what should I do to configure it properly?

How to deploy Babylon.js app to Hololens Emulator

I have developed a simple application with babylon.js in a file called index.html, but I don't know how to run it on Hololens Emulator.
You can host the file as a Azure Static Web App and access it from a browser (Edge 81 on Windows Desktop, Edge 91 on Hololens 2) or follow these docs to learn how you can host it locally or on other device within same network https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/develop/javascript/tutorials/babylonjs-webxr-helloworld/introduction-01
You can use the emulator in both scenarios for tests.

How to configure Web Deploy on Windows 10 pro

How can I configure Web Deploy on Windows 10? Should it work?
I found information about Web Deploy on Windows 8, there it isn't working.
How is it in Windows 10?
Microsoft is being super sneaky about this, but it appears they have removed the ability to use web deploy remotely from ALL non server os's. Even in Windows 7, if you do all of the newest updates, the deploy menu vanishes in IIS. So if you want to use web deploy it seems like your only option is to shell out some bucks for a server os.
HOWEVER, I was able to get FTP publishing configured and working on my Windows 10 machine, which works almost as well. Just install the FTP server under control panel => programs and settings => install windows components. Then open iis mgr and right click on your site and a configure FTP publishing option should pop up. The configuration is a pain and not straightforward, but if you mess with it you'll figure it out.
Then in Visual Studio right click on your project, hit publish, then in the first screen in the drop down there is the good old fashioned ftp option. Good luck!
From OP's response, another solution is to simply share the root folder on the server, so for example
Then mount that share on your development box, I mounted it as the P:\ drive for production, and Q:\ drive for qa. Then in visual studio on the publish screen just select deploy to file system and deploy to that mapped drive, works like a charm and is far simpler than setting up FTP.
Ok, I did this (in Windows 10):
Uninstalled Web Deploy 3.6 from control panel(didn't help).
Downloaded Web Deploy 3.6 installer, then ran uninstall from the installation menu.
Downloaded Microsoft Web Platform Installer 5.0.
From the Web Platform Installer 5.0, I installed Web Deploy 3.5 + Web Deploy 3.5 without bundled SQL Support
I seem to have the deploy context menu back when I right click a site.
Make sure you do the following:
Install web Deploy 3.6
Go to Server Manager > IIS
Under Server Roles go down to Web Server (IIS), expand this tree and select Management Tools.
Make sure "Management Service" is checked
Go to Services, Make sure "Web Management Services" is started. (go ahead and make it automatic while you're in there).
Now you'll see the "Configure Web Deploy Publishing" option under the Deploy menu on IIS. From there make sure you have port 8172 open from the IP you are publishing from.
Installing WebDeploy 2.1 (available from the Web Platform Installer) gives you a 'Deploy' option on your website in Windows 10
See: https://serverfault.com/questions/253292/why-dont-i-have-deploy-actions-available-in-iis-7-manager

Autorun desktop app and check if it is running from a Windows 8 App

I´m developing a Windows 8 App, and it needs a desktop app running on background to work properly.
So i have two questions:
1.- The OS is a Windows 8.1 Industry Embedded. I need to autorun the desktop app and my Windows 8 app at startup.
Here explains how to do so with a Windows 8 App, but not with a desktop app, so i´m using this other solution to add the application to the Windows Startup folder, but i´m not sure if this is the best way.
2.- Then, when my app starts, i should check if the other app is running or not to work in one way or another. How can i check that? I´m developing with HTML and Javascript.
Yes that is the 'proper' solution to starting a desktop app on startup. Otherwise you can look at creating a windows service that manages the app lifecycle.
By design, winRT apps are not supposed to talk to desktop applications, but if you are sideloading the winRT app (i.e., not through the Windows Store), you could run a local server with your desktop app, and then enable local loopback with localhost in your winRT app and communicate that way.

iOS5 app will not download with itms-services on IIS, but works on Apache

I've rebuilt an iPad app to run on iOS 5. I put a link to the code on an internal apache server:
and it downloads fine to all of our devices running iOS 4 and iOS 5. I then put it on our Intranet site running IIS and Sharepoint
And only iOS 4 users can download it. iOS 5 users receive: Cannot connect to intranet.mysite.com when they click the link.
I've updated the MIME settings on IIS, but that didn't help. We've removed all provisioning profiles from the devices, but still it doesn't work.
The manifest.plist is updated as well to point to the intranet site and everything works on iOS 4. Seems like iOS 5 and IIS don't get along ... any ideas?
Make sure your IIS site allows anonymous access
