I have developed a simple application with babylon.js in a file called index.html, but I don't know how to run it on Hololens Emulator.
You can host the file as a Azure Static Web App and access it from a browser (Edge 81 on Windows Desktop, Edge 91 on Hololens 2) or follow these docs to learn how you can host it locally or on other device within same network https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/develop/javascript/tutorials/babylonjs-webxr-helloworld/introduction-01
You can use the emulator in both scenarios for tests.
I'm building a React web app using vite on my laptop(linux) and trying to access its URL though local network (like http://192.x.x.x:3000 on my computer (windows) or phone(android), but I can't open the page(ERR_CONNECTIONS_TIMED_OUT), also I can't open others projects this way, but I can open that url locally on laptop
When I was using windows 10 on laptop long ago and doing website with gulp I could expose page url the same way and simply open it on phone without any other configurations. So the question is what should I do to configure it properly?
I am using the Azure Mobile App quickstart ToDoList example to get started with cross platform app. I have set up the back-end and it is working on localhost - I can hit it using Swagger and gets posts etc are working.
I then set up the client application (Xamarin.Forms). I am running the client application on my Android device and all works great when back-end is in Azure, including the offline sync element. The problem is that I have to work locally for now but I cannot sync with the db when running on localhost.
At first the debugger was giving me a "connection refused" error, so I followed the steps here and in various other sources including using my laptop IP and setting firewall rule, adding binding to port in IIS Manager and applicationhost.config, and changing ApplicationURL in Constants.cs.
Now, I get no connection refused error, but the data is not getting to the db, athough the localdb on the tablet seems to be working - it is failing when I try to sync to/from db.
Not too familiar with networking but it may be important to note that when I use localhost:portnum/tables/todoitem in browser I get results in XML but when I use I get "Bad Request - Invalid Hostname".
By default, your Mobile App .NET server backend application will run in IIS Express. This is problematic when debugging with a client application running in another device on your network, or in a virtual machine in Hyper-V (such as Windows Phone Emulator). IIS Express will host your server application under localhost, which makes the application unreachable to other devices or virtual machines. Your client application running on Windows Phone Emulator has a different meaning for localhost. The same is true for the Visual Studio Emulator (which runs in Hyper-V) and the Google Emulator.
It is simpler to configure your machine to host your Mobile App .NET server backend application on IIS, as this allows you to control the binding of the server application to an IP address, rather than localhost.
For information on this, see: https://github.com/Azure/azure-mobile-apps-net-server/wiki/Local-development-and-debugging-the-Mobile-App-.NET-server-backend
I build a uwp App with a webview. It loads a nodejs local site at http://127.0.01:81. When I try to load 127.0.01:81 from my uwp App, I have a blank page. When I try to load http://127.0.01:81 directly from chrome, or edge on my w10 pro tablet, it's working.
If I try the uwp App on the pc, where I build the App, it's ok.
Nodejs is correctly install on my w10 pro tablet, but there is something blocked when I try to use it from the uwp App. I try to give all the permissions to the nodejs directory, stop windows firewall, reinstall the tablet but nothing change.
Hello I have found the solution : I have activated the 'Allow local network loopback' on my w10 tab pro with 'Loopback Exemption Manager' downloaded on loopback.codeplex.com (check the app name)
On the pc where I build the app in visual studio in the propertie of the project in the 'Debug' section, the option 'Allow local network loopback' is checked. It's why it works on the pc where I build the UWP App...
you should not use the, it only will be used on the same device. in you local, you should use like 192.168....... the local ip of the device you are running on.
I am new to Azure. I am following this tutorial in setting up my .Net server for azure and ios client.
I am testing my ios client on simulator. Can I run my .NET server on my location machine with put publish it to azure? If yes, how can I figure my client to talks to this location machine?
And in the tutorial, it creates a Database Table. If I run it locally, do I need to setup my location DB server?
Not on a mac (which you need for iOS development). With the .NET backend you can run the service locally on a Windows machine, but it will be running off of localhost.
For iOS development, you have two choices. If you use the JavaScript / node.js backend, where all of your development can be done in the Mac (you can configure the service via Git locally or directly in the portal). If you use the .NET backend (the link you mentioned), then you need the Mac for the client-side development, and a PC (or Windows running in the Mac on an emulator such as parallels) to develop the server (you need Visual Studio for that).
And regarding your question about the table, when you run it locally, it will use Entity Framework Code First (by default), so you don't need to create the table in your (local) database - it will create it automatically for you.
I´m developing a Windows 8 App, and it needs a desktop app running on background to work properly.
So i have two questions:
1.- The OS is a Windows 8.1 Industry Embedded. I need to autorun the desktop app and my Windows 8 app at startup.
Here explains how to do so with a Windows 8 App, but not with a desktop app, so i´m using this other solution to add the application to the Windows Startup folder, but i´m not sure if this is the best way.
2.- Then, when my app starts, i should check if the other app is running or not to work in one way or another. How can i check that? I´m developing with HTML and Javascript.
Yes that is the 'proper' solution to starting a desktop app on startup. Otherwise you can look at creating a windows service that manages the app lifecycle.
By design, winRT apps are not supposed to talk to desktop applications, but if you are sideloading the winRT app (i.e., not through the Windows Store), you could run a local server with your desktop app, and then enable local loopback with localhost in your winRT app and communicate that way.