What is the procedure to test OpenThread for CC2538? - platform

The demo provided at Github for CC2538 doesn't describe the test procedure. If one follows the procedure described for POSIX (for an older version), then start command is not valid.
Though the documentation help lists start as a command, but it is not a valid command (in cli.cpp).
Can someone guide me through the test procedure?

I found it, its mentioned in apps path, which was missed by me.


Gulp task finishes but never ends

NOTE: Here is an example repo with the problem.
When I run ./gulp js, the process works (creates the expected files on the file system), but the task never completes... just hangs indefinitely:
ss http://zc.d.pr/4C9U/3GG90rpz+
I figure I'm not returning something somewhere, or invoking a callback correctly, but after hours of tinkering, head-banging, and Googling, I haven't found a solution.
Can someone help me out here?
If it makes a difference, I'm currently using node v4.1.0. All other dependencies and versions are in the example repo linked above.
EDIT: Original inspiration for this gulp recipe came from https://truongtx.me/2015/06/07/gulp-with-browserify-and-watchify-updated/
However, I couldn't get transform to work as that author suggested, which led me to https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/1198#issuecomment-89948202
Of course—as it always happens—I think of something new to try just after I post to SO and it appears to work.
doh http://zc.d.pr/11uMa/5gghjbCx+
You can see my full changeset here: https://github.com/neezer/gulp-browserify-hanging-task/commit/8156e182c04c2e76c5739e31f5a6e417dda01b70
TL;DR Basically I tried the suggestion in the last comment on the aforementioned issue from my question, where I pass the file object itself to browserify instead of the file path, and lo-and-behold, the task finishes now.
I don't pretend to know why that fixed the issue, so if anyone would like to explain, I'd love to learn. ;)

Auto-correlation callback function issue - loadrunner

I'm working in new application written in Siebel 8.1, issue appears when I'm trying to replay script and I can't handle that.
Replay Output:
Error -27086: Auto-correlation callback function
"flCorrelationCallbackParseWebPage" failed (rc=1) for parameter
I have done all steps for prepare record options from: http://software-qe.blogspot.se/2008/01/siebel-7x-record-and-replay-for.html
I'm using Loadrunner 11.52 (Siebel Web protocol), IE8.
We've been using the autocorrelation library for quite a few years on my team and we see this a lot. Unfortunately, it's not an easy problem to diagnose.
First I would check your test results and your VUser log to see if something happened before the autocorrelation failed. (Make sure your logging is set to parameter substitution in runtime settings).
Check your parameter files for extra spaces, commas, etc. Sometimes I've seen that error right after it rejects something about your parameter file.
Worst case scenario, your script is corrupted and you'll have to start over. We've gotten in the habit of making frequent backups of our scripts just because of this issue. Usually, we'll be able to start from our backup and continue or create a new script and paste the old code in. Autocorrelation error "magically" goes away with the same code in a new script.
If auto(magical)correlation does not work then use manual correlation.
Record twice with same data: Compare. You will find session, state and time data.
Change the credentials: Re-record. Compare. You will find credential related correlation
Change the business record but keep the same business process. Re-Record. You will find the business related correlation.
Do not expect autocorrelation to provide a magical working script. You have about a 0.0001% chance of that happening without LoadRunner script development intervenetion.

Perl: libapt-pkg-perl AptPkg::Cache->new strange behaviour under precise

I have a very strange problem with the constructor of AptPkg::Cache object in the precise package of libapt-pkg-perl (v. 0.1.25).
The perl script is designed to download a debian package for three different architectures (i386, armel, armhf). For each architecture I do the following:
Configure AptPkg::Config '$_config' with the right parameters and package-lists for the desired architecture.
Create the cache object with AptPkg::Cache->new .
Call the method AptPkg::Cache->policy to create the AptPkg::Policy object.
Call the method AptPkg::Policy->candidate("program-name") .
Download the package for the selected architecture.
This works very well with Ubuntu Lucid, but with Ubuntu Precise I can only download the package for the first architecture defined. For the other two architectures there will be no installation candidate (method AptPkg::Policy->candidate("Package-Name") doesn't return an object).
I tried to build a workaround and I found one solution how the script works for all three architectures, without problems, in precise:
If I create the cache object (with AptPkg::Cache->new) twice in a row it works and the script downloads the debian package for all three architectures:
my $cache = AptPkg::Cache->new;
$cache = AptPkg::Cache->new;
I'm sure that the problem has something to do with the method AptPkg::Cache->new because I checked everything else, what could cause the problem, twice. All config-variables are set correctly and I even get a different Hash for AptPkg::Cache->new for each architecture, but it seems that I am overlooking something important.
I'm not very familiar with perl, so I am asking you guys if someone can explain why the script works with the workaround but not without it. Further it looks quite strange if you have the same line of code twice in your script.
Maybe you hit this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libapt-pkg-perl/+bug/994509
There is a script there to test if you're affected. If it's something else consider submitting a bug report.
edit: Just saw this is 11 months old :/

Getting echofunc.vim to work

I came across echofunc.vim today (from a link in SO). Since I'm rubbish at remembering the order of function parameters, it looked like a very useful tool for me.
But the documentation is a bit lean on installation! And I've not been able to find any supplementary resources on the internet.
I'm trying to get it running on a RHEL box. I've copied the script into ~/.vim/plugin/echofunc.vim however no prompt when I type in a function name followed by '('. I've tried adding
let g:EchoFuncLangsUsed = ["php","java","cpp"]
to my .vimrc - still no prompting.
I'm guessing it needs to read from a dictionary somewhere - although there is a file in /usr/share/vim/vim70/ftplugin/php.vim, this is the RH default and does not include an explicit function list.
I'm not too bothered about getting hints on the functions/methods I've defined - just trying to get hints for the built-in functions. I can see there is a dictionary file available here which appears to provide the resources required for echofunc.vim, I can't see how I set this up.
It expects a tags file, the last line of the description describes exactly how to generate it:
ctags -R --fields=+lS .
It works here with PHP but not with JS. Your mileage may vary.
I didn't know about this plugin, thanks for the info.
You should try phpcomplete.vim, it shows a prototype of the current function in a scratchpad. It is PHP only, though.

Jelly script to reset the issue resolution in JIRA

I am trying to run a jelly script in JIRA to set the resolution to null for all my issues. The following script runs without errors and returns this:
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira='jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib' xmlns:log='jelly:log' xmlns:core='jelly:core' xmlns:jx='jelly:xml' xmlns:util='jelly:util'>org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUEorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUEorg.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUE.... </JiraJelly>
Here is the script.
<JiraJelly xmlns:jira="jelly:com.atlassian.jira.jelly.JiraTagLib" xmlns:util="jelly:util" xmlns:core="jelly:core" xmlns:jx="jelly:xml" xmlns:log="jelly:log">
<jira:RunSearchRequest var="issues" />
<core:forEach var="genericIssue" items="${issues}">
<core:invokeStatic className="com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueImpl" method="getIssueObject" var="issue">
<core:arg type="org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue" value="${genericIssue}"/>
<core:invoke on="${issue}" method="setResolution">
<core:arg type="org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue">org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericValue.NULL_VALUE</core:arg>
Does any one have any idea why this isn't working or have any ideas on how I might set the resolution to nothing?
Thank you!!
Updating issues via jelly in JIRA is a bit broken. The best example of how to make it work that I've seen is by using ActionDispatcher as shown on the docs page in a comment by Alastair King.
I know it can be done with Jelly runner, but i thinks that this would be easier to do so using the Jira remote API or the Jira CLI. A more elaborated example of the Jira remote API can be found here. If anyone wants me to post a working source code feel free to ask.
