In Sentora i will need to integrate a clamav Module - antivirus-integration

Could you please give an idea to integrate a clamav antivirus into sentora. I have already installed a clamav in centOS 6 . But i need a module integration for user error check. could you please give an idea

Sorry , I have a solution for this question How to install PHP clamav on CENTOS . kindly avoid this question


Downloading debian Neo4j version from Windows

I'm trying to download the Debian Neo4j version from a Window 7 machine. I'm not managing to find the URL in order to download the package/file . I have installed the GOW software for some linux commands.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
I found this link - . Know I need to figure out what is the best file to download in order to install it on an Ubuntu Machine
You've got two options :
If you've got access to the package repository (from your Ubuntu machine), follow the information in to install it as a package. That's the best option which also provides start/stop scripts, a user that runs Neo4j (neo4j) and also allows for easier upgrades.
If you can not reach the internet from your Ubuntu machine (as could be deduced from the way you're trying to do it, the zip (or tar.gz for Linux) download is the way to go. You can find that at
Hope this helps.

Locating shared library

I have downloaded a script that used, bit I don't have it on CemtOS 6.7 and can't find any info on which software package uses
Can anyone tell me which package includes
yum provides "**"
hope it will help you .

Docs for installing Lucee?

I wish to use an alternative to ColdFusion. Researching Railo, I found the pointers to Lucee. There do not appear to be any docs explaining how to set up a Linux/Apache/Tomcat/MySQL platform for Lucee, and then install Lucee on top of it. I've tried setting up such a platform for Railo, but got stuck trying to get Railo talking to Apache over both http and https.
I wish to avoid the "all in one" installers that include Tomcat, as I'd like to use yum to keep Tomcat up to date on security patches.
If I've just overlooked the Lucee docs, can someone please point me to them? And if they don't exist, how could one "translate" the Railo docs to work with Lucee, and get the Apache-Lucee connection working?
UPDATE 2016-04-06: Thanks to all who answered. It looks like you've helped a number of people! I never was able to get Lucee running, but this was for lack of time, not lack of instructions. The powers that be also decided to move to an outsourced web design and hosting solution, and the firm that won the bid uses Drupal.
For Linux installs (Ubuntu) Digital Ocean has a great tutorial on installing Railo.
You can follow these same instructions to install Lucee just...
wget -O
wget -O
And everything else is the same.
note - If you want to get the latest installer just go to scroll down to the Installers section and right-click the Linux 64-Bit link and copy the link url. Then replace the link in the wget above with the one you just copied.
Installation of Lucee on your local machine, following this help link : How to Set Up Railo CFML Engine with Tomcat and Apache on a Debian 7 or Ubuntu 13 VPS
Open your terminal and follow the instruction given below
Commands :
aptitude update
aptitude -y upgrade
Installing Apache
aptitude -y install apache2
Install Lucee
wget -O
chmod 744
run sudo ./
Follow the instructions.
That's it ..
To complement and for posterity, I'm adding this answer with new actual information. I've created a step by step video guide about installing Lucee on a clean Ubuntu Server 20.04.LTS and added them as a contribution to the official documentation. You can find the quick video guide at
so that summed up is:
Follow this:
replace with this:
based on the version here: or
Drop the Jar or War install file into the correct folder for your J2EE engine. Or use your engine's admin pages into install the that file.
Config changes can also be made to more fully integrate across instances.
Almost any engine will do: Jetty, Tomcat, GlassFish, JBoss and Elastic Beanstalk are all good choices.
Lucee is also now fully OSGi compliant.
The easiest way to get started with Lucee is by using Ortus Solutions' CommandBox. CommandBox comes with an embedded Lucee server so you can be up and running in just minutes. CommandBox is a standalone, native tool for Windows, Mac, and Linux that will provide you with a Command Line Interface (CLI), package management, embedded CFML server and application scaffolding.

Can't install mono on linux

I'm having trouble building and installing mono. the problem is that the call
make get-monolite-latest
fails due to invalid url. Anyone knows how to bypass this error?
P.S. I'm using Linux Mint 16
The server is online again; see my question regarding the same problem. It allowed me to complete a Centos install of Mono 3.4.0.

SGML::Parser::OpenSP - Open Jade Nightmare

I'm trying to install the W3C validator (local copy) and I have managed to install Perl and all its modules except for SGML::Parser::OpenSP
The problem I'm running into is that apparently I need OpenSP or OpenJade, and I've downloaded the source for both of those, but i cant compile it.
I'm using
Windows 7 x64
IIS 7.5
Active Perl 5.16.1
Installing modules via CPAN
What am I asking for help on?
How/Where can i get a working compilation of OpenSP or OpenJade, or install SGML without it?
The guide i was using :
Your help would be appreciated more than you may think :)
It seems the binaries are available here:
There is an onsgmls.exe in the package.
