I've been trying to download a tar file from the internet on a remote machine using Linux (and PuTTY), but nothing has been working for me. I was able to download it on my Windows laptop, but I can't figure out how to either transfer from my laptop to the remote machine or just download it from PuTTY. Does anybody have any ideas?
I have a ubuntu machine in the same network with my windows laptop. I have a Pycharm Community Edition in my windows machine. I want to use the Pycharm in my windows machine to write Python Scripts which I want to run in Python interpreter present in Ubuntu machine. I am having difficulties installing Samba, as a linux newbie. I get the error that says samba.conf not present.Is there any other alternatives?
Don't bother with Samba. You can configure PyCharm to directly upload changed files to a remote server. I.e., when you save locally on your Windows workstation, it can automatically ftp/sftp the file to a pre-configured location on your remote server. See configuration instructions here:
I used this when I set up my LAMP machine a few years ago:
I am asked to send a text file from a computer from a windows machine to a linux machine,a raspberry pi model b to be exact . Knowing that they are on the same local network, what are the steps to do in order to enable such a manipulation?
Try pscp:
Download and run putty installer: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html, then in your windows terminal type:
Program Files( x86)\PuTTY\pscp.exe <path_to_file_to_be_copied> <user>#<ip_addres_of_your_raspberry>:<path>
pscp.exe C:\Users\SantaClaus\Desktop\someText.txt santaClaus#
Installed CYGWIN in my windows, I can able to access both windows & remote linux machines with the credentials. But i can't able to configure how the data will be moved from Linux to windows, can anyone please suggest me on this.
To log into your cygwin instance remotely, you need to install the sshd module in cygwin and then set it up. Then you will be able to use the ssh command on your linux/unix machine to do one of many things:
open a bash shell in your cygwin instance
execute a remote command from linux/unix using: ssh WINDOWS_SERVER command
copy to the Windows machine remotely using scp or sftp.
I have researched and only see answers on how to do this on windows, so here are my details.
I am using mac os X .. And I am connecting to a virtual server via VPN. My problem is I have files on the desktop of my mac that I need to get to the Virtual server on the VPN. How can this be accomplished. They are not on the same network, or IP range. I heard you should install a webserver onto the virtual server in order to accomplish this. Does anyone have experience with this or can provide any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
OS X includes the scp command that can be used to copy files to a virtual server assuming that it is a Linux system running SSH. For example, this terminal command will copy the file "my_file.txt" from the current directory to username's home directory on the server. The colon at the end of the command is important.
scp my_file.txt username#virtual.server.ip.address:
The scp and sftp instructions here apply to OS X as well as Linux.
When doing a wubi install of linux from windows, the place/file where all linux info is saved is inside a "root.disk" file.
I am intending on formatting my laptop to run linux only and I can't seem to find a way to open this root.disk file from linux itself (to extract some of the files from my previous installation). Of course, it does and is able to open in windows using a certain software, but because I will only have linux on my system now, does anybody know how to open this file in linux itself? It's kind of strange that it isn't able to open with the default linux tools.
I am using Linux Mint 12 (via wubi install). Intending on moving to a 'lighter' version of linux.
You need to mount this image before you can access it, try the following:
mkdir olddisk
sudo mount -o loop /path/to/root.disk olddisk
You should now be able to access the data inside this container.