Top command: How to stick to one unit (KB/KiB) - linux

I'm using the top command in several distros to feed a Bash script. Currently I'm calling it with top -b -n1.
I'd prefer a unified output in KiB or KB. However, it will display large units in megabytes or gigabytes. Is there an option to avoid these large units?
Please consider the following example:
4911 root 20 0 274m 248m 146m S 0 12.4 0:07.19 example
Edit: To answer 123's question, I transform the columns and send them to a log monitoring appliance. If there's no alternative, I'll convert the units via awk beforehand as per this thread.

Consider cutting out the middleman top and reading directly from /proc/[1-9]*/statm. All those files consist of one line of numbers, of which the first three correspond with top's VIRT RES SHR, respectively, in units of pages, normally 4096 B, so that by multiplying with 4 you get units of KiB.

You need a config file. You can create it yourself as $HOME/.toprc or using top interactively. The latter is easy. You just need to press W while top is running in interactive mode.
But first you need to set top interactively to the state you want. To change the memory scale press e until you see what you want. (Then save with W.)
Either way, you need this set in your config: Task_mscale=0 for the lowest scale.


Cluster nodes need to read different sections of an input file - how do I organize it?

I am trying to read an input file in a cluster environment. Different nodes will read different parts of it. However the parts are not clearly separated, but interleaved in a "grid".
For example, a file with 16 elements (assume integers):
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 A B
If I use four nodes, the first node will read the top left 2x2 square (0,1,4,5), the second node will read the top right 2x2 square and so on.
How should I handle this? I can use MPI or OpenMP. I have two ideas but I don't know which would work better:
Each node will open the file and have its own handle to it. Each node would read the file independently, using only the part of the file it needs and skipping over the rest of it. In this case, what would be the difference between using fopen or MPI_File_open? Which one would be better?
Use one node read the whole file and send each part of the input to the node that needs it.
Regarding your question,
I will not suggest the second option you mentioned. that is using one node to read and then distributing the parts. Reasons being this is slow .. especially if the file is large. Here you have twice the overhead, first to keep other processes waiting and second to send the data which is read. So clearly a no go for me.
Regarding your first option, there is no big difference between using fopen and MPI_Fole_open. But Here I will still suggest MPI_File_open to avail certain facilities like non blocking I/O operations and Shared file pointers (makes life easy)

How do I "dump" the contents of an X terminal programmatically a la /dev/vcs{,a} in the Linux console?

Linux's kernel-level console/non-X terminal emulator contains a very cool feature (if compiled in): each /dev/ttyN device corresponds with /dev/vcsaN and /dev/vcsN devices which represent the in-memory (displayed) state of that tty, with and without attributes (color, flashing, etc) respectively. This allows you to very easily cat /dev/vcs7 and see a dump of /dev/tty7 wherever cat was launched. I used this incredibly practical capability the other day to login to a system via SSH and remotely watch a dd process I'd forgotten to put inside a screen (or similar) session - it was running off a text console, so I took a few moments to finetune the character ranges that I wanted to grab, and presently I was watching dd's transfer status over SSH (once every second, incidentally).
To reiterate and clarify, /dev/vcs{,a}* are character devices that retrieve the current in-memory representation the kernel console VT100 emulator, represented as a single "line" of text (there are no "newlines" at the end of each "line" of the screen). Just to remove confusion, I want to note that I can't tail -f this device: it's not a character stream like the TTY itself is. (But I've never needed this kind of behavior, for what it's worth.)
I've kept my ears perked for many years for a method to dump the character-cell memory state of X terminal emulators - or indeed any arbitrary process that needs to work with ttys, in some similar manner as I can with the Linux console. And... I am rather surprised that there is no practical solution to this problem - since it has, arguably, existed for approximately 30 years - X was introduced in 1984 - or, to be pedantic, at least 19 years - /dev/vcs{,a}* was introduced in kernel 1.1.94; the newest file in that release is dated 22 Feb 1995. (The oldest is from 1st Dec 1993 :P)
I would like to say that I do understand and realize that the tty itself is not a "screen buffer" as such but a character stream, and that the nonstandard feature I essentially exploited above is a quirky capability specific to the Linux VT102 emulator. However, this feature is cool enough (why else would it be in the mainline tree? :D) that, in my opinion, there should be a counterpart to it for things that work with /dev/pts*.
This afternoon, I needed to screen-scrape the output of an interactive ncurses application so I could extract metadata from the information it presented in my terminal. (There was no other practical way to achieve the goal I was aiming for.) Linux' kernel VT100 driver would permit such a task to be completed very easily, and I made the mistake of thinking that it, in light of this, it couldn't truly be that hard to do the same under X11.
By 9AM, I'd decided that the easiest way to experimentally request a dump of a remote screen would be to run it in dtach (think "screen -x" without any other options) and hack the dtach code to request a screen update and quit.
Around 11AM-12PM, I was requesting screen updates and dumping them to stdout.
Around 3:30PM, I accepted that using dtach would be impossible:
First of all, it relies on the application itself to send the screen redraws on request, by design, to keep the code simple. This is great, but, as luck would have it, the application I was using didn't support whole-screen repaints - it would only redraw on screen-size change (and only if the screen size was truly different!).
Running the program inside a screen session (because screen is a true terminal emulator and has an internal 2D character-cell buffer), then running screen -x inside dtach, also mysteriously failed to produce character cell updates.
I have previously examined screen and found the code sufficiently insane enough to remove any inclinations I might otherwise have to hack on it; all I can say is that said insanity may be one of the reasons screen does not already have the capabilities I have presented here (which would arguably be very easy to implement).
Other questions similar to this one frequently get answers to use typescript, or script; I just want to clarify that script saves the stream of the tty itself to a file, which I would need to push through a VT100 emulator to obtain a screen image of the current state of the tty in question. In other words, script would be a very insane solution to my problem.
I'm not marking this as accepted since it doesn't solve the actual core issue (which is many years old), but I was able to achieve the specific goal I set out to do.
My specific requirements were that I wanted to screen-scrape the output of the ncdu interactive disk usage browser, so I could simply press Enter in another terminal (or perform some similar, easy sequence) to add the directory currently highlighted/selected in ncdu to a file-list of files I wanted to work with.My goal was not to have to distract myself with endless copy+paste and/or retyping of directory names (probably with not a few inaccuracies to boot), so I could focus on the directories I wanted to select.
screen has a refresh feature, accessed by pressing (by default) CTRL+A, CTRL+L. I extended my copy of dtach to be capable of sending keystrokes in addition to dumping remote screens to stdout, and wrapped dtach in a script that transmitted the refresh sequence (\001\014) to screen -x running inside dtach. This worked perfectly, retrieving complete screen updates without any flicker.
I will warn anyone interested in trying this technique, however, that you will need to perfect the art of dodging VT100 escape sequences. I used regular expressions for this so I wasn't writing thousands of lines of code; here's the specific part of the script that extracted out the two pieces of information I needed:
sh -c "(sleep 0.1; dtach -k qq $'\001\014') &"; path="$(dtach -d qq -t 130000 | sed -n $'/^\033\[7m.*\/\.\./q;/---.*$/{s/.*--- //;s/ -\+.*//;h};/^\033\[7m/{s/.\033.*//g;s/\r.*//g;s/ *$//g;s/^\033\[7m *[^ ]\+ \[[# ]*\] *\(\/*\)\(.*\)$/\/\\2\\1/;p;g;p;q}' | sed 'N;s/\(.*\)\n\(.*\)/\2\1/')"
Since screenshots are cool and help people visualize things, here's a look at how it works when it's running:
The file shown inverted at the bottom of the ncdu-scrape window is being screen-scraped from the ncdu window itself; the four files in the list are there because I selected them using the arrow keys in ncdu, moved my mouse over to the ncdu-scrape window (I use focus-follows-mouse), and pressed Enter. That added the file to the list (a simple text file itself).
Having said this, I would like to clarify that the regular expression above is not a code sample to run with; it is, rather, a warning: for anything beyond incredibly trivial (!!) content extractions such as the one presented here, you're basically getting into the same territory as large corporations/interests who want to convert from VT100-based systems to something more modern, who have to spend tends of thousands commissioning large translation frameworks that perform the kind of conversion outlined above on an especially large scale.
Saner solutions appreciated.

glreadpixels is slower than x11 based screenshot

I am working on an opengl based simulation application, in which I need to make multiple screenshots in a second. I have tried 2 ways of doing it in my application.
1) use glreadpixels
2) use x11 based screenshot. ex: ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1024x768 -i :0.0 output.png
I found that second solution is about 3 times faster than first one. I have expected the first solution to be faster. But in practice it is slower. I am curious why glreadpixels is slower?
glReadPixels (...) is a synchronous round-trip operation (when it is not used with a Pixel Buffer Object). You send it to GL, it has to finish all of the commands it has buffered up to that point and then it returns the result of that operation.
On the other hand, if you use a method defined by a window system to grab the contents of a window, the window system is free to implement the operation a number of different ways. Often you will get a copy of the last thing the window system actually presented, which may be 1 or more frames older than what you would get if you called glReadPixels (...) and waited for GL to finish drawing.

ImageMagick: how to achieve low memory usage while resizing a large number of image files?

I would like to resize a large number (about 5200) of image files (PPM format, each 5 MB in size) and save them to PNG format using convert.
Short version:
convert blows up 24 GB of memory although I use the syntax that tells convert to process image files consecutively.
Long version:
Regarding more than 25 GB of image data, I figure I should not process all files simultaneously. I searched the ImageMagick documentation about how to process image files consecutively and I found:
It is faster and less resource intensive to resize each image it is
$ convert '*.jpg[120x120]' thumbnail%03d.png
Also, the tutorial states:
For example instead of...
montage '*.tiff' -geometry 100x100+5+5 -frame 4 index.jpg
which reads all the tiff files in first, then resizes them. You can
instead do...
montage '*.tiff[100x100]' -geometry 100x100+5+5 -frame 4 index.jpg
This will read each image in, and resize them, before proceeding to
the next image. Resulting in far less memory usage, and possibly
prevent disk swapping (thrashing), when memory limits are reached.
Hence, this is what I am doing:
$ convert '*.ppm[1280x1280]' pngs/%05d.png
According to the docs, it should treat each image file one by one: read, resize, write. I am doing this on a machine with 12 real cores and 24 GB of RAM. However, during the first two minutes, the memory usage of the convert process grows to about 96 %. It stays there a while. CPU usage is at maximum. A bit longer and the process dies, just saying:
At this point, no output files have been produced. I am on Ubuntu 10.04 and convert --version says:
Version: ImageMagick 6.5.7-8 2012-08-17 Q16
Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2009 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: OpenMP
It looks like convert tries to read all data before starting the conversion. So either there is a bug in convert, an issue with the documentation or I did not read the documentation properly.
What is wrong? How can I achieve low memory usage while resizing this large number of image files?
BTW: a quick solution would be to just loop over the files using the shell and invoke convert for each file independently. But I'd like to understand how to achieve the same with pure ImageMagick.
Without having direct access to your system it's really hard to help you debugging this.
But you can do three things to help yourself narrowing down this problem:
Add -monitor as the first commandline argument to see more details about what's going on.
(Optionally) add -debug all -log "domain: %d +++ event: %e +++ function: %f +++ line: %l +++ module: %m +++ processID: %p +++ realCPUtime: %r +++ wallclocktime: %t +++ userCPUtime: %u \n\r"
Temporarily, don't use '*.ppm[1280x1280]' as an argument, but use 'a*.ppm[1280x1280]' instead. The purpose is to limit your wildcard expansion (or some other suitable way to achieve the same) to only a few matches, instead of all possible matches.
If you do '2.' you'll need to do '3.' as well otherwise you'll be overwhelmed by the mass of output. (Also your system does seem to not be able to process the full wildcard anyway without having to kill the process...)
If you do not find a solution, then...
...register a username at the official ImageMagick bug report forum. your problem there to see if they can help you (these guys are rather friendly and responsive if you ask politely).
Got the same issue, it seems it's because ImageMagick create temporary files into the /tmp directory, which is often mounted as a tmpfs.
Just move your tmp somewhere else.
For example:
create a "tmp" directory on a big external drive
mkdir -m777 /media/huge_device/tmp
make sure the permissions are set to 777
chmod 777 /media/huge_device/tmp
as root, mount it in replacement to your /tmp
mount -o bind /media/huge_device/tmp /tmp
Note: It should be possible to use with the TMP environment variable to do the same trick.
I would go with GNU Parallel if you have 12 cores - something like this, which works very well. As it does only 12 images at a time, whilst still preserving your output file numbering, it only uses minimal RAM.
for f in *.ppm; do
echo "$f" $scene
done | parallel -j 12 --colsep ' ' --eta convert {1}[1280x1280] -scene {2} pngs/%05d.png
-scene lets you set the scene counter, which comes out in your %05d part.
--eta predicts when your job will be done (Estimated Arrival Time).
-j 12 runs 12 jobs in parallel at a time.

File output redirection in Linux

I have two programs A and B. I can't change the program A - I can only run it with some parameters, but I have written the B myself, and I can modify it the way I like.
Program A runs for a long time (20-40 hours) and during that time it produces output to the file, so that its size increases constantly and can be huge at the end of run (like 100-200 GB). The program B then reads the file and calculates some stuff. The special property of the file is that its content is not correlated: I can divide the file in half and run calculations on each part independently, so that I don't need to store all the data at once: I can calculate on the first part, then throw it away, calculate on the second one, etc.
The problem is that I don't have enough space to store such a big files. I wonder if it is possible to pipe somehow the output of the A to B without storing all the data at once and without making huge files. Is it possible to do something like that?
Thank you in advance, this is crucial for me now, Roman.
If program A supports it, simply pipe.
A | B
Otherwise, use a fifo.
mkfifo /tmp/fifo
ls -la > /tmp/fifo &
cat /tmp/fifo
EDIT: Adjust buffer sizes with ulimit -p and then:
cat /tmp/fifo | B
It is possible to pipeline output of one program into another.
Read here to know the syntax and know-hows of Unix pipelining.
you can use socat which can take stdout and feed it to network and get from network and feed it to stdin
named or unnamed pipe have a problem of small ( 4k ? ) buffer .. that means too many process context switches if you are writing multi gb ...
Or if you are adventurous enough .. you can LD_PRELOAD a so in process A, and trap the open/write calls to do whatever ..
