SegmentTimeline in MP4Box - mpeg-dash

Based on DASH standard, there are 4 DASH segment referencing schemes. SegmentBase, SegmentList, SegmentTemplate and SegmentTimline.
How to create a MPD file with SegmentTimeline scheme in MP4Box?
In SegmentTimeline, there is r attribute which is repetition of segment, how to generate it in MP4Box?

This blog post by Romaine from gpac has some useful info:

You can simply use the -segment-timeline option on top of your DASH options.


How to use Modern UI Icons in AppBarButton

I'm developing a Windows 8.1 Store App. I have a CommandBar control with a couple of AppBarButtons inside. Using the standard icons is easy, I just set the icon property to the appropriate string like so :
<AppBarButton Icon="Download" Label="Download Files"/>
I'd like to use a couple of custom icons from the very nice free collection Modern UI Icons. Ideally, I'd like to be able to set the icon property in much the same way :
<AppBarButton Icon="" Label="Distance to destination"/>
This would refer to this icon : PNG / XAML
Is this possible ?
If not, what are the alternatives ?
Tim Heuer proposes using a font file, although at present the font files available here only cover a sub-set of the icons, and also this code is quite unreadable :
<FontIcon FontFamily="ms-appx:///modernuiicons.ttf#Modern-UI-Icons---Social" Margin="0,2,0,0" Glyph="" FontSize="37.333" />
Would you believe that shows a twitter icon?!
Tim Heuer also proposes using vector data, and one of the commenters explains how the vector data can be rolled into a style. I could do that, but then I would have to copy and paste the path data for each icon I want to include ?
Should I be using the PNG files, as explained in this question ? That looks pretty messy as well.
What a nightmare!
I'm not sure what the nightmare part is -- you want to use a custom icon that isn't present in the 200+ supplied defaults. You have options:
Use SymbolIcon and supply your own font. You note that you don't like that the code feels unreadable. Unicode ranges are universally used for symbol fonts and I agree that Unicode isn't human-readable, but a simple code comment would help ;-) Fonts give you the most ease and flexibility because they are also vectors.
PathIcon. You convert your image into vector geometries we can render. This would be the second best, but also requires a bit fine tuning of the vectors to get right. For people not familiar with working with geometries this can be annoying at first. Blend and Inkscape are helpful tools here.
BitmapIcon. This would allow you to use your PNG, however you now must supply multiple of them for different scales and states. This is my least favorite option as it requires most work, but for some may be the simplest. Now your problem you will hit is there is an issue with BitmapIcon for non-rectangular shapes (which looks like your icon is). This won't have the fidelity you seek due to a bug in rasterizing.
Contact metroicon author and see if he can put it into the font file so you can use option #1 :-)
Maybe this is what you're looking for:
<AppBarButton Label="Transit">
<PathIcon Data="F1 M 3.912,17.38C 4.89067,17.38 5.688,18.2653 5.688,19.3586C 5.688,20.448 4.89067,21.3333 3.912,21.3333C 2.92667,21.3333 2.136,20.448 2.136,19.3586C 2.136,18.2653 2.92667,17.38 3.912,17.38 Z M 16,17.38C 16.984,17.38 17.776,18.2653 17.776,19.3586C 17.776,20.448 16.984,21.3333 16,21.3333C 15.016,21.3333 14.224,20.448 14.224,19.3586C 14.224,18.2653 15.016,17.38 16,17.38 Z M 21.3333,18.9626L 18.464,18.9626C 18.292,17.62 17.2547,16.5933 16,16.5933C 14.7453,16.5933 13.708,17.62 13.536,18.9626L 6.37467,18.9626C 6.20267,17.62 5.16667,16.5933 3.912,16.5933C 2.656,16.5933 1.62,17.62 1.448,18.9626L 0,18.9626L 0,10.2706C 0,9.396 0.636,8.69196 1.42133,8.69196L 19.5573,8.69196C 20.3387,8.69196 20.9787,9.396 20.9787,10.2706M 20.4427,10.2706L 19.1973,10.2706L 19.1973,15.8013L 20.62,15.8013M 17.776,13.432L 17.776,10.2706L 14.224,10.2706L 14.224,13.432M 13.5107,10.2706L 9.95333,10.2706L 9.95333,13.432L 13.5107,13.432M 9.24533,10.2706L 5.688,10.2706L 5.688,13.432L 9.24533,13.432M 4.97867,10.2706L 1.42133,10.2706L 1.42133,13.432L 4.97867,13.432M 14.5787,2.36932L 12.4427,0L 15.2867,0L 17.776,2.45862L 17.776,0L 19.1973,0L 19.1973,6.31732L 17.776,6.31732L 17.776,3.85864L 15.2867,6.31732L 12.4427,6.31732L 14.5787,3.948L 7.73467,3.948C 7.41733,5.31195 6.30267,6.31732 4.97867,6.31732C 3.40667,6.31732 2.136,4.90533 2.136,3.16132C 2.136,1.41064 3.40667,0 4.97867,0C 6.30267,0 7.41733,1.00531 7.73467,2.36932L 14.5787,2.36932 Z " HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
Hope this helps!

How to concatenate SVG files lengthwise from linux command line?

I have a series of square SVG files that I would like to arrange lengthwise into one super long SVG file.
I attempted to use imagemagick to combine them. Based on this page:
and this
I tried this command
composite 'file1.svg' 'file2.svg' +adjoin 'outputfile.svg'
However, I received the following error message:
composite: unrecognized option '+adjoin' # error/composite.c/CompositeImageCommand/565.
I tried several other imagemagick commands (convert, display), but had no success. How can I combine these files on the command line? Is there an inkscape command that does this?
There's currently no convenient way to do this with only the command line and no custom scripting.
Closest pre-written thing I could find currently (4-16-2012) is, which lets you write commands of the form: --direction=h --margin=100 red_ball.svg blue_triangle.svg > shapes.svg
to concatenate.
It should be pretty easy if you're willing to use a scripting language. For each file, just add a prefix to all id tags; so in file 1, id="circle" becomes id="file1_circle", and in file 2, id="circle" becomes id="file2_circle".
In most cases you would get away with a trivial search and replace (find id=" and replace it with id="fileX_) although it is possible to have cases where this won't work (specifically if that find string appears in an item of text, for example).
If you want to do this 'the proper way', you'll need an XML parser (such as XMLReader in PHP).

three pdf-documents in one appendix

I wanted to ask how I can join three different pdf documents so that it appears in one single appendix. The command I gave was:
See Appendix~\ref{sec:corr-1}~\ref{sec:corr-2}~\ref{sec:corr-3}
and I have the following on my appendixes list:
Unforunately I cannot compile the final document.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Have a nice day.
In your example you just include tex files.
Have a look at the package pdfpages:
Add to the top of your document:
You should call this in the text where you want the PDF to appear:

TCL (thermal control language) [printer protocol] references

I'm working on supporting of the TCL (thermal control protocol, stupid name, its a printer protocol of futurelogic) but i cannot find resources about this protocol, how it is, how it works, nothing, on theirs site i only found this mention
any one had worked with it? does any one knows where can i find the data sheet?
The protocol is documented on their website
If you are targetting the PSA66ST model it supports a number of protocols TCL, which is quite nice for delivering templated tickets and, line printing using the Epson ESC/P protocol.
This is all explained in the protocol document.
Oops, these links are incorrect and only correspond to marketing brochures. You will need to contact Futurelogic for the protocol documents. Probably also need to sign an NDA. Anyway, the information may guide you some more.
From what I can gather, it seems the FutureLogic thermal printers do not support general printing, but only printing using predefined templates stored in the printer's firmware. The basic command structure is a caret ^ followed by a one or two character command code, with arguments delimited using a pipe |, and the command ended with another caret ^. I've been able to reverse-engineer a few commands:
^S^ - Printer status
^Se^ - Extended printer status
^C|x|^ - Clear. Known arguments:
a - all
j - jam
^P|x|y0|...|yn|^ - Print fields y0 through yn using template x.
Data areas are defined in the firmware using a similar command format, command ^D|x|y0|...|yn|^, and templates are defined from data areas using command ^T|z|x0|...|xn|^.

Getting specific fields from ID3 tags using command line tool?

I'm looking for a way that would let me get specific fields from ID3 tags from mp3 files.
All tools I have so far found return all fields, and they also format them for "easier reading". I need just some fields, and formatted differently (artist\talbum\ttitle\n) for reporting purposes.
Is there any such tool? I would love tool that would let me output separately values from ID3v1 and ID3v2.
id3v2 -R sounds like it does what you want. Debian package name is id3v2, upstream is
From the manpage:
-R, --list-rfc822
Lists using an rfc822-style format for output
$ id3v2 -R 365-Days-Project-04-26-sprinkle-leland-w-the-great-stalacpipe-organ.mp3
Filename: 365-Days-Project-04-26-sprinkle-leland-w-the-great-stalacpipe-organ.mp3
TALB: Released independently through Luray Caverns
TPE1: Leland W. Sprinkle
TIT2: The Great Stalacpipe Organ
COMM: ()[eng]: � 2004, Copyright resides with the artist, The 365 Days Project, and UbuWeb ( / PennSound ( All materials at UbuWeb / PennSound are available for free exchange for noncommerical purposes.
365-Days-Project-04-26-sprinkle-leland-w-the-great-stalacpipe-organ.mp3: No ID3v1 tag
The easiest way is creating a bash script.
grep the fields returned by your tool so you get just the ones you want. Then you use awk (if you know how to use it), or cut, etc.
If you give us the format used by one of the tools you found, we can help you to write it. The more simple the format is, the more simple the script will be.
