why Sometimes effects (in one thread) don’t become visible to other threads? - multithreading

I'm reading Paul Butcher's "Seven concurrency models in seven weeks", it gives sample code "puzzle.java" in chapter 2.2:
public class Puzzle {
static boolean answerReady = false;
static int answer = 0;
static Thread t1 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
answer = 42;
answerReady = true;
static Thread t2 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
if (answerReady) System.out.println("The meaning of life is: " + answer);
else System.out.println("I don't know the answer");
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
t1.start(); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join();
} }
So here is a racing condition.
Then it says,
Imagine that we rewrote run() as follows:
public void run() {
while (!answerReady)
System.out.println("The meaning of life is: " + answer);
Our program may never exit because answerReady may never appear to
become true.
May I ask why?

Forgive me if I failed to explain this clearly in the book. I'll try again here :-)
The first thing that you need to recognise is that the loop in t2 will only exit if answerReady becomes true. And the only thing that sets it to true is t1.
So, in other words, for t2 to exit, it needs to see a change in memory made by t1.
The problem is that the JVM makes no guarantees whatsoever about whether changes made by one thread are visible by another thread unless the code is correctly synchronised.
As this code is not correctly synchronised (there are no locks in use whatsoever) the JVM makes no guarantees about whether t2 will ever see the change to answerReady. So the loop may never exit.


Execution of a thread after it got interrupted

A thread is executing task to print numbers from 0 to n, and sleeps for 4000 ms after every print statement. Somewhere in the middle thread gets interrupted. Now when the same thread starts its execution, where will it start from , will it start printing the numbers from 0 to n again, or it will print numbers from where it got interrupted.
In both cases what are the reasons and how it is being handled?
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
SleepTest sleepTest = new SleepTest();
Thread thread = new Thread(sleepTest);
public class SleepTest implements Runnable{
static int sleep = 10;
public void run(){
for (int i =0; i<10; i++){
try {
} catch (InterruptedException exception) {
Calling a interrupt() on a thread object can only suggest thread to stop. It is not guarantee that the thread will stop.
It completely depends on the implementation of run() method of thread.
In your case in run() you are catching the InterruptedException and you are printing the exception trace but not stopping the thread. Thats why thread will never stop on InterruptedException and continue the execution.
It may look like thread is getting stopped(by seeing exception trace) when see the output on console.
Refer interrupt interrupted isinterrupted in Java
All Thread.currentThread().interrupt() does is update the value of field interrupted to true.
Let's see the program's flow and how the interrupted field is assigned values:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
SleepTest sleepTest = new SleepTest();
Thread thread = new Thread(sleepTest, "Sub Thread"); // Give a name to this thread
thread.start(); // main thread spawns the "Sub Thread". Value of "interrupted" - false
thread.interrupt(); // called by main thread. Value of "interrupted" - true
public class SleepTest implements Runnable{
static int sleep = 10;
public void run(){
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" "+Thread.interrupted()); // prints "Sub Thread true"
for (int i =0; i<10; i++){
try {
Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // no matter what value is for interrupted, it is assigned the value "true"
Thread.sleep(4000); // Can't call sleep with a "true" interrupted status. Exception is thrown. Note that, when the exception is thrown, the value of interrupted is "reset", i.e., set to false
} catch (InterruptedException exception) {
exception.printStackTrace(); // whatever
System.out.println(Thread.interrupted()); // returns the value of interrupted and resets it to false
To answer
where will it start from , will it start printing the numbers from 0
to n again, or it will print numbers from where it got interrupted.
Calling interrupt will not cause make it start over because all it is doing at this call is set value interrupted to false (and not modifying anything else).

Do I need to use thread and a task in JavaFX to run something in background when a thread will do the job?

I'm using a thread to periodically run a three second background animation.
I adapted the code in question from a Thread Demo example written in Swing and used
it to replace a not quite working earlier version that used both a thread and a task.
My program stops/suspends the thread when either playing a video or running an animation
and starts a new thread when ending the video or animation. This seems to work without
any downside which is why I'm puzzled why my earlier JavaFX searches hadn't turned up
a similar solution to the one I'm using. It seems a rather direct approach for running
short, simple background animations.
Where am I going wrong with this? What am I missing? How would I rewrite this code
using both a Thread and a Task or do I need to?
I should add - the while and run statements are virtually unchanged from the original
and the only significant addition to the Swing code was to add thread.setDaemon( true )
to startThread().
A podcast listener.
// background thread
class BackGround extends Thread {
public void run() {
while ( suspend.getValue() == false ) {
try {
int r = shared.randInt( 5, 10 );
Thread.sleep( r * 1000 );
} catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
// do nothing
if ( suspend.getValue() == false ) {
Platform.runLater( () -> {
int g = shared.cssGradients.length - 1;
g = shared.randInt( 0, g );
gradientColor.set( shared.cssGradients[g] );
Boolean bif = shared.updatePanes( shared.cssGradients[g],
leftPane, rightPane );
} // class background
// start thread
public synchronized void startThread() {
thread = new BackGround(); // Thread thread ...defined elsewhere
thread.setDaemon( true );
// stop thread
public synchronized void stopThread() {
suspend.set( true );
The reason the Task class is useful for JavaFX is that it provides a number of callbacks like succeeded(), failed() or cancelled() and methods like updateProgress() and updateMessage() that will run in the JavaFX Application thread and therefore let you update the UI without Platform.runLater( () -> { ... }); This makes the Task class a perfect choice for doing background tasks like downloading data or long running computations.
However, since your thread simply runs continuously without ever really finishing its work, it doesn't seem that you would need any of the additional functionality a Task would provide you with over a simple Thread.
Still, if you really wanted to convert your code to use a Task, it would look just like this:
class BackGround extends Task<Void> {
protected Void call() throws Exception {
while (suspend.getValue() == false) {
try {
int r = shared.randInt(5, 10);
Thread.sleep(r * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// do nothing
if (suspend.getValue() == false) {
Platform.runLater(() -> {
int g = shared.cssGradients.length - 1;
g = shared.randInt(0, g);
Boolean bif = shared.updatePanes(shared.cssGradients[g],
leftPane, rightPane);
return null;
// start thread
public synchronized void startThread() {
Task<Void> bg = new BackGround();
Thread taskThread = new Thread(bg);
// stop thread
public synchronized void stopThread() {
suspend.set( true );
As you see, it really doesn't make a difference for you, as you don't need anything that a Thread couldn't give you. If however you wanted to have closer communication with the UI thread, e.g. showing a progress bar or showing status updates, then a Task would give you the tools to do that.
I guess its also worth mentioning that the use of a Timeline would be quite elegant for triggering your animations. It would look somewhat like this:
Timeline timeline = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(1), new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
int g = shared.cssGradients.length - 1;
g = shared.randInt(0, g);
Boolean bif = shared.updatePanes(shared.cssGradients[g], leftPane, rightPane);
The code inside the handle() method is run every second in the JavaFX Application thread. Unfortunately this only lets you set a fixed time between executions, while you seem to want to wait a random amount of time each time.
TL;DR: Using a Thread is ok, because you don't need the additional functionalities of a Task in your use case.

While modifying ArrayList with one thread and iterating it with another thread, it is throwing ConcurrentModificationException

I was trying below code.
public class IteratorFailFastTest {
private List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
public IteratorFailFastTest() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
public void runUpdateThread() {
Thread thread2 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
public void runIteratorThread() {
Thread thread1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ListIterator<Integer> iterator = list.listIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Integer number = iterator.next();
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
IteratorFailFastTest tester = new IteratorFailFastTest();
It is throwing ConcurrentModificationException sometimes and at times running successfully.
What I don't understand is, since there are 2 different methods each containing one thread. They will execute one by one. When one thread finishes modifying the list, Thread 2 will start iterating.
I also referred to this link(Why no ConcurrentModificationException when one thread iterating (using Iterator) and other thread modifying same copy of non-thread-safe ArrayList), but it is different scenario.
So, Why is it throwing this exception? Is it because of threads?
Can somebody explain?
You are starting two threads and then doing no further synchronization.
Sometimes, both threads will be running at the same time, and you will get the CME. Other times, the first thread will finish before the second thread actually starts executing. In that scenario won't get a CME.
The reason you get the variation could well be down to things like load on your system. Or it could simply be down to the fact that the thread scheduler is non-deterministic.
Your threads actually do a tiny amount of work, compared to the overheads of creating / starting a thread. So it is not surprising that one of them can return from its run() method very quickly.

What is the purpose of await() in CountDownLatch?

I have the following program, where I am using java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch and without using await() method it's working fine.
I am new to concurrency and want to know the purpose of await(). In CyclicBarrier I can understand why await() is needed, but why in CountDownLatch?
Class CountDownLatchSimple:
public static void main(String args[]) {
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(3);
Thread one = new Thread(new Runner(latch),"one");
Thread two = new Thread(new Runner(latch), "two");
Thread three = new Thread(new Runner(latch), "three");
// Starting all the threads
one.start(); two.start(); three.start();
Class Runner implements Runnable:
CountDownLatch latch;
public Runner(CountDownLatch latch) {
this.latch = latch;
public void run() {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" is Waiting.");
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+" is Completed.");
two is Waiting.
three is Waiting.
one is Waiting.
one is Completed.
two is Completed.
three is Completed.
CountDownLatch is the synchronization primitive which is used to wait for all threads completing some action.
Each of the thread is supposed to mark the work done by calling countDown() method. The one who waits for the action to be completed should call await() method. This will wait indefinitely until all threads mark the work as processed, by calling the countDown(). The main thread can then continue by processing the worker's results for example.
So in your example it would make sense to call await() at the end of main() method:
Note: there are many other use cases of course, they don't need to be threads but whatever that runs usually asynchronously, the same latch can be decremented several times by the same task etc. The above describes just one common use case for CountDownLatch.

Java threading question

The following code SHOULD NOT print out the right balance (100), but it is printing out 100 every time for me. Why is that? The following code does not seem to be thread safe.
public class ThreadObject implements Runnable{
private int balance;
public ThreadObject() {
public void add() {
int i = balance;
balance = i + 1;
public void run() {
for(int i=0;i<50;i++) {
System.out.println("balance is " + balance);
public class ThreadMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadObject to1 = new ThreadObject();
Thread t1 = new Thread(to1);
Thread t2 = new Thread(to1);
If the following code is indeed thread safe, could you explain how?
Because it looks like the code in add() is not thread safe at all. One thread could be be setting i to the current balance, but then becomes inactive while the second thread takes over and updates the balance. Then thread one wakes up which is setting balance to an obsolete i plus 1.
The println is probably thousands of times slower than the code that updates the balance. Each thread spends almost all of its time printing, so the likelihood of them simultaneously updating the balance is very small.
Add a small sleep between reading i and writing i + 1.
Here's a dastardly question: What is the smallest possible value of i after running the above code?
Move your println a little upper to see that this is not thread-safe. If you still can't see any change make 50 bigger (like 5000 or more).
public void add() {
int i = balance;
System.out.println("balance is " + balance);
balance = i + 1;
public void run() {
for(int i=0;i<50;i++) {
