Java threading question - multithreading

The following code SHOULD NOT print out the right balance (100), but it is printing out 100 every time for me. Why is that? The following code does not seem to be thread safe.
public class ThreadObject implements Runnable{
private int balance;
public ThreadObject() {
public void add() {
int i = balance;
balance = i + 1;
public void run() {
for(int i=0;i<50;i++) {
System.out.println("balance is " + balance);
public class ThreadMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ThreadObject to1 = new ThreadObject();
Thread t1 = new Thread(to1);
Thread t2 = new Thread(to1);
If the following code is indeed thread safe, could you explain how?
Because it looks like the code in add() is not thread safe at all. One thread could be be setting i to the current balance, but then becomes inactive while the second thread takes over and updates the balance. Then thread one wakes up which is setting balance to an obsolete i plus 1.

The println is probably thousands of times slower than the code that updates the balance. Each thread spends almost all of its time printing, so the likelihood of them simultaneously updating the balance is very small.
Add a small sleep between reading i and writing i + 1.
Here's a dastardly question: What is the smallest possible value of i after running the above code?

Move your println a little upper to see that this is not thread-safe. If you still can't see any change make 50 bigger (like 5000 or more).
public void add() {
int i = balance;
System.out.println("balance is " + balance);
balance = i + 1;
public void run() {
for(int i=0;i<50;i++) {


While modifying ArrayList with one thread and iterating it with another thread, it is throwing ConcurrentModificationException

I was trying below code.
public class IteratorFailFastTest {
private List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
public IteratorFailFastTest() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
public void runUpdateThread() {
Thread thread2 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++) {
public void runIteratorThread() {
Thread thread1 = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
ListIterator<Integer> iterator = list.listIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Integer number =;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
IteratorFailFastTest tester = new IteratorFailFastTest();
It is throwing ConcurrentModificationException sometimes and at times running successfully.
What I don't understand is, since there are 2 different methods each containing one thread. They will execute one by one. When one thread finishes modifying the list, Thread 2 will start iterating.
I also referred to this link(Why no ConcurrentModificationException when one thread iterating (using Iterator) and other thread modifying same copy of non-thread-safe ArrayList), but it is different scenario.
So, Why is it throwing this exception? Is it because of threads?
Can somebody explain?
You are starting two threads and then doing no further synchronization.
Sometimes, both threads will be running at the same time, and you will get the CME. Other times, the first thread will finish before the second thread actually starts executing. In that scenario won't get a CME.
The reason you get the variation could well be down to things like load on your system. Or it could simply be down to the fact that the thread scheduler is non-deterministic.
Your threads actually do a tiny amount of work, compared to the overheads of creating / starting a thread. So it is not surprising that one of them can return from its run() method very quickly.

why Sometimes effects (in one thread) don’t become visible to other threads?

I'm reading Paul Butcher's "Seven concurrency models in seven weeks", it gives sample code "" in chapter 2.2:
public class Puzzle {
static boolean answerReady = false;
static int answer = 0;
static Thread t1 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
answer = 42;
answerReady = true;
static Thread t2 = new Thread() {
public void run() {
if (answerReady) System.out.println("The meaning of life is: " + answer);
else System.out.println("I don't know the answer");
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
t1.start(); t2.start(); t1.join(); t2.join();
} }
So here is a racing condition.
Then it says,
Imagine that we rewrote run() as follows:
public void run() {
while (!answerReady)
System.out.println("The meaning of life is: " + answer);
Our program may never exit because answerReady may never appear to
become true.
May I ask why?
Forgive me if I failed to explain this clearly in the book. I'll try again here :-)
The first thing that you need to recognise is that the loop in t2 will only exit if answerReady becomes true. And the only thing that sets it to true is t1.
So, in other words, for t2 to exit, it needs to see a change in memory made by t1.
The problem is that the JVM makes no guarantees whatsoever about whether changes made by one thread are visible by another thread unless the code is correctly synchronised.
As this code is not correctly synchronised (there are no locks in use whatsoever) the JVM makes no guarantees about whether t2 will ever see the change to answerReady. So the loop may never exit.

new Thread, application still running after Stage-close

So I followed this tutorial:
and I made exactly the same code in javafx8.
public class CountdownController implements Initializable{
private Label labTime;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
new Thread(){
public void run(){
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR);
int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
String time = hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
After I close the Window, application/thread is still running in the system. My guess its because the infinite loop, but shouldnt the thread be terminated with application closing?
Second thing is that when I try to set the text for Label I get the error:
Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not on FX application thread; currentThread = Thread-4
at javafx.scene.Parent$2.onProposedChange(
at com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableListDecorator.setAll(
at com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableListDecorator.setAll(
at$$Lambda$144/ Source)
at com.sun.javafx.scene.control.MultiplePropertyChangeListenerHandler$1.changed(
at javafx.beans.value.WeakChangeListener.changed(
at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent(
at com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(
at javafx.scene.control.Labeled.setText(
at application.CountdownController$
...yes, I am going to read more about threads, but I would like to know the answer to these questions.
Part I
A thread, when created, runs independent of other threads. You have a new thread which has an infinite loop, which implies, it will keep running forever, even after the stage has been closed.
Normally, using a infinite loop is not advised, because breaking out of it is very difficult.
You are advised to use :
You can then call either one of them (based on whatever you are using)
when your stage is closed. You can use something like :
stage.setOnCloseRequest(closeEvent -> {
JavaFX API's (thanks to James_D comment's)
These do not need to be explicitly canceled as ScheduledService uses daemon threads and AnimationTimer runs on the JavaFX thread.
Part II
Your second part of the question has been answered time and again in the forum.
You need to be on the JavaFX Application thread to use scene graph elements.
Since you have created a new thread and trying to update label, which is a JavaFX node, it throws the exception. For more information, please visit:
JavaFX error when trying to remove shape
Why am I getting java.lang.IllegalStateException "Not on FX application thread" on JavaFX?
Javafx Not on fx application thread when using timer
With ScheduledExecutorService as far as I am concerned You cant easly set it as deamon and I don't want to play with stage.setOnCloseRequest(closeEvent -> {});
With AnimationTimer I cant do something like Thread.sleep(100) beetween iteration like you suggested because "AnimationTimer runs on the JavaFX thread."
ScheduledService is just quite difficult for me to understand right now...
so, as I was reading and reading about it I came to conclusion that maybe this simple option will be the best:
public class CountdownController implements Initializable{
private Label labTime;
private Button buttSTOP;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
Timer timer = new Timer(true); //set it as a deamon
timer.schedule(new MyTimer(), 0, 1000);
public class MyTimer extends TimerTask{
public void run() {
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
int hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR);
int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND);
String time = hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
Platform.runLater(() -> {
Thanks James_D and ItachiUchiha. It works, let me know if I'am something missing!
I also include code for Counting down the time, as it was my initial aim, maybe someone will find it usefull as well:
public class CountdownController implements Initializable{
private Label labTime;
private Button buttSTOP;
private Timer timer = new Timer(true); //set it as a deamon
private int iHours = 0,
iMinutes = 1,
iSeconds = 10;
public void initCountdownController(int iHours, int iMinutes, int iSeconds){
this.iHours = iHours;
this.iMinutes = iMinutes;
this.iSeconds = iSeconds;
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
buttSTOP.setOnAction(e -> {
timer.schedule(new MyTimer(), 0, 1000);
private void buttSTOPAction(ActionEvent e) {
public class MyTimer extends TimerTask{
public void run() {
String time = iHours + ":" + iMinutes + ":" + iSeconds;
Platform.runLater(() -> {
if(iSeconds < 1)
if(iMinutes < 1)
if(iHours < 1)
iMinutes = 59;
iSeconds = 59;
iSeconds = 59;

disruptor performance issues when using two layers of multiple handlers in a pool

i'm trying to use disruptor to process messages. i need two phases of processing.
i.e. two groups of handlers working in a worker pool like this (i guess):
when using the code above, if i put more than one worker in each group, the performance deteriorates. meaning tons of CPU wasted for the exact same amount of work.
i tried to tweak with the ring buffer size (which i already saw has an impact on performance) but in this case it didn't help. so am i doing something wrong, or is this a real problem?
i'm attaching a full demo of the issue.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import com.lmax.disruptor.EventFactory;
import com.lmax.disruptor.EventTranslatorOneArg;
import com.lmax.disruptor.WorkHandler;
import com.lmax.disruptor.dsl.Disruptor;
final class ValueEvent {
private long value;
public long getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(long value) {
this.value = value;
public final static EventFactory<ValueEvent> EVENT_FACTORY = new EventFactory<ValueEvent>() {
public ValueEvent newInstance() {
return new ValueEvent();
class MyWorkHandler implements WorkHandler<ValueEvent> {
AtomicLong workDone;
public MyWorkHandler (AtomicLong wd)
public void onEvent(final ValueEvent event) throws Exception {
class My2ndPahseWorkHandler implements WorkHandler<ValueEvent> {
AtomicLong workDone;
public My2ndPahseWorkHandler (AtomicLong wd)
public void onEvent(final ValueEvent event) throws Exception {
class MyEventTranslator implements EventTranslatorOneArg<ValueEvent, Long> {
public void translateTo(ValueEvent event, long sequence, Long value) {
public class TwoPhaseDisruptor {
static AtomicLong workDone=new AtomicLong(0);
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExecutorService exec = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
int numOfHandlersInEachGroup=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
long eventCount=Long.parseLong(args[1]);
int ringBufferSize=2 << (Integer.parseInt(args[2]));
Disruptor<ValueEvent> disruptor = new Disruptor<ValueEvent>(
ValueEvent.EVENT_FACTORY, ringBufferSize,
ArrayList<MyWorkHandler> handlers = new ArrayList<MyWorkHandler>();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfHandlersInEachGroup ; i++) {
handlers.add(new MyWorkHandler(workDone));
ArrayList<My2ndPahseWorkHandler > phase2_handlers = new ArrayList<My2ndPahseWorkHandler >();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfHandlersInEachGroup; i++) {
phase2_handlers.add(new My2ndPahseWorkHandler(workDone));
handlers.toArray(new WorkHandler[handlers.size()]))
phase2_handlers.toArray(new WorkHandler[phase2_handlers.size()]));
long s = (System.currentTimeMillis());
MyEventTranslator myEventTranslator = new MyEventTranslator();
for (long i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) {
disruptor.publishEvent(myEventTranslator, i);
System.out.println("time spent "+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - s) + " ms");
System.out.println("amount of work done "+ workDone.get());
try running the above example with 1 thread in each group
1 100000 7
on my computer it gave
time spent 371 ms
amount of work done 200000
Then try it with 4 threads in each group
4 100000 7
which on my computer gave
time spent 9853 ms
amount of work done 200000
during the run the CPU is at 100% utilization
You seem to be false sharing the AtomicLong between the threads/cores. I'll try it out when I have more time later with a demo, however - much better would be to have each WorkHandler with a private variable that each thread owns (either it's own AtomicLong or preferably a plain long).
If you change your Disruptor line to:
Disruptor<ValueEvent> disruptor = new Disruptor<ValueEvent>(
ValueEvent.EVENT_FACTORY, ringBufferSize,
new com.lmax.disruptor.BusySpinWaitStrategy());
You'll get much better results:
jason#debian01:~/code/stackoverflow$ java -cp disruptor-3.1.1.jar:. TwoPhaseDisruptor 4 100000 1024
time spent 2728 ms
amount of work done 200000
I reviewed the code and tried to fix false sharing, but found little improvement. That's when I noticed on my 8core that the CPUs were nowhere near 100% (even for the four-worker test). From this I determined, at least, that a yielding/spinning wait strategy will bring reduced latency if you have CPU to burn.
Just make sure you have at least 8 cores (you'll need 8 for processing, plus one for publishing the messages).

Working with threads in blackberry

I am using threads in blackberry to perform web service calls. I want to get notified as soon as the call gets a response back. I was using
in android. I didnt find anything similar in blackberry.
Here is the code I am using to run the thread
class PrimeRun implements Runnable {
long minPrime;
PrimeRun(long minPrime) {
this.minPrime = minPrime;
public void run() {
// compute primes larger than minPrime
. . .
How can I get a notification after the thread finished running?
How can I do this in blackberry?
Added more Information : Thanks for your reply. Its really
informative. Let me explain a bit more on my issue. I have a
webservice call which is running on a thread. As soon as I get the
reply back from server I want to execute the next function(next call
to server) which is based on the response from the previous call.So I need to wait until I get a response back. Also
at them same time I need to show a activity indicator on screen. I was
using handler for this in android. I am looking for something similar
on blackberry.
So your question essentially is this
One thread does the job while the other thread waits for completion
The first thread completes the job and "notifies" the second thread.
This is a simple producer consumer problem. Here is the code how you can solve this.
class JobResult
boolean done = false;
JobResult result = new JobResult();
class Worker extends Thread
JobResult _result;
public Worker( JobResult result )
_result = result
public void run()
// Do some very long job
synchronized( _result )
// modify result
_result.done = true;
public class Waiter extends Thread
JobResult _result;
public Waiter( JobResult result )
_result = result;
public void run()
synchroinzed( _result ){
while(! _result.done)
// Wait is over. You can do something now.
As I got the Zach's question - he asks how to execute some code that involves UI changes (something like showing an info popup or closing the progress popup) upon a background thread completion. On Android a Handler created on the UI thread is often used for that purpose.
In BB you can use another way which is similar to Swing on desktop Java. When you need some code to be executed on the UI thread you wrap it in a Runnable and pass to one of the following methods:
// Puts runnable object into this application's event queue,
// and waits until it is processed.
Application.invokeAndWait(Runnable runnable)
// Puts runnable object into this application's event queue.
Application.invokeLater(Runnable runnable)
// Puts runnable object into this application's event queue
// for repeated execution.
Application.invokeLater(Runnable runnable, long time, boolean repeat)
So the behaviour of the above calls is similar to what r) (and the like) does.
Note, you can always get a handle to your Application instance by a static call Application.getApplication().
So in the end of a background thread it is safe to do something like this:
Application.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Dialog.alert("I am finished!");
It is similar to Android's: Runnable() {
public void run() {
Android has a much rich multi threading primitives. But you can achieve the same even in Blackberry with equal elegance. The solution I provide below is essentially the same as previous, but with a minor change. Waiter thread can be replaced with built-in utility to perform painting on UI thread using UiApplicaiton's invokeLater method. You don't actually need to "notify" anyone but just update the UI once a particular task is completed. Check the docs for more info.
Anyway, you can model your code along the lines:
class ProgressScreen extends FullScreen
LabelField _label;
public void start()
public void setMessage( final String message )
new Runnable() {
_label.setText( message );
public void dismiss()
interface WebserviceTask
int STATUS_NET_ERR = -2;
public int invoke();
public class Updater extends Thread
final int NUM_TASKS = 10;
WebServiceTask tasks[] = new WebServiceTask[ NUM_TASKS ];
WebServiceTask tasks[0] = new WebServiceTask(){
public int invoke()
int retCode = 0;
// invoke a particular web service
public void run()
ProgressScreen progress = new ProgressScreen();
for( int i=0; i < NUM_TASKS; i++ )
int retcode;
WebServiceTask t = tasks[i];
retcode = t.invoke();
String mesg;
switch( retcode )
case STATUS_SUCCESS: { mesg ="Task successfully completed!";} break;
case STATUS_NET_ERR: { mesg ="Could not connect to network";} break;
Note that I have provided only the stubs to give you an idea how you may accomplish. Let us know how it goes.
