Label Property Inspector won't show - livecode

I am following the video tutorial for Simple Messages in App Building Courses. When I add the Label object to the header area, and click "Inspector" nothing happens. What am I missing?


How to show document icon after picking file

In app maker I have created a drive picker to add project files to a project tracking app. I have everything working the way I want to (thanks to some app maker samples & videos) except for the icon of the document. When I use the picker to select a file, or multiple files, the selected files are then shown in a list above the picker. File name, url link both work but icon will not show up. Any ideas? I've been working on this seemingly minor thing for hours with zero luch.
I have a model, called Files, set up. In it I have Name, Url, and Icon. In the properties for the picker, I have name and url bound to the appropriate datasource items and I have the following code bound to onDocumentSelect. I got that code from a video where a guy was doing basically what I'm doing except it worked on his. I've watched the video a hundred times probably to see if there's anything I did different.
widget.datasource.item.icon =[0].iconUrl;
This should retrieve the icon of the selected docs, after they're selected, and create the icon item in the datasource. What am I doing wrong? Or is there another or better way to do this?

AEM touch ui dialog 6.3 - Validation Error Icon is overlapping Description icon

I have a title component(touch-ui) in my project and made the title field mandatory by setting required(boolean) – true at the title property level. Now, when we save the dialog with an empty title field, validation fires up, but the triangular icon overlaps the description icon in the component. See the screenshot attached. Is there any way to resolve this?
Seeing the same behavior in We.retail title component.
It's the same in AEM 6.4. I've kind of assumed this was by design, so that more attention is drawn to the error.
If you look at the JavaScript behind the validation logic, you'll notice that the description icon receives the u-coral-screenReaderOnly CSS class as soon as a validation error appears, which results in its disappearance. It's not that the error icon overlaps the info one. The latter is explicitly hidden from sight.
This appears to be part of the Coral UI 2 client library. This isn't something you could fix on your own (an attempt to do that would be tricky and not maintainable). If you need this behaviour changed, you could try your luck contacting Day Care. It does look like a deliberate feature though.

Clickable HeroCard location Images

Hero card contains array of CardImages, which data was returned by Microsoft BotBuilder-Location and bot framework rendering cards. I have to make images(locations) clickable. Where can we include required changes and how we make images clickable.
Use the Buttons Feature of the HeroCard , you can use the Image to be displayed for the button and then you can configure the image to be clickable, or another option is to set the Tap Property of the CardImage object

Properly aligning a ListView in react-native

I have a screen in my react-native app where I am showing details of a record. It's a pretty simple screen where on the left column, I have a label describing the item and on the right, I have the value of the item. For one of the values, I have to render a ListView and I am not able to properly align it. Below is the sample app on rnplay with the symptoms:
Sample app on rnplay
Please run on iOS. Here ComponentListView is a reusable component that I am using to render ListView and it takes a component and data as it props and render each entry in the data using the passed in component. Here the list is BackupList and the component to render in each row is BackupSummary. If you run the app, you will observe that the backups are not aligned properly. I ran it in the Inspector on the simulator and looks like the ListView starts from where Varun Accepted is seen. I am not sure why. Right now there is just one item in the this.props.backupContacts but there could be more. I have tried many different flexbox properties such as alignItems, justifyContent, alignSelf in order to get it to work with no success.
Please let me know if you know how to fix it.
Put your ListView inside a View and apply css on View, something like this
<View style={{display:'flex', flexDirection:'row', justifyContent:'center'}}>

Collapsible accordion not showing content when initialized collapsed

I'm using twitter bootstrap with JSF-2.2.4 and Spring 3.2.4 Framework. I've built a collapsible accordion based on the following tutorial:
The code seems to work fine, but only if I start with opened accordions, meaning that I add the 'in' class to the div which inherits the content which is supposed to be collapsed. If I remove the 'in' class the accordion is opened by clicking the appropriate link, but the content is no displayed.
Content is plot created with plotfaces.
Any ideas?
Edit: I just tried filling the box with an image. This seems to work. Maybe this helps narrowing down the problem.
I don't know how this plotfaces work, but i expect your problem similair to fullcalendar not visible until button is clicked or window resized?
Try to set .collapse {display;block; visibilty:hidden;} instead of display none. If this don't helps try to focus on the height of the element. The plugin change the height from 0 to auto but on initial load the height is not set.
