I am trying to write spec files to generate rpm files using a packet manager.
In the sample spec files on the internet under the "%file" section there are tags such as "%{_bindir}".
Could some please tell me if this is a variable and if it is where is it saved. If not then what does it represent.I would be grateful if you could point me towards a resourse or help me with the answer.
I have cloned the Industrial Construction Demo code https://github.com/petrbroz/forge-industrial-construction but I am having issues with the 'bucket-name'.
In the launch file you need to specify "FORGE_BUCKET": "" instead of the usual URN.
I have written the name of the bucket that contains my file but it does not work. I have tried debugging it but still no luck.
There is no exemplary bucket or files, so I would really like to know:
-What do I need to put in as the bucket name?
-What files need to be in the bucket?
-What file types?
-Any extra information to help me figure out why it isnt working.
Many thanks,
My apologies, I haven't explained this in the code sample very well. The demo requires files in Forge to be named in a specific way. I have just updated the README with more details: https://github.com/petrbroz/forge-industrial-construction.
I'm trying to implement a minimal version of .zip file generation following this spec: https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT
I don't actually need compression, I just need a way to string together a bunch of files into a single widely adopted archive format with the capability to stream in file data while streaming out the zip.
So far I'm partially successful, 7-zip and windows built in zip extractor can extract them just fine, winrar and macos built in zip extractor are giving me corrupted archive errors.
I can't for the life of me find the actual problem(s?) though, as far as I can tell the .zips are built 100% to the specification but the spec is a big wall of text and with swooping changes from one zip file version to the next along with legacy attributes taking on new functions it is tad confusing.
Does anyone know of an extraction tool that can give me more specific errors than just "archive is corrupt"?
Or perhaps a zip generation utility where I can pick and choose between all the different ways of building a zip file so I can go and compare the results byte by byte?
Does anyone know of an extraction tool that can give me more specific errors than just "archive is corrupt"?
The unzipada tool # Zip-Ada project will do exactly that
Testing archive ko.zip
raised ZIP.ARCHIVE_CORRUPTED : Bad (or no) end-of-central-directory
Zip.Find_First_Offset at zip.adb:589
Unzip.Extract at unzip.adb:667
Unzipada at unzipada.adb:259
By browsing the code (like: zip.adb, line 589) you can narrow down the corrupt archive issues. For building the tool, download the sources and follow the readme.txt file. There are also pre-built binaries for Windows.
I could create a fresh spring boot project and successfully run all rules getting from an excel file by following this: http://www.baeldung.com/drools-excel
however If I just add same maven dependencies in my existing spring boot project, I can only use rules in CSV format. if I use .xls, I get error org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.NotOLE2FileException: Invalid header signature; read 0xE011BDBFEFBDBFEF, expected 0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 - Your file appears not to be a valid OLE2 document
Not sure what am I missing here but I have tried a lot from past 8 hours but no luck
Can anybody suggest please?
I could resolve this after I accidentally tried to open rules excel file on target folder. It was corrupt. It was a maven setup issue. I had to waste a day on this crap issue. this post: Excel file corrupt when copied from src to target in Eclipse IDE
helped me to resolve my issue
I've been trying to find, for a long time, what language this file is written in so that I can decompile it. I have tried to decompile as .luac, .class and also tried to open it as .jar and .rar and .zip.
Although the file extension is .car I have never seen this extension before and there certainly aren't any openers for it on the internet. I have even gone to the point of finding a .car opener, but it wasn't for my .car.
So, I suspect it has just been renamed.
Can anyone tell me what language it is coded in?
I don't know if I'm allowed to post files here, as I have only just joined, but here is a Dropbox link to the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y6jd62lfywoskqi/code.car?dl=1
Any help would be appreciated. This is the first line in Notepad++:
rac T D ` constants.lu œÂ tools.stashsaver.lu à scenes.sellitems.lu ˆî scenes.draw.lu ¼ gui.menu.lu 6 scenes.missions.lu ˆP
A quick dump of the file leads to several URLs referencing:
So based on this I'd say the file was created with the SDK they offer.
Corona lets developers use integrated Lua, layered on top of
C++/OpenGL, to build graphic applications. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corona_%28software%29
My .jasper report made using verdana on windows does not work on the client running tomcat under red hat linux.
Is there any way to link the verdana.ttf to the .jasper, or the only way around this is to install verdana.ttf on the server side?
Is there any other solution?
There is a lower level alternative. You can unzip the jar jasperreports-fonts-x.x.x.jar in the lib directory of jasper server's.
Check the structure and edit/add the appropriate XML files and the TTF files you need. Maintain coherence in what's in there.
I was having troubles including fonts every time so I did that and only have to worry on the next upgrade :)
Hope it helps, good luck.
Create file jasperreports_extension.properties with this content:
net.sf.jasperreports.extension.registry.factory.fonts= net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fonts.SimpleFontExtensionsRegistryFactory
If you use maven, include this file as a resource in your pom.xml
Create a file fontfamily.xml with this content:
<fontfamily name="Verdana">
Put in folder "fonts" (create this folder) all ttf files (download for example from http://www.fontsupply.com/fonts/V/Verdana.html)
Use fontName Verdana in all your Jasper Reports (*.jrxml)