Install bind9 on a machine that has no internet connection - linux

I need to install bind9 on a machine that has no internet connection.
I downloaded the source code and want to compile it on this machine, but there is no C compiler on my machine. And as I have no internet connection, I cannot install gcc (manual install is too difficult).
How should I do this? Is there a way that I can compile everything on another machine and move all the binaries?

Check out Keryx, it's an offline packet repository which permits you to firstly download bind9 and push it to your offline workstation (assuming you're on a Debian based distro).


Setting up a server accessible over LAN

I am trying to set up a server (Ubuntu 14.04), which is not connected to the internet, just accessible over LAN.
Can't replace the image of the server being used.
I am using Ubuntu system as my local machine and I want to transfer all the packages installed in the current system to the server.
I tried installing packages like build-tools-essential, node.js using deb files over ssh, but the process gets stuck when it comes to dependencies. I also tried manually installing the dependencies manually, but there's heck lot of them.
Any suggestions, how to package all the installed packages in my current system - which I can transfer at once to the server.

Install Haskell packages using cabal without internet connection

I have a machine that doesn't have internet access at all.
I installed the Haskell Platform on it using the installer which I got from another machine through a pendrive.
Now I want to install the package repa on my home machine which has no internet access. How should I do that?
My home machine is running Linux (Debian) and my office machine is Windows 7.
From a machine you can access the internet you can either:
Run cabal get pkg-name where pkg-name is the package you want.
Go to the package's page on Hackage and on the Downloads section there's a .tar.gz file you can download.
After you get it, transfer it to your other machine, extract it anywhere you'd like (a sandbox if you want it just in a sandbox). Then from that directory (where there's a .cabal file) run cabal install.
Package managers, such as cabal, work internally to get a package from a remote repository. I doubt there exist an easy workaround to make cabal install a package in offline mode.
Probably the easiest way is to find a compressed version of package, find a way to get them on the offline computer (local sharing, thumb drive, etc.) and install a package manually.

Run local GCC on remote linux server

I'm sure this has been asked before but after some time searching I'm not finding quite what I want.
I have a test server that I cannot install GCC or other development needs on. On my development linux computer I can ssh to the test server, I want to install certain packages that require running ./configure and make.
Is there a way to run the make processes on my computer pointed at the remote host to install that way?
The problem with doing this is that your build process needs to see the libraries on your test server. So you probably should do one of these:
Set up a virtual machine with the same configuration as your test server, and add the development tools to that.
Install the development tools to a custom location your test server.
Use OverlayFS to install development tools in a "virtual environment" on the test server.

How to upgrade mono on openSuse

I have a virtual machine running of openSuse 11.2 that has mono 2.6.4, I use this VM as a test server to test applications under Apache mod_mono.
I wanted to upgrade (in the same virtual machine) to mono 2.8.2. I downloaded several rpm files from but I'm in a dependency "loop", don't know which package to install in the correct order...
(Did I mention that I know very little of suse?)
Edit: Is it possible to find a way to upgrade it without network connectivity?
Go to this page at and click "1-Click Install" button on mono-complete-2.8.2 meta package. Then all your loop dependencies will be solved automatically by YaST manager.
It is a usual user-friendly way to install packages on openSuSE.

How can I install Git to my server which does not have apt-get?

My host is Bluehost. My server is on Linux.
I have tried to follow the tutorial.
You can quite easily compile it from source, with the usual ./configure && make && sudo make install commands.
See "How to install git". Specifically the Mac OS X section (which applies to Linux also)
If the machine doesn't have apt-get, then chances are it isn't a Debian or Ubuntu machine, which means that using a tutorial designed for Debian or Ubuntu is unlikely to get you very far.
Either use the packaged releases for whatever Linux distribution you are running, or build from source.
Get the source from
Maybe you have the same problem I have that I cannot have an outgoing connection but I can have an incoming connection, that´s why I cannot use apt-get. What I do to move files is just use WinSCP and move the files there and after do whatever I want with them.
