Spark on Mesos - running multiple Streaming jobs - apache-spark

I have 2 spark streaming jobs that I want to run, as well as keeping some available resources for batch jobs and other operations.
I evaluated Spark Standalone cluster manager, but I realized that I would have to fix the resources for two jobs, which would leave almost no computing power to batch jobs.
I started evaluating Mesos, because it has "fine grained" execution model, where resources are shifted between Spark applications.
1) Does it mean that a single core can be shifted between 2 streaming applications?
2) Although I have spark & cassandra, in order to exploit data locality, do I need to have dedicated core on each of the slave machines to avoid shuffling?
3) Would you recommend running Streaming jobs in "fine grained" or "course grained" mode. I know that logical answer is course grained (in order to minimize the latency of streaming apps) but what when resource in total cluster are limited (cluster of 3 nodes, 4 cores each - there are 2 streaming applications to run and multiple time to time batch jobs)
4) In Mesos, when I run spark streaming job in cluster mode, will it occupy 1 core permanently (like Standalone cluster manager is doing), or will that core execute driver process and sometimes act as executor?
Thank you

Fine grained mode is actually deprecated now. Even with it, each core is allocated to task until completion, but in Spark Streaming, each processing interval is a new job, so tasks only last as long the time it takes to process each interval's data. Hopefully that time is less than the interval time or your processing will back up, eventually running out of memory to store all those RDDs waiting for processing.
Note also that you'll need to have one core dedicated to each stream's Reader. Each will be pinned for the life of the stream! You'll need extra cores in case the stream ingestion needs to be restarted; Spark will try to use a different core. Plus you'll have a core tied up by your driver, if it's also running on the cluster (as opposed to on your laptop or something).
Still, Mesos is a good choice, because it will allocate the tasks to nodes that have capacity to run them. Your cluster sounds pretty small for what you're trying to do, unless the data streams are small themselves.
If you use the Datastax connector for Spark, it will try to keep input partitions local to the Spark tasks. However, I believe that connector assumes it will manage Spark itself, using Standalone mode. So, before you adopt Mesos, check to see if that's really all you need.


How is abnormal Driver termination handled for a Spark App in Yarn cluster mode

We're using AWS EMR for our spark jobs. All our jobs are submitted in yarn cluster mode, so the driver will run in one of the cluster nodes. We use on-demand node for master, and spot-instances for the core nodes. Now, although we almost always choose instances with < 5% interruption rate, sometimes it so happens that a significant fraction of our cluster nodes get terminated prematurely (probably because of higher demands).
So, I was wondering, in the above situation, what happens if a node containing the driver process goes down? Is there any chance of recovery for the spark job in that case? Or is the job gone forever?
The Spark driver is a single point of failure because it holds all cluster state for the running App.
In practice non-ephemeral storage can be used for check-pointing batch Apps after expensive expensive transformations. That said, trying to re-start after such a situation can be done, but when I looked into it, it is quite difficult to say the least. I asked such a question under my name some time ago, you can find it. I am quite technical but felt: gosh what a lot of hard work.
So, the recovery means rolling your own stuff, or accepting a re-run. Since I last evaluated EMR I see that the driver can run on the Master and that can be failed-over, but that is not the same thing as far as I can see, nor what you wish.
EMR has node leveling for CORE nodes in Yarn. Your spark driver/ Application master only gets created in CORE nodes. And HDFS also resides in CORE nodes only.
So to handle your situation in a best way, you may consider to use both CORE and TASK group.
What you can do to tackle this -
MASTER: On-demand
CORE: On-demand. Minimum no of Instances can be 1.
TASK: Spot with autoscaling with minimal EBS volume. Minimum no of Instances can be 0 this case.
This will reduce your cost also ensure that node containing the driver process never goes down.

How SPARK_WORKER_CORES setting impacts concurrency in Spark Standalone

I am using a Spark 2.2.0 cluster configured in Standalone mode. Cluster has 2 octa core machines. This cluster is exclusively for Spark jobs and no other process uses them. I have around 8 Spark Streaming apps which run on this cluster.I explicitly set SPARK_WORKER_CORES (in to 8 and allocate one core to each app using total-executor-cores setting. This config reduces the capability to work in parallel on multiple tasks. If a stage works on a partitioned RDD with 200 partitions, only one task executes at a time. What I wanted Spark to do was to start separate thread for each job and process in parallel. But I couldn't find a separate Spark setting to control the number of threads.So, I decided to play around and bloated the number of cores (i.e. SPARK_WORKER_CORES in to 1000 on each machine. Then I gave 100 cores to each Spark application. I found that spark started processing 100 partitons in parallel this time indicating that 100 threads were being used.I am not sure if this is the correct method of impacting the number of threads used by a Spark job.
You mixed up two things:
Cluster manger properties - SPARK_WORKER_CORES - total number of cores that worker can offer. Use it to control a fraction of resources that should be used by Spark in total
Application properties --total-executor-cores / spark.cores.max - number of cores that application requests from the cluster manager. Use it control in-app parallelism.
Only the second on is directly responsible for app parallelism as long as, the first one is not limiting.
Also CORE in Spark is a synonym of thread. If you:
allocate one core to each app using total-executor-cores setting.
then you specifically assign a single data processing thread.

auto scale spark cluster

I have a spark streaming job running on a cluster. Spark job pulls messages from Kafka and do the required processing before dumping the processed data to database. I have sized my cluster as per the current load. But this load requirement may go up/down in the future. I want to know the techniques to facilitate this auto scaling without restarting the job. Scaling becomes more complicated if kakfa is being used (as in my case) as I won't like the partitions to be moved around in stateful streaming. Currently the cluster is completely in house but I won't mind migrating to cloud if that assists the scaling use case.
it is not an answer. Just some notes
"in stateful streaming". What did you mean by that? All state in spark is distributed. And you should not rely on local system, as if some task failed, it can be send to any other executor.
do you speak about increasing size of cluster or resources dedicated for your spark job in cluster?
If the first one, you need to monitor each node (memory, cpu) and when it's time (hit some threshold) add more nodes.
If the second one: we didn't find nice solution. Spark provides 'autoscaling' feature, however it doesn't work properly with kafka streaming.

Spark on Mesos is much slower than local

I'm running a Spark Streaming process on a 16 CPU's 64 GB RAM host with Mesos.
When I'm running it using Mesos as a cluster manager (by setting --master mesos://leader.mesos:5050) it's running much slower than when it is run in local mode (--master local[4]).
I can't find the reason for that and I have no clue. One of the things I've noticed is that there is one specific task that is taking significantly more time on Mesos than in Local.
The weird thing (maybe that should be the questions' title) is that the task itself takes 6s and its stage (it has only one stage) takes less than a second. See attached pictures (Mesos (1) and (2)). How come? Isn't a job equal to the sum of its parts?
Another note: I did manage to run this exact same Spark Streaming process on another Mesos cluster, and it runs in a sensible amount of time, pretty much like in the local mode described above. The only difference that I can think of is that this cluster has more than one host, and that Spark is running with 2 executors rather than 1. (I couldn't find a way to run more than 1 executor on the same host on Mesos). Is this may be the reason?
Any clues would be much appreciated.
Spark can run over Mesos in two modes: coarse-grained (default) and fine-grained (see documentation).
In coarse-grained mode Spark launches exactly one executor on each machine it was assigned to by Mesos. Inside this task Spark launches other mini-tasks. It has the benefit of lower startup overhead (in your case you don't want to change this mode).
Could you be more specific about your streaming job? Is it CPU, disk, or network bounded? You can easily compare performance if you run some of Spark examples.
If your task is CPU intensive you might consider setting spark.mesos.extra.cores. By default Spark tries to acquire all cores that are being offered by Mesos. So, if there's no other task running on that cluster it shouldn't be a problem.

Spark streaming on Mesos - course grained

I have 2 cores on my vagrant development machine, and want to run 2 streaming applications.
both of them take both available cores ( I didn't specify "spark.cores.max")
they have streaming interval of 15 seconds
5 seconds is enough to perform computation
Is expected behaviour of Mesos to shift these 2 available cores between 2 applications? I would expect that behaviour, because "Mesos locks the resources until job is executed", and in Spark Streaming one job is what is executed within batch interval.
Otherwise, If resources are locked for the life of application (in spark streaming it is forever), what is the benefit of using Mesos instead of Standalone cluster manager?
Spark Streaming locks each stream Reader to a core, plus you'll need at least one other core for the rest of the processing. So you can't run two jobs simultaneously on a 2-core machine.
Mesos gives you much better resource utilization in a cluster. Standalone is more static. It might fine, though, for a fixed number of long-running streams, as long as you have enough resources and you use the recommendations for capping the allowed resources each job can grab (default is to grab everything).
If you're really just running on a single machine, use local[*] to avoid the overhead of master and slave daemons, etc.
