primer3_core Error: First line must be "Primer3 File -" - linux

I am currently using Primer3 2.3.6 in Linux. I am using the command "primer3_core -p3_settings_file=/my/path/to/settingsfile.txt /my/path/to/inputfile.txt".
I also tried it in Windows 7 and it worked without any problem. However, in Linux I got the error message "primer3_core: First line must be "Primer3 File -"..". But the missing line is in the first line of my settings file.
Do you have any suggestions or ideas what could be wrong?
Thanks in advance!

Okay, I could solve the problem. It was more a mistake of myself, because I edited the default settings file, provided by primer3, using word pad in windows. Thereby, I changed the formatting and primer3 was not able to use it anymore.
Now I just use the text editor or visual studio to change parameters in the settings file.


How to edit a .sx file

I am trying to edit an .sx file associated with this addon for microsoft test manager: Test Scribe
But if I make any change to the file in any editor test manager crashes. This should work since other people have said this is how they fixed the plugin not handling certain characters.
When I open the file in notepad++ it looks almost like an archive or something. Any ideas?
Figured it out, turns out it is using zip so you can open it and edit the files inside.

knitr & vim: Creating *.Rnw files

I'm trying to get knitr using, whilst creating a *.Rnw file using Vim (with the Vim-LaTeX plugin).
If I open a *.Rnw file in Vim, and type a < (e.g. for <<foo, echo=TRUE>>=) so I can input a code chunk, I find myself unable to type it, and Vim returns an error 'E117: Unknown function: RwriteChunk'
I have no problems typing a >or writing inline code (\Sexpr{}). Anyone found any solutions to this problem?
Many thanks,
It turns out that the necessary runtime file wasn't in the right place. I have copied it from "~/.vim/ftplugin" to "/usr/share/vim/vim73/ftplugin" and now everything is working fine.

perl5 Number Sign # not working for comments

I have a very strange problem..
perl5 Number Sign # not working correctly for comments..
We use emperl, mod_perl, apache, linux..
In some programs if I have a line commented out with a number sign # or just a number sign # by itself on a line, all of the code below that line doesn't work correctly.
There is a sysadmin so I don't have access or control over any of the settings on the server.
This is a new issue everything always worked previously.
So many possible area's that this might be coming from that I'm checking to see if anybody has run across this..
Any suggestions?
Found the issue:
Was transferring the files from LINUX to Windows to edit them.
If the file was originally created in Windows the end of a line was just a <CR> and for some reason the whole file wasn't running right. It mainly showed up when using the hash symbol for perl comments.
When I made sure the files had end of lines with <CR><LF>, this solved this issue.

Why does komodo edit require a duplicate .py file to execute my commands?

I am using Komodo edit 7.1 on a macbook pro running OS X mountain lion
Note that the duplicated file needs a space at the beginning. e.g:
to execute, I wrote the code given in the lesson but when running the command i get an error
/bin/sh: /usr/bin/ No such file or directory.
When I create a file name: (the underscore is actually white space) and execute it from there, the command completes the action correctly
'/usr/bin/python' returned 0.
Interestingly enough, the code for the duplicated file can be blank, somehow it is choosing the proper file.
p.s. obviously I am brand new at this. I have searched google for similar problems but haven't found what I need. Please help!
Thank you
The path to the python executable is not setup correctly. Use the Terminal to fix it.

C++ DLL Manifest error

When I try to compile my c++ dll I get this error
mt.exe : command line error c10100a9: Some operation on the input manifests must be specified (even if it is just to pipe the input to the output). Use the /? option for help on usage and samples.
I have disabled Manifest Tool from the properties menu, the only reason I did that was because it was giving me a hard time to compile.
Now I can build my DLL, but only once every three times, because of the above mentioned error.
Any help to get rid of this problem would be appreciated.
I found solution by (project properties ->Configuration properties ->Manifest Tool ->Input and Output) in Output Manifest File type:
and press Ok.
I see this q is languishing. Is the problem you have now better or worse than what you had before disabling Manifest Tool? Perhaps it would be worth re-enabling it and trying to work through those problems.
I have never seen this error, though I know MT.EXE has had a few problems. Make sure you have the latest SP for your VS installation as well.
