Android Studio IDE - how to change focused tab color - android-studio

I realized my currently focused tab is hard to distinguish:
So my question is how to change currently focused tab's color (Either foreground or background will help) ? I search around in the settings but can't found.
My platform is android studio version 2.1, Linux Fedora 21, gnome 3.14.0.

Your shown tabs are hard to distinguish because in Darcula theme, the test class background is unfortunatelly very hard to distinguish from non selected test tabs. You can see, that you can distinguish just fine.
How to change color for tests is described in this question:
How to change the active tab header's color in IntelliJ 14.1.4?


How do I change the color of the visual studio code toolbar?

hello, my question is the following, in the new visual studio code update, for Ubuntu Linux, the toolbar (attached photo) we can see that it is white, and it was to know if it can be changed to black as it was in previous updates, and how is it done? ... thanks
For the people who are looking for a new solution:
In the latest version of VSCode, you can add
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom"
to your settings.json file and it should use your vscode theme for the border/titlebar
The GTK Dark Title Bar could be the solution to your problems.
I also want to leave some more references to the various issues opened on the official vscode repo in the past years about this problem so that you can give a reading and get an idea of what happened.
#16363 - Allow to change the background color of menu bar (Windows & some Linux)
#11979 - Support dark theme in Gnome
#30031 - Add a way to choose theme variant (Gnome dark/light theme)
#45968 - Set the _GTK_THEME_VARIANT X11 property on top-level window to use "dark" theme on Gnome

Android Studio where is color picker for Flutter plugin

In Android Studio, we have color picker when developing in Java/Kotlin (natively) like this.
But while developing for Flutter, I can't see any options to pick my own color. Is there some plugin required to do that?
The color picker is not clickable in Android Studio running Flutter( Dart code), see picture below. But i found a work around using the Color class and manually opening color picker. Then pick a color and copy/paste it like this:
Here is how i do it:
1. Double tap shift to run search
2. Type Color or Picker
3. Open Color Picker from the search list
4. Copy/paste the HEX color code into your color class.
Expert tip:
Add color picker to a keyboard shortcut. You can find the settings for Keymap, under File > Settings > Keymap
You must have heard of the website from google, which provides many materials like designs, icons, tools, resources and components for easy developing. Now Color Tool is also available. You must add the website to your browsers shortcut if you are a developer. Here's the link for chosing color :!/?view.left=0&view.right=0&primary.color=E91E63
Another way I found is :
Type 'Colors.' and press control+space to see the available colors.
Select the color using arrow or mouse.
Press control+Q for the quick documentation.
And on the documentation windows, click on the edit button which opens the
'colors.dart' file.
Here all the colors with all shades are available. These shortcuts are for windows.
Once you open the file, you can always come back here to chose the next shade. But will not be the comfortable method like android project.
Hope a easier way to do this will come with the later update.

How to get rid of background color of Android Studio comments in dark theme?

I've installed Android Studio 2.1 and switched to the dark theme. How do I get rid of this background color? I can't seem to find it anywhere. I've changed all the background colors of comments but I can't seem to get rid of this:
The Created by Can... comment has a background like it's selected (of course it's not selected) and it's really disturbing my attention.
That background is actually warning highlight from code inspection. You can disable it by going to Settings -> Editor -> Inspections, where you can search for Default File Template Usage and uncheck it (screenshot for help).

Is there a way to change some "special" GUI colors in eclipse?

I have on Linux/KDE a installed version of eclipse Mars.2. But there are strong problems with colors. So there is no different between a activated toolbar button and a inactive toolbar button. At example the "Link with editor" button of the "Project Explorer" view has exactly the same background color if the button is selected or not:
Another thing is that I cannot see if a checkbox or radio button is selected or not. It seems that the foreground color for the check/radio box selections is also identical to the background color. So there is in many configuration views no way to find out what's currently selected and wath's not. In the next screenshot at least one of the "Open mode" radio button must be selected (I assume it's "Double click" button):
Note also that the colors are only in eclipse wrong. In other (native) KDE applications I don't have these effects (at example the foreground of check boxes/radio buttons are black - like I have it expected). Also play around with the color settings in KDE "Application Appearance" has no effects ...
How can I change the colors of these stuff?
There is an Eclipse plugin that helps you import downloaded themes from the online marketplace (themes are free).
This is where you can find it:
You may choose whatever eclipse theme fits your needs!
Good luch!
Ok. Found the solution for my problem on following site:
Mars is the first eclipse version which uses GTK3 (instead of GTK2 like eclipse versions before 4.5). And on the side above Andrey Loskutov wrotes that may be also the GTK theme (widget style) can be also the problem. The Widget style "oxygen-gtk" should be extremly buggy! After changing the widget style (to now "Adwaida") the problems are gone :-)
You can change the Widget style in KDE by opening in the KDE settings: "Application Appearance" and "GTK+ Appearance".

How to change the background color around the visual design/layout editor in Android Studio

The background around the Layout Editor in Android Studio is dark grey. I think it used to be white. Anyway, I would like to make it white again, but I can't find the setting. The reason I want to change it is so that I can make nicer looking print screen images to use on StackOverflow or app descriptions.
Note: I'm not talking about changing the theme or the code editor colors. These questions have already been answered here:
How to change or add theme to Android Studio?
How do I change Android Studio editor's background color?
how to change Android Studio terminal background color
Updated Answer
Android Studio 3.0 has a Screenshot menu item. Right click the design area and choose Save Screenshot.
From there you can make a screenshot with a transparent background.
