Floating windows in Android Studio don't maintain position or size after closing and reopening - android-studio

I'm using Android Studio with two monitors. On my second monitor I have two floating and pinned windows. After Resizing and positioning they look like so:
However, if I close Android Studio and reopen it the windows will reset, always, to these little boxes in the center of my main Android Studio window:
Has anyone encountered this issue and resolved it?

Finally figured it out. I dragged each window to their respective places. Right clicked on the title bar and unchecked "Pinned Mode" then right clicked on the title bar and checked "Pinned Mode."
I was also able to confirm the change stuck by checking %AndroidWorkSpaceDir%\%ProjectDir%\.idea\workspace.xml and verifying the x, y, width and height values for the following nodes:
<component name="ToolWindowManager">
<window_info ... />
<window_info ... />
<window_info ... />
<window_info ... />


Android Studio emulator screen collapse

I'm using the emulator with Android Studio, and I'm experiencing the phenomenon shown in the image below.
The problem occurs only when the screen is turned sideways.
It does not happen in the default screen.
I don't know how to solve this problem, and I was wondering if you could tell me something that would help me.
Thank you very much!
You can solve this in three ways:
disable screen rotation - add this to the manifest XML under the relevant activity
If you want to go the long and better route it seems to me that you are using a layout that is not constraint layout, the latter supports rotation better, and when constraint correctly what is shown here should not happen.
If all else fails you can use special layout when the screen is in landscape mode, you can read more here:
Android Studio: Creating landscape layouts

Android Studio 4.0 red line tooltip suggestions disappearing too quickly to read

I updated my Android Studio recently to 4.0 and now when I type code incorrectly, and I mouse over the red squiggly line to see what it expects or suggests, the tooltip appears and disappears very quickly. I can't read it. In fact, it's even harder now to get the thing to show up, it's very precise where the mouse pointer is. I've restarted everything including my computer. I've changed the tooltip settings from 700 to 2000 with no change. Anyone else have this issue and know how to fix it?
Thanks all!
I found the answer via this link:
Android Studio , tooltip disappearing so fast
Basically, put a bunch of random letters in your filter for Logcat and it will stop the messages, the tooltip will stay up. When Logcat is running it's interrupting the tooltips now for some reason. I think this must be a bug.

Why does Android Studio never show layout decorations when I open it?

As you can see in the image below, every time I open a project in Android Studio, the layout decorations option is deselected. How can I have it selected for default?
look on the top left of constraintLayout that you currently open, click on the eye icon and then click Show Layout Decorations. then you will be able to see it. but i don't know how to access it.
I think is not possible. I never see about that the solution

Why Android Studio icon in windows taskbar automatically changes?

When I installed Android Studio in my Windows 10 pc, then icon for Android Studio used to be this :
But after a few days, icon has changed itself into this :
How to fix this?
In your taskbar, right click -> Properties -> Untick Use small taskbar icons. (With similar meaning, I don't know the exact original text in English).
The icon file of Android Studio, $ANDROID_STUDIO/bin/studio.ico, is an icon file containing 6 pictures, using the size of visible area to decide which one to use. Asking the taskbar NOT to use small icon will solve your issue.
This bug has been fixed, just delete the studio.ico file and it will work.

Screen orientation in editor in Android Studio

In android studio, when run, my program is displayed in landscape mode and works perfectly well. However, when viewing the xml design, the virtual device is displayed in portrait mode. How do I display the xml in landscape mode?
Short Cut
Ctrl+F11 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape backwards [AVD]
The screenOrientation is the attribute of activity element. The
orientation of android activity can be portrait, landscape, sensor,
unspecified etc. You need to define it in the AndroidManifest.xml
You can add
Your screen will always display in Landscape mode, when you rotate
your device, no changes will apply for the current activity.
android:screenOrientation="landscape" />
Please check official Guideline:
Click that button next to "Nexus 5".
