Specify columns in empty IQueryable in WCF Data Service? - excel

I have a DataService with the following queryable:
public IQueryable<MyData> MyDataList => myDataList.AsQueryable();
I connect to this data service in Excel 2016. Everything works, but when the list is empty I get the following error message.
The query did not run or the Data Model could not be accessed.
Here's the error message we got:
An Evaluate statement cannot return a table without columns
It seems the client (Excel) needs an object to successfully determine the columns. Why? Is it possible to tell the client about the columns without the need for an object?

Can't you check the resulted query first to see if it contains anything and return the actual data or a default one?
var defaultList = new List<MyData>();
public IQueryable<MyData> MyDataList = (myDataList.Any())?myDataList.AsQueryable():defaultList.AsQueryable();


In Azure Data Factory, how do I pass the Index of a ForEach as a parameter properly

Sorry if this is a bit vague or rambly, I'm still getting to grips with Data Factory and a lot of it seems a bit obtuse...
What I want to do is query my Cosmos Database for a list of Ids of records that need to be updated. For each of these records, I want to call a REST API using the Id (i.e. /Record/{Id}/Details)
I've created a Data Flow that took a string as a parameter and then called the REST API fine.
I then made a pipeline using a Lookup with a query (select c.RecordId from c where...) and pass that into a ForEach with items set to #activity('Lookup1').output.value
I then setup the Activity of the ForEach to my Data flow. From research, I think I'm supposed to set the Parameter value to "#item().RecordId", but that gives an error "parameter [name] does not match parameter type 'string'".
I can change the type of the parameter to any (and use toString([parameter]) to cast it ) and then when I try and debug it passes the parameter in, but it gives an error of "Job failed due to reason: at (Line 2/Col 14): Datatype any not found".
I'm not sure what the solution is. Is there a way to cast the result of the lookup to an integer or string? Is there a way to narrow an any down? Is there a better way than toString() that would work? Is there a better way than ForEach?
I tried to reproduce similar scenario what you are trying.
My sample data in cosmos
To query Cosmos Database for a list of Ids and call a REST API using the Id For each of these records.
First, I took Lookup activity in data factory and selected the id's where the last_name is Bluth
Its output and settings are as below:
Then I passed the output of lookup activity to For-each activity.
Then inside for each activity I created Dataflow activity and for that DataSource I gave the source as Rest API. My Rest API to call specific user is https://reqres.in/api/users/2 I gave base URL as https://reqres.in/api/users.
Then I created parameter called demoId as datatype string and in relative URL I gave that dynamic value as #dataset().demoId
After this I gave value source parameter as #item().id as after https://reqres.in/api/users there is only id should be provided to get data in you case you can try Record/#{item().id}/Details.
For each id it is successfully passing id to rest API and fetching data:

Azure Logic Apps: How to use variables in a dynamic query?

Trying to add values from the JSON Parser into a dynamic Oracle query but always shows up as blank/empty.
Same results trying to use the formal parameters and declaring them within the Oracle query as well.
Is this possible?
Service Bus trigger. Message comes in and goes into the "For each message" loop. It then gets parsed in the "Parse JSON Message" and when I try to use the dynamic content from that in an Oracle query (e.g. #body('Parse_JSON_Message')?['contentData']?['dynamicValue']), they always show up as nothing/blank.
I can use this same reference later (again #body('Parse_JSON_Message')?['contentData']?['dynamicValue']) with no issues but it always ends up blank in the query.
Even using formal parameterized key values shows the #body('Parse_JSON_Message')?['contentData']?['dynamicValue']) to be NULL.
So my queries are coded as:
SELECT thisValue
WHERE columnName = #body('Parse_JSON_Message')?['contentData']?['dynamicValue'] (have also tried #{body('Parse_JSON_Message')?['contentData']?['dynamicValue']})
But are coming out as:
SELECT thisValue
WHERE columnName =
...with no result obviously.
This query does work if I hard code the value.
If I use dynamic values in my output (where I'm mapping data), it works fine. So how should I correctly dynamic values in this Oracle query?

Fetching Data from Database using Strings not IDs

Whenever we save data to the database, there is always a corresponding ID which we use to fetch the data from that specific column.
sql_con.execute("SELECT FROM DBNAME WHERE ID = ?", id)
The above code only allows us to fetch data based from the ID. The problem is that the above code only accepts 1 supplied binding. In my database, I used sets of strings as the ID for each column, which means that the binding of my IDs are more than 1. And, those sets of strings have different bindings (or character count).
How do I modify the code in above, so I could input strings as my ID, preventing it from receiving the specific error:
sqlite3.ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of bindings supplied. The current statement uses 1, and there are 8 supplied.
Thank you in advance. I use Python 3.xx and in-built module sqlite3. Database is in .db file format and is a disk-based database.
I found the answer for my own question, by asking someone else.
For you to resolve this problem with the bindings of the input, just simply convert the parameter into a tuple.
sql_con.execute("SELECT FROM DBNAME WHERE ID = ?", id)
sql_con.execute("SELECT * FROM DBNAME WHERE ID = ?", (id,))
Hope it helps.

Insert/Update SQL table from observablelist

Ok, so I'm working with an ObservableList, which is working fine, but now I need to use the observable list to insert rows into and update rows in an SQL database table. I've found little info on working between JavaFX and SQL databases ... all the examples of data tables have the data created in the java code. I had hope when I saw "update SQL database" in this post:
Update sql database from FoxPro data on Glassfish server
but it was not applicable to my situation.
So the question is, how do I start the code to read from the ObservableList so I can run my SQL Insert statement? If you could point me to an example code where an ObservableList is used and an SQL table is created/added to/updated I would greatly appreciate it.
I can't really post relevant code here because the relevant parts are what I don't have. However, I'm thinking what I need to do is something like this:
while (mylist.next()) {
make connection // think I got it
INSERT INTO mytable (name, address, phone) VALUES (observablename, observableaddress, observablephone // think I got this as well
Obviously I'm applying my knowledge of other areas to ObservableList, but I am doing it to demonstrate what I don't know how to do with my ObservableList (mylist).
Again, thanks for any help.
Tying up loose ends today, and this question has not really been answered. I reposted a newer question with more specifics once I learned more about the situation, and that question also went unanswered, but I did figure it out, and posted an answer here: Understanding my ObservableList.
However, to be neat and tidy, let me post here some code to help me remember, as well as help anyone else who looks at this question and says, "YES, BUT WHAT IS THE SOLUTION?!?!?"
Generically, it looks something like this:
I like to open my connection and prepare my statement(s) first.
Use the iterator to get the variables from the list
within the iterator, add the variables to the prepared statement and execute.
I read somewhere about batch execution of statements, but with as few updates as I'm doing with each list, that seemed too complicated, so I just do each update individually within the iterator.
Specifically, here is some code:
Connection con;
con = [your connection string]; // I actually keep my connection string in its own class
// and just call it (OpenDB.connect()). This way I can swap out the class OpenDB
// for whatever database I'm using (MySQL, MS Access, etc.) and I don't have to
// change a bunch of connection strings in other classes.
PreparedStatement pst;
String insertString = "INSERT INTO People (Name, Address, Phone) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
pst = con.prepareStatement(insertString);
for(Person p : mylist) { // read as: for each Person [a data model defined in a class
// named Person] which in this set of statements we shall call 'p' within the list
// previously defined and named 'mylist' ... or "For each Person 'p' in 'mylist'"
String name = p.name.get(); // get the name which corresponds to the Person in this object of 'mylist'
String address = p.address.get(); // ditto, address
Integer phone = p.phone.get(); // ditto, phone. Did as integer here to show how to add to pst below
pst.setString(1, name); // replace question mark 1 with value of 'name'
pst.setString(2, address); // ditto, 2 and 'address'
pst.setInt(3, phone); // ditto, 3 and 'phone'
And that's how I did it. Not sure if it's the 'proper' way to do it, but it works. Any input is welcomed, as I'm still learning.
In JavaFX you usually get to be the person to create the example :)
ObservableList supports listeners, these receive events which tell you what has been added or updated by default. There is a good example in the javadocs here.
To get update events you need to provide an 'extractor' to the method creating the list here. This should take an instance of the object in the list and provide an array of the properties you want to listen to.
Try this:
SQLEXEC(lnConn, "Update INVENTORY SET brand = ?_brand, model = ?_model, code =?_code, timestamp =?_datetime where recno=?_id ")

returning record List in remote procedure calls

i'm using
smartGWT mobile
as the front end ,
from the client UI i'm making an rpc call in return as an result i
need record List.
If i use record List it throws an compilation error saying record List package not imported or found. i need it in the form of record List. as example i have to search files based on its name , so the result should contain file name, its date and size .please help
Thanks in advance
To my sense Records are Client side object, your rpc should return Serializable objects and into the Async callback you set the differents attributes of your records with the values coresponding found in the objects coming from the server.
For example in your rpc:
MySerializableType[] thesNodes = new MySerializableType[size];
return theNodes;
and somewhere else:
public class MySerializableType implements IsSerializable {
