How to search content in getstream - getstream-io

How to filter activities in e.g. If I want to filter activity based on some content, it should list all the activities which had that content. Is there any such functionality provided by getstream?
Could you please suggest ?

I'm looking for the same thing. If we assume GetStream is like Facebook, Facebook doesn't really let you search their feed, and in general I think it's a tricky thing to do. What Facebook DOES do is have that SLOW search up at the top (you can tell it takes a long time and half the time doesn't even really have good results). If we accepted that our search would be slow we can paginate through a list of all the objects in our feed from GetStream then search through them on our site. Not a good solution but haven't really seen any other ones.


How to Look Up Spotify IDs (Song / Track IDs) in Bulk?

I have a list of songs - is there a way (using the Spotify / Echo Nest API) to look up the Spotify ID for each track in bulk?
If it helps, I am planning on running these IDs through the "Get Audio Features" part of their API.
Thanks in advance!
You can use the Spotify Web API to retrieve song IDS. First, you'll need to register to use the API. Then, you will need to perform searches, like in the example linked here.
The Spotify API search will be most useful for you if you can provide specifics on albums and artists. The search API allows you to insert multiple query strings. Here is an example (Despacito by Justin Bieber:"' + despacito + '"%20artist:"' + bieber + '"&type=track
You can paste that into your browser and scan the response if you'd like. Ultimately you are interested in the song id, which you can find in the uri:
Whichever programming language you choose should allow you to loop through these calls to get the song IDs you want. Good luck!
It has been a few years, and I am curious how far you got with this project. I was doing the same thing around 2016 as well. I am just picking up the project again, and noticing you still cannot do large bulk ID queries by Artist,Title.
For now I am just handling HttpStatusCode 429 and sleeping the thread as I loop through a library. It's kind of slow but, I mean it gets the job done. After I get them I do the AudioFeatures query for 100 tracks at a time so it goes pretty quickly that way.
So far, this is the slowest part and I really wish there was a better way to do it, or even a way to make your own 'Audio Features' based on your library It just takes a lot of computing cycles. However ... one possible outcome might be to only do it for tracks that you cannot find on Spotify ;s

Instagram custom search - filter by number of likes

I'm trying to understand how to build a page that retrives all the images from instagram, that used a specific tag, whit a minimum number of X likes. Current tool on the web doesn't filter for likes number.
I found things like instafeed.js but it seems that it's impossible to use them at the moment because of the new instagram api limits.
I think that it should be quite easy to do this, but I don't know how to proceed :/
It should be pretty straightforward but you have no code to go off in your question. What programming language are you using? You would ideally use their API for this. I'm not sure about limits though, which are you referring to?
Take a look at their docs

ElasticSearch - search statistic - like google analytics

I am looking into using ElasticSearch as a search engine for one of the projects I am working on.
There is still one thing which I need to find an answer for, and I hope someone inhere can help.
The customer want to be able to see some search statistic, like google analytics. Most searched words, new search words and so on.
Is there a way to easily setup this type of search statistic. My idea is something like ElasticSearch stores search history, about the search request made to the REST API. Then my customer can use Kibana or some other visual tool to monitor the search history of ElasticSearch.
Hope someone can help me with an answer for this.
You could adjust the slow log to a time which it will capture all requests, however this will then produce large log files which will require maintenance. You could write an application which handles all of your ES requests, takes the search phrase and indexes this in a separate index i.e. your search history index and then deals with the actual request as normal, returning the response to the user.

Solr - most frequent searched words

I'm trying to organize a solr search engine. I've already set up the misspelling system and the suggestions.
However I can't seem to find how to retrieve the top 10 most searched words/terms/keywords in solr/lucene. How can I get this? I want to display those on my homepage.
Solr does not provide this kind of feature out of the box. There is the StatsComponent, that provides you with all kind of statistics, but all of those are numeric only.
Depending on how you access solr (directly or via your own app) you could intercept all calls an log the query string. I did this in a recent project where I logged a queries to a database. If you submit all keywords to an other core on your solr server, you can faceting queries on your search terms as described by Hyque
You could use a facet for retrieving the Top X words like this:
The value of facet.field depends on the field you like to search in. With facet.limit you'll (obviously) limit the amount of results to 10. You'll find the facet results at the end of the results, starting with "facet_counts"
Edit: I really should go to bed earlier. I didn't see the "most searched" in your question. Sorry for that.
Apache Solr does not provide any such capability as of today. There is a desire for this and a JIRA ticket corresponding to it. You can vote for it if you'd like to see it in Solr some day:
The stats component provides information around statistics, but it's mostly numeric in nature. You could parse server logs and come up with a way to build a Frequently Searched Terms (e.g. pump those logs in SiLK or Kibana for visualization).
If you have the ability to change the front end and add some javascript code to the UI or can intercept the search request and make an async or batch calls to APIs for tracking, you can use SearchStax Analytics that provides Search Analytics that tracks searches, clicks, cart actions, revenue, etc.

social media search engine question

I came across this site called social mention and am curious about how applications like this work, hopefully somebody can offer some glimpses/suggestions on this.
Upon looking at the search results, I realize that they grab results from facebook, twitter, google.... I suppose this is done on the fly, probably through some REST api exposed by the mentioned?
If what I mention in point 1 is probably true, does that means sentiment analysis on the documents/links return is done on the fly too? Wouldn't that be too computationally intensive? I am curious because other than sentiments, they also return the top keywords in the document set.
They have something called the "trends". They looked like the trendingtopics in twitter, but seems like they also include phrases >3 words long. Is this relevant to nlp's entity extraction or more to keyphrase extraction? Is there apis other than that of Twitter that provides this? Is "trends" generally done on search queries submitted by users or do the system actually processes the pages?
A curious man.
sentiment can be fast and on the fly, if it is for example rule-based and the dictionaries are in memory. Curious? Get in touch
