SQS: Know remaining jobs - node.js

I'm creating an app that uses a JobQueue using Amazon SQS.
Every time a user logs in, I create a bunch of jobs for that specific user, and I want him to wait until all his jobs have been processed before taking the user to a specific screen.
My problem is that I don't know how to query the queue to see if there are still pending jobs for a specific user, or how is the correct way to implement such solution.
Everything regarding the queue (Job creation and processing is working as expected). But I am missing that final step.
Just for the record:
In my previous implementation I was using Redis + Kue and I had created a key with the user Id and the job count, every time a job was added that job count was incremented, and every time a job finished or failed I decremented that count. But now I want to move away from Redi + Kue and I am not sure how to implement this step.

Amazon SQS is not the ideal tool for the scenario you describe. A queueing system is normally used in a "Send and Forget" situation, where the sending system doesn't remain interested in later processing.
You could investigate Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF), which allows work to be monitored as it goes through several processes. Your existing code could mostly be re-used, just with the SWF framework added. Or even power it from Lambda, since you are already using node.js.


Google Cloud Run - One container handling multiple similar requests with queue for each user

I have a SERVICE that gets a request from a Webhook and this is currently deployed across seperate Cloud Run containers. These seperate containers are the exact same (image), however, each instance processes data seperately for each particular account.
This is due to a ~ 3-5 min processing of the request and if the user sends in more requests, it needs to wait for the existing process to be completed for that particular user before processing the next one to avoid racing conditions. The container can still receive webhooks though, however, the actual processing of the data itself needs to be done one by one for each account.
Is there no way to reduce the container count, as such for example, to use one container to process all the requests, while still ensuring it processes one task for each user at a time and waits for that to complete for that user, before processing the next request from the same user.
To explain it better, i.e.
Multiple tasks can be run across all the users
However, per user 1 task at a time processed; Once that is completed, the next task for that user can be processed
I was thinking of monitoring the tasks through a Redis Cache, however, with Cloud Run being stateless, I am not sure that is the right way to go.
Or seperating the requests and the actual work - Master / Worker - And having the worker report back to the master once a task is completed for the user across 2 images (Using the concurrency to process multiple tasks across the users), however that might mean that I would have to increase the timeout time for Cloud Run.
Good to hear any other suggestions.
Apologies if this doesn't seem clear, feel free to ask for more information.

How to poll another server from Node.js?

I'm currently developing a Shopify app with Node/Express and a Postgres database. When a user registers an account and connects their Shopify store, I'll need to download all of their store's orders. They could have 100,000s of orders, so I'd like to use a Shopify GraphQL Bulk Operation. While Shopify is handling this, my Node server will need to poll the Shopify server to check on the progress, and when the operation is complete, Shopify will send me a link where I can download all of the data. Once the data is processed and stored in my database, I'll send the user an email to say that their account is now set up.
How should I handle polling the Shopify server? The process could take anywhere from a few mins to hours. Using setInterval() would be a bad idea right? Because if the server restarts for whatever reason, It will lose the interval? So, should I use some sort of background task? And would I need to store anything in my database? I've researched cron jobs, child processes, worker threads, the bull package -- and it's left me a little confused.
(I also know that I could use a webhook, but Shopify offers no guarantees that my app will receive the webhook.)
Upon installation, launch a background job labeled "GetCustomerOrders". As you know, background jobs are mature, and nicely handle problems. For example, they can retry themselves if something goes wrong.
The Background job itself just sets up the Bulk Download and then settles into Poll. Polling is no big deal and just happens. As you said, could be minutes, could take hours. Nevertheless, a poll gets status on a bulk download, and that can even be hot-rodded. For example, you poll with an ID. So you poll till that ID completes. Regardless of restarts.
At the end of that rather simple setup, you get an URL to download and parse JSON. Spawn another job even for that. Endless fun. Why sweat it? Background jobs are the way to go.
The Webhook idea is OK but as the documentation says, they are not 100% and CRON is bush-league in that it misses out on the mature development of jobs in queues and is more like a simple trigger. Relying on CRON to start something is fine, but gives you zero management over what it starts.
I am guessing NodeJS has a decent background job system by this time. When you look at Sidekiq for Ruby you realize what awesome is. Surely you can find a copycat in Node that comes close anyway.

How to perform long event processing in Node JS with a message queue?

I am building an email processing pipeline in Node JS with Google Pub/Sub as a message queue. The message queue has a limitation where it needs an acknowledgment for a sent message within 10 minutes. However, the jobs it's sending to the Node JS server might take an hour to complete. So the same job might run multiple times till one of them finishes. I'm worried that this will block the Node JS event loop and slow down the server too.
Find an architecture diagram attached. My questions are:
Should I be using a message queue to start this long-running job given that the message queue expects a response in 10 mins or is there some other architecture I should consider?
If multiple such jobs start, should I be worried about the Node JS event loop being blocked. Each job is basically iterating through a MongoDB cursor creating hundreds of thousands of emails.
Well, it sounds like you either should not be using that queue (with the timeout you can't change) or you should break up your jobs into something that easily finishes long before the timeouts. It sounds like a case of you just need to match the tool with the requirements of the job. If that queue doesn't match your requirements, you probably need a different mechanism. I don't fully understand what you need from Google's pub/sub, but creating a queue of your own or finding a generic queue on NPM is generally fairly easy if you just want to serialize access to a bunch of jobs.
I rather doubt you have nodejs event loop blockage issues as long as all your I/O is using asynchronous methods. Nothing you're doing sounds CPU-heavy and that's what blocks the event loop (long running CPU-heavy operations). Your whole project is probably limited by both MongoDB and whatever you're using to send the emails so you should probably make sure you're not overwhelming either one of those to the point where they become sluggish and lose throughput.
To answer the original question:
Should I be using a message queue to start this long-running job given that the message queue expects a response in 10 mins or is there
some other architecture I should consider?
Yes, a message queue works well for dealing with these kinds of events. The important thing is to make sure the final action is idempotent, so that even if you process duplicate events by accident, the final result is applied once. This guide from Google Cloud is a helpful resource on making your subscriber idempotent.
To get around the 10 min limit of Pub/Sub, I ended up creating an in-memory table that tracked active jobs. If a job was actively being processed and Pub/Sub sent the message again, it would do nothing. If the server restarts and loses the job, the in-memory table also disappears, so the job can be processed once again if it was incomplete.
If multiple such jobs start, should I be worried about the Node JS event loop being blocked. Each job is basically iterating through a
MongoDB cursor creating hundreds of thousands of emails.
I have ignored this for now as per the comment left by jfriend00. You can also rate-limit the number of jobs being processed.

Does Node.js need a job queue?

Say I have a express service which sends email:
app.post('/send', function(req, res) {
this works.
I'd like to know what's the advantage of introducing a job queue here? like Kue.
Does Node.js need a job queue?
Not generically.
A job queue is to solve a specific problem, usually with more to do than a single node.js process can handle at once so you "queue" up things to do and may even dole them out to other processes to handle.
You may even have priorities for different types of jobs or want to control the rate at which jobs are executed (suppose you have a rate limit cap you have to remain below on some external server or just don't want to overwhelm some other server). One can also use nodejs clustering to increase the amount of tasks that your node server can handle. So, a queue is about controlling the execution of some CPU or resource intensive task when you have more of it to do than your server can easily execute at once. A queue gives you control over the flow of execution.
I don't see any reason for the code you show to use a job queue unless you were doing a lot of these all at once.
The specific https://github.com/OptimalBits/bull library or Kue library you mention lists these features on its NPM page:
Delayed jobs
Distribution of parallel work load
Job event and progress pubsub
Optional retries with backoff
Graceful workers shutdown
Full-text search capabilities
Rich integrated UI
Infinite scrolling
UI progress indication
Job specific logging
So, I think it goes without saying that you'd add a queue if you needed some specific queuing features and you'd use the Kue library if it had the best set of features for your particular problem.
In case it matters, your code is sending res.send("ok") before it finishes with the async tasks and before you know if it succeeded or not. Sometimes there are reasons for doing that, but sometimes you want to communicate back whether the operation was successful or not (which you are not doing).
Basically, the point of a queue would simply be to give you more control over their execution.
This could be for things like throttling how many you send, giving priority to other actions first, evening out the flow (i.e., if 10000 get sent at the same time, you don't try to send all 10000 at the same time and kill your server).
What exactly you use your queue for, and whether it would be of any benefit, depends on your actual situation and use cases. At the end of the day, it's just about controlling the flow.

Controlling azure worker roles concurrency in multiple instance

I have a simple work role in azure that does some data processing on an SQL azure database.
The worker basically adds data from a 3rd party datasource to my database every 2 minutes. When I have two instances of the role, this obviously doubles up unnecessarily. I would like to have 2 instances for redundancy and the 99.95 uptime, but do not want them both processing at the same time as they will just duplicate the same job. Is there a standard pattern for this that I am missing?
I know I could set flags in the database, but am hoping there is another easier or better way to manage this.
As Mark suggested, you can use an Azure queue to post a message. You can have the worker role instance post a followup message to the queue as the last thing it does when processing the current message. That should deal with the issue Mark brought up regarding the need for a semaphore. In your queue message, you can embed a timestamp marking when the message can be processed. When creating a new message, just add two minutes to current time.
And... in case it's not obvious: in the event the worker role instance crashes before completing processing and fails to repost a new queue message, that's fine. In this case, the current queue message will simply reappear on the queue and another instance is then free to process it.
There is not a super easy way to do this, I dont think.
You can use a semaphore as Mark has mentioned, to basically record the start and the stop of processing. Then you can have any amount of instances running, each inspecting the semaphore record and only acting out if semaphore allows it.
However, the caveat here is that what happens if one of the instances crashes in the middle of processing and never releases the semaphore? You can implement a "timeout" value after which other instances will attempt to kick-start processing if there hasnt been an unlock for X amount of time.
Alternatively, you can use a third party monitoring service like AzureWatch to watch for unresponsive instances in Azure and start a new instance if the amount of "Ready" instances is under 1. This will save you can save some money by not having to have 2 instances up and running all the time, but there is a slight lag between when an instance fails and when a new one is started.
A Semaphor as suggested would be the way to go, although I'd probably go with a simple timestamp heartbeat in blob store.
The other thought is, how necessary is it? If your loads can sustain being down for a few minutes, maybe just let the role recycle?
Small catch on David's solution. Re-posting the message to the queue would happen as the last thing on the current execution so that if the machine crashes along the way the current message would expire and re-surface on the queue. That assumes that the message was originally peeked and requires a de-queue operation to remove from the queue. The de-queue must happen before inserting the new message to the queue. If the role crashes in between these 2 operations, then there will be no tokens left in the system and will come to a halt.
The ESB dup check sounds like a feasible approach, but it does not sound like it would be deterministic either since the bus can only check for identical messages currently existing in a queue. But if one of the messages comes in right after the previous one was de-queued, there is a chance to end up with 2 processes running in parallel.
An alternative solution, if you can afford it, would be to never de-queue and just lease the message via Peek operations. You would have to ensure that the invisibility timeout never goes beyond the processing time in your worker role. As far as creating the token in the first place, the same worker role startup strategy described before combined with ASB dup check should work (since messages would never move from the queue).
