Google docs queuing system using UML class diagrams [closed] - uml

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How to represent a system like google docs queuing system using UML class diagrams? I haven't used much UML and trying to design a system like Google docs.

I'm not a UML pro but I took a quick stab at it. There's probably some missing pieces here but I think it's a good start. It would be great if someone who knows how to correctly model this can provide their diagram.


Which NLP task is easier to begin with? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Which one among the following NLP topics will be easier to work with?
Question answering
Paraphrase detection
Short text conversation
Author identification
The final one, Author identification. You don't need to have any understanding of the language you are dealing with, which the first three presuppose.
There is already a lot of literature on the topic; generally you identify features in texts, and map these onto a set of authors' known features. This can easily be done with cluster analysis or Machine Learning. So, it's not actually as NLP-heavy as the others.

Translating user stories in UML diagrams [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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*Could I translate user stories in UML diagrams to teach oriented object project? *Is it right?
*Is there someone with experience in it?
Your question is an interesting one, and using use case to model story is a debate and I am quite sure that there are a lot's of talk about UML usage in Scrum or Agile method.
I am not sure that Scrum experts would agree that a user story is a use case. For example, for me a use case is associated to a full description and for my understanding this is not the case of a user story.
Maybe this difference between use case and user story could help.
UML has "Use Case Diagrams" which are pretty much the UML version of a User Story.

How important is Haskell in 2013? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm learning Haskell in order to gain knowledge of Functional programming to apply to Java 8. Is Haskell a marketable skill?
Haskell is used "in the real world," but in terms of "Am I likely to get a job using this?" it's on the very low end. Almost any other language you can likely name has more jobs that require it.
But in terms of learning, Haskell is a great language. It really helps you think about your programs differently. And having a good mind for application architecture is a very marketable skill.

Is it common to show UML class diagrams for each module in a system? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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For a project of mine, I have to show a UML class diagram. However, the system is largely GUI based, which is making the class diagram huge and messy. Is it common to break up the diagram for a system such as this into several diagrams, one for each module?
It is not only common, it is recommended.
And if you fear to lose the global vision, you can do a global cross-module diagram, but with only the most important classes (which will be the "hearts" of the various modules), and then all the module-scoped diagrams.

Synonym for "thread-safe" when naming a class? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Perhaps a silly question, but is there any common naming convention for a class that provides thread-safe operations, other than ThreadSafeFoo? This is most explicit and works nicely, but I figured I'd ask if there are any single-word synonyms which represent the notion of thread safety ("Safe", "Locking"?), or if there's anything shorter that is commonly used?
I think Concurrent... is a good choice. It describes very well the usecase in which it should be used without saying to much about technical details..
SyncFoo can be a good choice to avoid too long class name.
