Azure Point-to-Site VPN Resource Manager powershell - azure

I found the link,, which give details instructions on how to create a Point-to-Site VPN connection using powershell in the new Azure resource manager.
While attempting to create run this script I am getting the error message. " The term 'Add-AzureRmVpnClientRootCertificate' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet"
I am currently running Azure Powershell version 1.0.1 and this reference,, indicates that it should be available in version 1.0.
What am I doing wrong?

It looks like you need at least Azure PowerShell 1.0.4 to get this cmdlet. If you look at the GitHub source for this cmdlet at, it looks like it was added with the commit for 1.0.4:


Azure Devops: installing a Windows Service

I am trying to automate installing windows service using Azure DevOps pipeline. I installed Windows Service Manager from here: and added it to the pipeline as a task. The windows service should be installed on the virtual machine where the pipeline is, so I provided "LocalSystem" as Run As Username, and nothing for password. The service was not installed with the following error:
Service ' (MyServiceName)' cannot be created due to the following error: The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name specified
I tried also the credentials I use to get to the virtual machine, but it gave the same error. How can this be solved?
The service can be installed without problems using installutil.
Azure Devops: installing a Windows Service
You could try to use deployment groups to test, if you are using the private agent:
As the document state:
Service Name - The name of the Windows Service installed on the Deployment Group Target.
You could also refer to the similar thread for some more details.

How to connect to a SQL Azure DB from a hosted build server for running tests

We wish to implement CI using a TFS / Visual Studio Online-hosted build server. To run our unit/integration tests the build server needs to connect to a SQL Azure DB.
We've hit a stumbling block here because SQL Azure DBs use an IP address whitelist.
My understanding is that the hosted build agent is a VM which is spun-up on demand, which almost certainly means that we can't determine its IP address beforehand, or guarantee that it will be the same for each build agent.
So how can we have our hosted build agent run tests which connect to our IP-address-whitelisted SQL DB? Is it possible to programmatically add an IP to the whitelist and then remove it at the end of testing?
After little research found this (sample uses PowerShell):
Login to your azure account
Select relevant subscription
New-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule -EndIpAddress -FirewallRuleName test1 -ResourceGroupName testrg-11 -ServerName mytestserver111 -StartIpAddress
To remove it:
Remove-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule -FirewallRuleName test1 -ServerName mytestserver111 -ResourceGroupName testrg-11 -Force
Found in Powershell ISE for windows. Alternatively there should be something similar using cross platform cli if not running on windows machine
There is the task/step of Azure PowerShell that you can call azure powershell (e.g. New-AzureRmSqlServerFirewallRule)
On the other hand, you can manage server-level firewall rules through REST API, so you can custom build/release task to get necessary information (e.g. authentication) of selected Azure Service Endpoint, then send the REST API to add new or remove firewall rules.
The SqlAzureDacpacDeployment task has the source code to add firewall rules through REST API that you can refer to. Part SqlAzureDacpacDeployment source code, VstsAzureRestHelpers_.psm1 source code.
There now is a "Azure SQL InlineSqlTask" build task which u can use to automatically set firewall rules on the Azure server. Just make sure "Delete Rule After Task Ends" is not checked. And just add some dummy query like "select top 1 * from...." as "Inline SQL Script"

Copy and install exe on azure vm via powershell

I'm trying to create an Azure VM and then copy an install file to the VM and then silently installing it. I have created a basic Azure Resource Group project, and can create and deploy the VM, but I can't figure out how to do everything from the powershell script.
It sounds like you could use a custom script extension to do what you want. In your ARM template, you can specify the url for a file and the command to run; Azure will handle getting the file onto your VM and running it based on your command. Here is an example from the Azure Quickstart Templates:
Hope this helps! :)

Can't list HDInsight clusters

I'm trying to use the azure command-line interface.
I imported the manifest file and am able to run azure hdinsight -h and azure account list (which gives me the good credentials).
However, I'm unable to list my HDInsight clusters with
azure hdinsight cluster list
This returns me the following error :
- Getting HDInsight serverserror: tunneling socket could not be established, cause=1500:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:openssl\ssl\s23_clnt.c:766:
info: Error information has been recorded to azure.err
error: hdinsight cluster list command failed
I get a similar error message when doing azure hdinsight account storage create storagename
Did I miss a step in the installation or is there something wrong going on ? I'm working behind a proxy and got http_proxy and https_proxy well set.
In order to proceed ahead with the project, you could also launch the Powershell from the portal itself and execute the PowerShell commandlet from there. (It is called CloudShell in Azure, click this highlighted icon I just launched the PowerShell windows from portal and executed "azure hdinsight cluster list" and it returned me the list of my clusters.
more details about the Azure Powershell at :

Trying to Create a Virtual Machine Deployment in Azure via Service Management API

Trying to Create a Virtual Machine Deployment in Azure via Service Management API.
But getting the 404 http error code , though the uri is correct.I am correctly setting the values in the below format,
Anything else is missing ? Also am setting the certificates for SSL authentication.All other services seems to work but this alone is throwing a 404 http error
you mentioned you are using this url:
are you inputing your subscription-id and hosted service on which you wish to deploy?
the url should look like this:<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices/<service-name>/deployments/
taken from
though when using the above URL i was also getting 404 responses, i needed to remove the trailing slash at the end. (".../deployments" , not ".../deployments/")
after this i started getting BadRequest Responses but this is probably just because of the XML body not being generated properly.
hope it helps
I think you are asking about Windows Azure Virtual Machines. In that case you might not be using the correct newer Powershell cmdlets to create Azure Virtual Machines because when you make new Virtual Machine cmdlets you don't need to use the management URL. It is all done during very first call when you configure connection using PublishSettings file and then set your subscription. The steps to create a new Azure Virtual Machine using Powershell cmdlets are as below:
Get-AzurePublishSettingsFile (documentation is here)
Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile azuresettings.publishsettings
New-AzureVM ** (documentation/sample script is here)
If you are using PaaS Windows Azure Web/Worker Role then you will use:
New-AzureDeployment (documented here)
A list of all new Windows Azure Powershell CMDlets is documented here.
Finally it worked.There are some errors in MSDN documentation.
No slash at the end, but MSDN documentation gives a slash at the end.
