JavaFX ComboBox Dropdown Layout - layout

I have a BorderPane that in its CENTER has a a grid pane with 2 combobox. On it's NORTH , it has a header pane. And in its SOUTH has a pane with navigation buttons. The problem here is that when I click the combobox, the dropdown menu covers the SOUTH pane as you see in the picture. Is there a way to bind dropdown with the CENTER pane, so that it cannot go over any of the SOUTH or NORTH panes.
Thanks in advance.

You can control the number of visible items in the open dropdown using the visibleRowCount property on the dropdown.
The maximum number of rows to be visible in the ComboBox popup when it
is showing. By default this value is 10, but this can be changed to
increase or decrease the height of the popup.
See JavaDoc.


Collapsible QDockWidget when clicking on the tab

I am trying to mimic the behaviour on PyCharm, where there are docks on the edges and, if the user clicks on the tab, it exapnds and collapses the dock to increase the central widget.
I managed to put the tabs on the site, and I can subscribe to the tabBarClicked event to detect QDockWidgets, but I still need to figure out 2 problems:
How to always display a tab on each region where there is a dock (if there is more than 1 dock on that area, the tabs are automatically handled, but if there is only 1 dockwidget, no tabs are shown).
How to keep the tab if I hide the dock (for collapsing the widget).
Any ideas? This is what I got so far. As you can see, the QDockWidget on the bottom does not have a tab, but a title bar.

Focusing Tab in opportunity screen

How do I change default tab focus to Detail tab in Opportunity screen.
I have set the tab position in the SelectedIndex property of the Tab control

Excel/VBA - Set Focus and Scroll to Control

I'm looping through the ActiveX controls on my spreadsheet to implement tab control. I have around 100 controls in my spreadsheet, so not everything fits on a single "page" (it's all in the same tab, you just have to scroll down.)
I can use Activate to set the focus to the next control. However, when I tab through the controls and pass the bottom of the viewable window, the window doesn't automatically scroll to show the control with focus.
Is there a way to get the spreadsheet to scroll so that the control that has focus is actually on the screen?
Sorceri nailed it right on the head. I used Window.ScrollRow to scroll down the page after I set the focus. The only issue is that this sets the bottom of the row to the top of the window, so it's just off screen. I was able to resolve this by specifying:
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = row-3

Add fixed positioned Combobox inside FlowPane

I have a FlowPane which will hold many panels which are based on BorderPane.
I want to create ComboBox which will be used to filter the Panels by type. And the panels will be scrolled by ScrollPanewhen they exceed the visible area.
I want the combo box to scroll along with the FlowPane inside the ScrollPane. I want to get the result which is displayed into the picture. Can you tell me how I can get the desired result. I can very easy create BorderPanes and insert them into the FlowPane and the challenge is how to position the Combo Box and keep it always at this position.
Why don't you simply use another border pane?
Add your combobox to the top ( or additional flow pane with combobox on
Add your Flowpane to the Center
Then scroll the whole border pane using the scrollpane?
What could be simpler?
Here's how you'd do it:
StackPane with 2 layers:
layer1: your ComboBox panel.
layer2: your ScrollPane with your FlowPane inside*.
*The trick is: just make your combobox panel background opaque, and some initial top inset on the flowpane so that it starts at the right place.

MFC Ribbon CEdit Textbox Allignment in Panel

I am trying to align two text boxes with two buttons in a panel, and I am unable to find anything about how to force positioning inside the MFC Ribbon Panels.
Here is a picture of what I have currently. (Sorry wont let me post images yet, have to link.)
The Change View Date box has the box associated with it sitting below it and the change system date box is up in the top right in the second "column" of controls. I would like to fix this so the Box with the spin controls sits next to the CHange View Date and the box without the controls sits next to Change System Date.
Thoughts? Thanks!
I think yow cannot do it.
What you can do is to put a Ribbon Separator after the Box with the spin controls and then set the property 'Center Column Vertically' on the Panel.
Hope it can help.
