How to add external library in android studio - add

I am fresher in android and trying to add external library in android studio. Can any one tell me how to add this in details ?

i resolved it please follow this...
firstly go in File---> New--> Import module--> than Select External library Folder like FFMPEG(i used it in my project) from your Computer. after that it will be added in same hierarchy of your Project, after again go into the File-->Project Structure-->app--> dependencies--> click on plus icon -->select 3).Module Dependencies Now in your list its been shown your Library select it
this solution is working for me if not solved than please tell me i can help you if possible

If you want to add external library to your project in Android studio, you can do it in three standard ways. Please read this link In this post I explained how to import your JAR files in Android studio and I explained all possible ways step by step with screenshots. I hope it helps.


How to user sketch app sources templates on android studio?

I'm looking for a way to use templates on android studio, I found out that the sketch official application is working only on MAC OS and there is an alternative called Lunacy (by Icon8) that works on windows, the problem is that even after importing the downloaded theme on lunacy I have no idea how am I supposed to get the xml/drawables that I can import into android studio, any one can help please?
Thank you
You can simply use some plugins which are created exactly for this purpose.
For example Sympli would let you to drag and drop your design into Swift or Android Studio in no time.
There is also some basic tutorial on their website for getting on board.

Android studio - adding libraries information

Can someone help me find out how to add this library in android studio
i dont know well how to do it , any help is welcome
It seems like you have to copy as well as the three resource xml files from the library folder to your project

Android studio installation issues

I am not able to set the installation location on Android Studio. Also when I open the installation setup, I'm not able to view the license agreement.
I get the following:
Please help.
Well, I see this the first time and it looks strange, but...
I hope you've already installed Oracle Java 8. If not, you would find it here:
You don't need to install Android Studio. On Google's site there available also .zip file, which you need only unpack and run.
Look here:
Direct link:
Hope it help

How to add library in Android Studio?

I am trying to add a 3rd party library to my project.
But it keeps on giving this error:
Error:(10, 0) Could not find property 'VERSION_NAME' on project ':library'.
I am adding Floating action button library
Can someone mention me the proper steps how do I import it?
as mentioned in here in the link you provided. You just simply paste this into your Build.gradle file
compile 'com.getbase:floatingactionbutton:1.9.0'
If you want to learn more about android studio, check out this tutorial I made on getting started with android studio :D

Android Studio referencing library seems overly complicated. Is there an easier way?

I'm trying to migrate to Android Studio from Eclipse.
In reading a simple example of using a library within another app:
In eclipse to achieve this all I would go to the properties of the project and add a reference to the project. Simple, through the IDE and easy to check the build settings at a later date.
In Android Studio I've got to add an entry to my referenced library using ALT-ENTER after getting autocomplete to find the library, which seems to add an entry to the file 'app.iml':
<orderEntry type="module" module-name="app2" />
Then I've got to edit the gradle file:
dependencies {
compile project(":lib")
Is there not a better way, i.e. using the IDE. I don't particularly want to have to remember about this xml iml file or have to manually edit build files every time I want to do something.
After browsing for a while with no answer I found it just after posting:
How to create a library project in Android Studio and an application project that uses the library project
Why can't Google update their documentation to use the more normal way (presuming this dialog is a new addition)....
