Find SUBTOTAL of List at Specific Interval - excel

In Excel, I need to find which row has total sum of next nearest 100 (minimum 100), next total sum must using next value to get total sum.
As example below, because row number will be use to VLOOKUP a data series only when the sum of value equal or minimum every 100.
Row Value Mapping
--- ------ -------
1 1
2 50
3 52 1 # (1+50+52=103) Row #3 in Data series return: David
4 72
5 55 2 # (72+55=127) Row #5 in Data series return: Alex
6 70
7 80 3 # (70+80=150) Row #7 in Data series return: Alicia
At mapping column where I will put VLOOKUP code.

In C2 as,
=IF(AND(SUM(INDEX(B:B, IFERROR(MATCH(1E+99, C$1:C1)+1, 1)):B2)>=100,SUM(INDEX(B:B, IFERROR(MATCH(1E+99, C$1:C1)+1, 1)):B1)<100),MAX(C$1:C1)+1,"")
Fill down as necessary.


Excel formula help - I have 14/28 day readings averaged per day which need to be recorded as daily readings

Dates when the data was read are shown on the date column on the left, then worked out a value per day shown in ET/DAY column.
To analyze monthly data etc etc I want daily data so every day has the ET/DAY value between the dates it was read and inserted in the et/day column.
I have entered in manually what I want in blue but need a formula to do this as too long to do all manually
You can do this with MATCH. With an ascending list, if you give the magic number 1 as the third parameter, it will show the last row number with a smaller or equal number.
Here it's matched 17 with 15 in column A and the result is 2, for row 2:
=MATCH(17,A:A,1) = 2
So for your data, you can match the daily dates with the column on the left, and feed the row number into INDEX to look up from the ET/Day column.
=Index(B:B, Match(#D:D,A:A,1)) = #N/A
=Index(B:B, Match(#D:D,A:A,1)) = 3.00
=Index(B:B, Match(#D:D,A:A,1)) = 3.00
=Index(B:B, Match(#D:D,A:A,1)) = 3.00
=Index(B:B, Match(#D:D,A:A,1)) = 5.41
There's an inconsistency here with the 05 Jan rate but it should be good after that.

Excel using SUMIF to calculate totals of multiple columns

I'm trying to use Excle's SUMIF to calculate totals of Col1 to Col5 for dates that are similar.
My formula is as follows =SUMIF($A2:$A7,A10,$B2:$F7), but this only gives me the total of a single column.
How can I get the Totals of all the columns based on the date like I've shown in my results.
Date Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
1/5/2017 1 2 2
1/5/2017 5 3 1
1/5/2017 9 5 5
2/5/2017 10 5 3
2/5/2017 20 10 3
2/5/2017 6 8 1 5
Desired Results
1/5/2017 15 7 7 3 1
2/5/2017 30 11 11 11 8
use below formula in cell B11
Per the example you provided, One solution is to use SUMPRODUCT
Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products
Microsoft Docs give a thorough example, but per SO etiquette, here is an example in case of link-rot: [FYI, I used absolute reference for easier filling across, arbitrary how you get it done though]
Forumlas shown:
Formula is kind of hard to see without clicking on image:
This basically breaks down like this, it searches the B:B column for a match, and it will naturally return a true or false for the match, or 0/1 counterparts, and multiplys that by the number found in the column to the right (C3:C8), so it will either be 1 * # = # or 0 * # = 0

Excel ranking based on grouping priorities

Hi everyone I have an excel question on how to rank but based first on a a ranking but then next on a second priority of a group. The formula is written in column 'Final_Rank' and I just hid a bunch of rows to show the clear example. Within the column Rank is just a normal rank function. I want the priority to be within Rank first, but then to add the next rank to the next item of the same group*. So if you look at Group HYP it will supersede ranked (3 and 4) and then 5 would be given to the next newest group.
I hope this is a clear explanation, thanks.
Group Rank Final_Rank_Manual
TAM 1 1
HYP 2 2
GAB 3 5
HYO 4 8
ALO 5 9
HYP 7 3
ACO 8 12
IBU 9 13
ACO 11 14
ALO 18 10
GAB 44 6
IBU 53 15
IBU 123 16
GAB 167 7
HYP 199 4
You can do this with an extra helper column. Assuming your table currently occupies columns A-C, with one header row, put the following in C2:
You'll need to enter this as an array formula by using Ctrl+Shift+Enter↵. Copy it down throughout the whole column. This gives you the group's ranking, and it adds a tiny decimal indicating the individual values position within each group. (e.g. the 3rd "HYP" value is converted to something like 2.0000000199, because out of all the available values, the second lowest belongs to "HYP", and this specific "HYP" value is 199).
Next, enter the following in D2 and copy it down throughout the column:
This will give you the "Final" rankings. There won't be any ties because of the tiny decimals we added in the previous formula. The results end up looking just like your sample.

Extracting the upper quartile data from an array and placing it in new column

Hi and thanks for any help with this in advance
Below is a hypothetical data set; abundance = count data; mud% = the mud content in which the animals were found; mud bin = bins i've made up depending on the mud%; and UQ = upper quartile of the abundance data from its corresponding mud bin (i.e. the upper quartile for the abundance data in mud bin 1 is 17.25 etc).
In excel, for abundance data in each of the four mud bins, I'm wanting to extract any values in the abundance column that are >= the upper quartile value for that particular mud bin and place these in a new column on the same sheet (with no gaps between rows from values that didn't meet the criteria) along with their corresponding mud% value in the neighboring cell. I've added the new columns to the below sheet to give you an idea of what I'm after.
abundance | mud% | mud bin | UQ | | New column | Mud% |
18 10.9 1 18 10.9(mud bid 1)
15 6.5 1 44 38.9(mud bin 1)
6 13.4 1 45 38 (mud bin 2)
13 42.1 1 37 37.8(mud bin 2)
15 36.4 1 etc
44 38.9 1 17.25 etc
22 46 2
30 36.4 2
45 38 2
29 35.3 2
37 37.8 2
29 41.8 2 35.25
11 44.4 3
17 47.8 3
21 40.7 3
15 13.9 3
35 13.9 3
14 13.9 3
15 13.9 3 19
19 12 4
14 12 4
10 12 4
12 12 4
14 12 4
13 12 4
45 9.525 4
66 9.525 4
78 9.525 4 45
The reality is I have a rather large dataset containing abundance data for a number of species, all on the same excel sheet and would greatly appreciate any insight into how I might achieve this in the most efficient manor.
For starters, to make this explanation simpler, I will assume that the last row of data is in row 100.
Populate Upper Quartile values for all line items
First you'll need to use the Quartile formula; however, since you want to find the upper quartile within a bin, you'll have to use an array formula. Put this formula in your UQ column (place in cell D2 and drag down). When entering the formula Be sure to press Ctrl+Shift before pressing Enter
The first part of this formula, $C$2:$C$100=C2 is your condition. Everywhere this condition is met, you will get the corresponding value in $A$2:$A$100; otherwise, you'll get a blank value. This will give you an array of abundance values that matches the indicated mudbin, C2. now that you have your subset of data, the quartile function will give you the value in the 3rd quartile (17.25 for mudbin 1, which will be placed next to every row that has a mudbin of 1).
Now that we have all the quartiles, we can get all the abundance values that are greater than the UQ for that mudbin. This is done in two parts
Get abundance values greater than mudbin UQ
First, you need to select one column of cells that has the same number of rows as your data (for example, select cells F2:F100)
Enter the following formula into the formula bar (while F2:F100 are highlighted) and press Ctrl+Shift, then enter
Similar to the IF statement used before, this formula finds all the abundance values that are greater than their corresponding UQ value. Now column F will have an abundance number where it is greater than it's UQ value, and a blank where it is not. Now onto the final step.
Populate abundance values that are greater than the UQ value, without the blanks
Select G2:G100 (your "New Column" in your sample data)
Enter the following formula into the formula bar (while G2:G100 are highlighted) and press Ctrl+Shift, then enter
Looking at the IF statement again, this will find every value in F2:F100 that is not blank, but instead of grabbing the values, we'll keep track of the row number of that non blank value (done by ROW(F2:F100)-1
). Now that we have the row numbers of all the non blank values, we can grab the non-blank values in order and populate them in G2:G100. ROW()-ROW($F$1) is a counter, and SMALL will use the counter to determine the nth smallest number to return. Once we have our row number of the non blank value, INDEX returns that value
Finally, to populate the Mud%, you'll need to use the row number of the non blank values to get the mud% and the mud bin (You have the formula already to get the row number of the non blank value).
It's not a simple answer, but at least you won't have to use VBA.

Is there any range or between kind of function in Excel?

I have a table with three columns in Excel, a,b and c.
One cell has a numeric value X [say 25], I need to get the value in the c column such that X should be in between min and max column. For X=25 the value in c is "20" since X is between the min and max values for the 5th table row.
I'm looking for a range or between kind of function, but couldn't find a function with either name.
a b c
min max improvements
0 1 70
2 5 60
6 10 50
11 20 30
21 30 20
31 40 10
41 80 5
You want to look up in that table of yours which improvement value is correct if some value is "25"; in this case that would mean to match line 5 of your table and return the value 20.
You are looking for VLOOKUP, e.g.
(edit: fixed stupid typo in formula and image, now giving correct result)
