node.js and edge.js - continuously running task (thread) - node.js

I would like to make a running task (ListenResponse()), which continuously listens and sends data to serial port. At the same time, I would like to add another task (WriteParameter) through which I would set some parameters, which are then sent to serial port. The problem is, that now I'm using two async tasks, but the data in thread is not getting updated fast enough. It updates after few iterations of ListenResponse() task.
Pseudocode is below:
string data;
void ListenResponseSerial() {
byte b;
while (true) {
b = getSerialData(&b);
if (parsed) {
public async Task<object> ListenResponse(dynamic input) {
(new Task(ListenResponseSerial)).Start();
public async Task<object> Write(dynamic input) {
IDictionary<string, object> payload = (IDictionary<string, object>)input;
data = (string) payload["data"];
return null;
Thank you very much for your help.


Azure function return unique sequence number

I am new to Azure. I would like to create a function that returns the sequence number. I have created a function using Thread mutex to lock the sequence number. I tested the below code with around 10k parallel requests. The problem is I am getting duplicates sequence number when doing the testing, mutex is not working. I am not sure what to do to avoid duplication instead generate running number for each request
Public class MySharedMutexCounter {
public static long count = 0;
public static Mutex ObjMutex = new Mutex(false,"SeqGenerator");
public long GetSequnceNo(){
long seqId = -1;
seqId = ++MySharedMutexCounter.count;
if(seqId > 100){
MySharedMutexCounter.count = 0;
seqId = ++MySharedMutexCounter.count;
return seqId;
return -1;
Thing is, an azure function can scale to multiple instances running on different machines so you need a distributed lock of some kind or another way to guarantee there won't be concurrent access to the state.
How about using a Durable Entity? It is basically a piece of state that can be accessed by a Durable Function and operations against the state are performed in a safe way:
To prevent conflicts, all operations on a single entity are guaranteed to execute serially, that is, one after another.
A durable entity is like a distributed object, so other instances of the function will use the same entity.
The Developer Guide demonstrates a nice example using a counter. Kind of fits your scenario.
Hi #Peter Bons I tried the below code but taking lot of time. May be something wrong in my code. Is it possible to get the value in a fraction of second bcos I shd return the value less than a second.
public static async Task<int> RunOrchestrator(
[OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
int currentValue = -1;
var input = context.GetInput<CounterParameter>();
if (input != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.OperationName))
var entityId = new EntityId("Counter", "myCounter");
// Perform the requested operation on the entity
currentValue = await context.CallEntityAsync<int>(entityId, input.OperationName);
return currentValue;
public static int Counter([EntityTrigger] IDurableEntityContext ctx, ILogger log)
log.LogInformation($"Request for operation {ctx.OperationName} on entity.");
switch (ctx.OperationName.Trim().ToLowerInvariant())
case "increment":
ctx.SetState(ctx.GetState<int>() + 1);
// Return the latest value
return ctx.GetState<int>();
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> HttpAutoIncrement(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post")] HttpRequestMessage req,
[DurableClient] IDurableOrchestrationClient starter,
[DurableClient] IDurableEntityClient client,
ILogger log)
// Function input comes from the request content.
var input = new CounterParameter { OperationName = "Increment" };
string instanceId = await starter.StartNewAsync("FunctionOrchestrator", input);
log.LogInformation($"Started orchestration with ID = '{instanceId}'.");
await starter.WaitForCompletionOrCreateCheckStatusResponseAsync(req, instanceId);
var entityId = new EntityId("Counter", "myCounter");
// An error will be thrown if the counter is not initialised.
var stateResponse = await client.ReadEntityStateAsync<int>(entityId);
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)
Content = new StringContent(stateResponse.EntityState.ToString())
catch (System.NullReferenceException)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
Content = new StringContent("Counter is not yet initialised. " +
"Initialise it by calling increment or decrement HTTP Function.")

How do RSocket issue lease to multiple clients?

I could create a server lease to a single client as follows:
public class LeaseServer {
private static final String SERVER_TAG = "server";
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
// Queue for incoming messages represented as Flux
// Imagine that every fireAndForget that is pushed is processed by a worker
int queueCapacity = 50;
BlockingQueue<String> messagesQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(queueCapacity);
// emulating a worker that process data from the queue
Thread workerThread =
new Thread(
() -> {
try {
while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
String message = messagesQueue.take();
System.out.println("consume message:" + message);
Thread.sleep(100000); // emulating processing
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
CloseableChannel server = getFireAndForgetServer(messagesQueue, workerThread);
private static CloseableChannel getFireAndForgetServer(BlockingQueue<String> messagesQueue, Thread workerThread) {
CloseableChannel server =
RSocketServer.create((setup, sendingSocket) ->
Mono.just(new RSocket() {
public Mono<Void> fireAndForget(Payload payload) {
// add element. if overflows errors and terminates execution
// specifically to show that lease can limit rate of fnf requests in
// that example
try {
if (!messagesQueue.offer(payload.getDataUtf8())) {
System.out.println("Queue has been overflowed. Terminating execution");
} finally {
return Mono.empty();
.lease(() -> Leases.create().sender(new LeaseCalculator(SERVER_TAG, messagesQueue)))
.bindNow(TcpServerTransport.create("localhost", 7000));
return server;
But how do I issue a lease to multiple clients connected to that server?
Otherwise my queue will be written multiple times by multiple clients, resulting in an overflow of the service.
I can't find the details in the public documents and materials.
Your help was very much appreciated.

Java Functional Testing Http Callback

I'm using Cucumber to test my service when it is deployed to a container. The request contains a URL the service calls when the operation is successful. What is a good way to create a Cucumber test that waits for the Http callback? The Gherkin script would look something like.
Scenario: Process Order
Given An Order has been submitted
When the Order is processed
Then the order process service calls back with a successful status message
What would the Java glue code look like?
Here's the solution I came up with using an embedded http server. In the glue code I added a class used to start the server on another thread.
private static class Callback implements Runnable
public void run()
HttpServer server;
server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8000), 0);
server.createContext("/callback", new CallbackHandler());
server.setExecutor(null); // creates a default executor
catch (IOException e)
logger.debug("HTTP server loop failure.", e);
static class CallbackHandler implements HttpHandler
public void handle(HttpExchange t) throws IOException
// Read the message and set the global variable
// which informs the main test thread a callback
// has been received.
InputStream is=t.getRequestBody();
byte[] buf=new byte[1000];
OrderSteps.receivedCallback=new String(buf,0,len);
String response = "Callback received.";
t.sendResponseHeaders(200, response.length());
// Send response
OutputStream os = t.getResponseBody();
Then in the OrderSteps class, in the step/method that publishes the Order, the server thread is started and then the order is submitted. This guarantees the server will receive the callback, since it is listening before the order is submitted.
// Start a listener for the callback.
Thread callbackThread = new Thread(new Callback());
In the step/method that checks if the callback was received, there's a loop checking the static variable to see if it has been set.
// Allow 5 seconds for the callback to occur.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (receivedCallback != null) {
if (receivedCallback == null) fail("Callback was not received.");
assertEquals("Expected callback message", receivedCallback);

J2ME thread programming

I am creating a j2me application which is interacting with a database on a server. Therefore I launch a thread to connect to the server. I handle all my command actions in a separate class which implements CommandListener.
When I try to get the response the server returned I get an empty String. I have tried waiting for the thread that connects to the server to return but this makes the application unresponsive.
Below is the code I am using.
//my network worker class.
public class NetworkConnector implements Runnable {
public NetworkConnector(String url){
//url =>server url to connect to.
Thread thread = new Thread(this);
private String serverReply="";
private String url="
//method to connect to the server and return the
//response from the server.
public String sendData(String serverUrl) {
//open streams to connect to the Server.
httpConn = (HttpConnection),Connector.READ_WRITE, true);
inStream = httpConn.openInputStream();
int read;
while ((read = != -1) {
sb.append((char) read);
return sb.toString();
public String getServerReply() {
//serverReply is a class variable.
return serverReply;
public void run(){
//call the send method that connects to the server.
serverResponse = sendData(Url);
} //end of connector class.
// this class is where all my Command Actions are
public class CommandActionController implements
CommandListener, DataReceiver {
public void commandAction(Command cmd, Displayable d) {
//networkMgr => is the worker class that makes
//connection to the server.
networkMgr = new NetworkConnector("http://localhost
/JsonPhp/login.php?uname=" + loginUserInfo.userName +
"&passwd=" + loginUserInfo.password);
//here am getting the response from the server.
String serverResponse = networkMgr.getServerReply();
//at this point the ServerReponse String is Empty =>
//yet the server is supposed to return some String.
ServerResponse =" + serverResponse);
}//end of CommandListener class.
Your expectations about serverResponse value are wrong; it can be empty at the moment when you attempt to obtain it in commandAction with the code snippet in the question.
In order to get non-empty value, you need to redesign method NetworkConnector.getServerReply() to make it properly wait until thread finishes and server response is indeed obtained.
If you do that, however, you will also have to redesign CommandActionController to keep user interface responsive - your testing with "waiting for the thread that connects to the server" has shown just that.
Redesigned code should just launch the server connect thread and exit the commandAction as soon as possible (possibly changing to some "wait screen" to let user see what happens). Next screen update should be triggered only after server response is obtained.
Consider studying a tutorial specifically targeted on explaining how to properly design this kind applications - Networking, User Experience, and Threads:
This article explains how your MIDlet can make network connections without compromising your user interface. It includes six iterative examples that illustrate multithreaded networking and the use of a wait screen...
Here is how I'd do without java.util.concurrent:
Result handleRequest(){
final String url = // get url
Work work = new Work(url):
Thread t = new Thread(work);
// do other stuff
// still running
// this waits until the work is done
// and it will be safe to access work.result after
// this call has returned.
return work.result;
and then
class Work implements Runnable{
final String url;
Result result;
public void run(){
this.result = // do your network stuff
You shouldn't start a thread in the constructor. Also, runnable are meant to be passed to threads. The easiest (and the "proper") way of doing this would be as follows:
Implement a Callable instead of a Runnable.
Use a ExecutorService instead of a Thread
Use Future object to do the processing asynchronously/be responsive to user
Here is a simple example.
class Stuff {
final ExecutorService exec =
Executors.newCachedExecutorService(// please see doc);
Result process(String url){
Future<Result> future = exec.submit(new Work(url));
// do some other stuff
// return result?
return future.get(); // this call will wait until result is available
and then
class Work implements Callable<Result> {
final String url;
Result call() throws Exception {
// do your network stuff here
return result;
See documentation of java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService.submit(), java.util.concurrent.Future and java.util.concurrent.Callable for details.

Silverlight - limit application to one WCF call at a time

Silverlight can only send a certain number of simultaneous WCF requests at a time. I am trying to serialize the requests that a particular section of my application is performing because I don't need them to run concurrently.
The problem is as follows (summary below):
"WCF proxies in Silverlight applications use the SynchronizationContext of the thread from which the web service call is initiated to schedule the invocation of the async event handler when the response is received. When the web service call is initiated from the UI thread of a Silverlight application, the async event handler code will also execute on the UI thread."
summary: basically, if you block the thread that is calling the async method, it will never get called.
I can't figure out the right model of threading this such which would give me what I want in a reasonable way.
My only other requirement is that I don't want the UI thread to block.
As far as I can see, what should work is if the UI thread has a worker thread which queues up the calls as Action delegates, then uses an AutoResetEvent to execute a task one at a time in yet another worker thread. There are two problems:
1) The thread that calls async can't block, because then async will never get called. In fact, if you put that thread into a wait loop, I've noticed it doesn't get called either
2) You need a way to signal from the completed method of the async call that it is done.
Sorry that was so long, thanks for reading. Any ideas?
I have used a class that i build on my own to execute load operations synchronous. With the class you can register multiple load operations of diffrent domaincontexts and then execute them one by one. You can provide an Action to the constructor of the class that gets called, when all operations are finished (successful or failed).
Here´s the code of the class. I think it´s not complete and you have to change it to match your expectations. Maybe it can help you in your situation.
public class DomainContextQueryLoader {
private List<LoadOperation> _failedOperations;
private Action<DomainContextQueryLoader> _completeAction;
private List<QueuedQuery> _pendingQueries = new List<QueuedQuery>();
public DomainContextQueryLoader(Action<DomainContextQueryLoader> completeAction) {
if (completeAction == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("completeAction", "completeAction is null.");
this._completeAction = completeAction;
/// <summary>
/// Expose the count of failed operations
/// </summary>
public int FailedOperationCount {
get {
if (_failedOperations == null) {
return 0;
return _failedOperations.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Expose an enumerator for all of the failed operations
/// </summary>
public IList<LoadOperation> FailedOperations {
get {
if (_failedOperations == null) {
_failedOperations = new List<LoadOperation>();
return _failedOperations;
public IEnumerable<QueuedQuery> QueuedQueries {
get {
return _pendingQueries;
public bool IsExecuting {
private set;
public void EnqueueQuery<T>(DomainContext context, EntityQuery<T> query) where T : Entity {
if (IsExecuting) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Query cannot be queued, cause execution of queries is in progress");
var loadBatch = new QueuedQuery() {
Callback = null,
Context = context,
Query = query,
LoadOption = LoadBehavior.KeepCurrent,
UserState = null
public void ExecuteQueries() {
if (IsExecuting) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("Executing of queries is in progress");
if (_pendingQueries.Count == 0) {
throw new InvalidOperationException("No queries are queued to execute");
IsExecuting = true;
var query = DequeueQuery();
private void ExecuteQuery(QueuedQuery query) {
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Load data {0}", query.Query.EntityType);
var loadOperation = query.Load();
loadOperation.Completed += new EventHandler(OnOperationCompleted);
private QueuedQuery DequeueQuery() {
var query = _pendingQueries[0];
return query;
private void OnOperationCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e) {
LoadOperation loadOperation = sender as LoadOperation;
loadOperation.Completed -= new EventHandler(OnOperationCompleted);
if (loadOperation.HasError) {
if (_pendingQueries.Count > 0) {
var query = DequeueQuery();
else {
IsExecuting = false;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("All data loaded");
if (_completeAction != null) {
_completeAction = null;
I´ve just noticed that you are not using WCF RIA Services, so maybe this class will not help your.
There are some options:
- You can take a look at the Agatha-rrsl either by inspecting the implementation of it or by just using it instead of pure wcf. The framework allows you to queue requests. You can read more here.
- Another option is to use the Reactive extension. There is a SO example here and more info here and here.
- You can try the Power Thread library from Jeffrey Richter. He describes it on his book CLR via C#. You can find the library here. This webcast gives you some info about it.
- You can always roll your own implementation. The yield statement is a good help here. Error handling makes it very difficult to get the solution right.
