Font's in WinRT are not working - winrt-xaml

I have WINRT App and I have list of fonts, which i want to add. I added them to my solution and try to set FontFamily to TextBlock. And I found out that only part of them is working. Can you explain me why, is it a bug of WinRT apps?

You could try to make the fonts as a static resource in the App.xaml page..
But mostly it'll not work, I've this problem.. some of my favorite fonts are working but a big part of my fonts won't working for some reasons !


Rotating banner images are displayed one below the other

When I try to implement rotating banner (RotatingImagesComponent)images are getting displayed one below the other in hybris 1905 on Any quick help is appreciated. I have tried SimpleResponsiveBannerComponent, but same effect.
I assume you're trying to add a slider/carousel to your storefront.
The RotatingImagesComponent is a container used to render multiple BannerComponent components in a carousel.
Try adding BannerComponent type of components inside the banners section of RotatingImagesComponent.
faced a similar issue in past, in my case it was because of conflict between different versions of the bootstrap file(stand-alone file and CDN). If no problem with the hybris, please check the UI side.
That looks like your static files (js, CSS, etc) were not loaded properly.
Check first the console and network in the browser's developer tools for the particular page. to identify the errors that might be there

External image not displaying in UITableViewCellStyle with MVVMCross

I am working through the touch (iOS) BestSellers sample project for MVVMCross.
When listing all books of a certain category an image is shown for each book. I am currently running this against the iPhone Emulator as I have keychain issues with my actual devices.
The image is not being displayed. Is this an emulator issue?
I cannot seem much on line about UITableViewCellStyle.Subtitles ImageUrl property. Is it as binding the url as a string?
I should have paid closer attention to the Output Window.
I recreated the BestSellers sample from scratch as there were issues with Missing methods and Nuget packages.
My Setup.cs in the iOS project was not calling EnsureLoaded on the DownloadCache PluginLoader. I discovered this the long way by going through the MVVMCross code in Github (MvxBaseImageViewLoader)

will changing of theme from after developing the site effect the code or any other factor

Is it possible to change the theme after the website is it advisable.I dint like the theme iam using.will it effect the code and when i dump it to other server
Very possible to change the theme. The site will still work and function. I've never had a site 'break' just by changing the theme, and it shouldn't.
A couple of things to think about:
If you did any custom theme work, you will have to do that for the new theme.
You will also have to configure the blocks correctly.
Hope this helps.

Full ajax/pjax site

I´m planning to make a full dynamic site using pjax, with static menu (only the content will be updated with pjax). How bad is this?
The site that i have planned to implat this on have a lots of data on it, most images.
I have tested my solution on my local machine and it seems to work but in production it will probably be slow or what do you guys think? Are this bad practise?
Now on pjax start i slide out my container to the left, and slide in the new content from the right. I have noticed a small performance lost when i do this in Safari and FireFox. Should i skip my solution and just do regular updates of the page? I want to do something like Twitters iPhone app, but on the web.
The reason i want to do this are that i have a full size google maps with a lot of pins that take some time to load.
I have found Tubrolinks ( that would be included in Rails 4.0, its great adn i think a good answer to my question.

XPiNC view icons

Is there a way I can load view icons (ex: vwicn001.gif) within XPages being rendered by XPiNC? Most of what I've found only seems to work with web browsers.
My work around has been to use image resources, as that seems to work in both environments.
Look at a normal client installation (not Designer) - the icons are not there. You need to add them into resources
