\d1\ Alternative to print a date on documents rather than have the user enter manually? - docusignapi

I am sending \s1\ perfectly fine to Docusign however \d1\ requests the signer to enter a date manually. This is obviously open to abuse on legal contracts.
Is there another tag i can use that prints the date of signing so the signer does not have to enter a date?
THank you

Are you using the Anchor Tagging feature since I see you referencing strings like \s1\ and \d1\? Or are you are using the DfS (DocuSign for Salesforce) integration and setting those strings through there?
The bottom line is that yes, it is definitely possible (and easy) to add a date tag that automatically populates based on the date your recipients are signing the document, so that they can not set whatever date they want. You just need to make sure you are using the Date Signed DocuSign tab instead of a regular date tab.
This is what it looks like in the DocuSign tagger:
If you do not have access to the tagging screen then you'll need to ask your DocuSign Admin.


Does Docusign provide log of changes or an API to view edits during signing?

If I have a TextField that is editable and the signer changes their Title while e-signing, is there a manner in which to monitor TextField edits? Currently I am using the EnvelopesApi.list_audit_events to monitor events. In this case, all I can view is that the signer either 'opened', 'viewed', or 'signed' the envelope. Although that is valuable information, I would also like to know which TextFields the signer edited and what the new values are? Did the signer change their email, title, name, etc? In this particular case I am using TextFields to display email, title, name, etc...
Does the Docusign API provide an avenue for fetching this information? If so, would you please provide a snippet demonstrating how to fetch this info?
You will have to do this by comparing the value that was in these fields before signing to the value you obtain from the envelope after singing.
There's no built-in event that will give you these changes as far as I'm aware, but it can be done using code.
I'm assuming here that what you're doing is setting the values of some text tabs and then want to know if the signer modified them or not. So, yes, you can do that.

Is it possible to conditionally display DocuSign template parts/sections?

I would like to know if it is possible to show/hide parts of DocuSign document template depending on the data which is passed in as a request.
I already have document template created and uploaded to DocuSign. I then use templateId to create envelope for that document and I also send some data (as json) to prepopulate certain fields inside the envelope.
The thing I am asking now is:
If the template has, let's say, 3 paragraphs, is it possible to hide one of them completely, based on the passed in json data?
Creating and uploading multiple templates is not an option due to large number of conditionally displayed sections.
I have been reading DocuSign API documentation, but couldn't find an answer to this.
To do that you will have to use Responsive Signing.
This feature change the format of the document you sign from PDF to HTML.
With HTML being the format, there are a lot more things you can do.
For example, you can use what we call "Smart Sections" which is exactly what you want. Sections that can be shown off/on based on logic you set.
Find out more about the responsive signing API here - https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/guides/responsive-signing/api-overview

Issue in populating data in read only mode

I am using powerform to display the DocuSign to get the signature from users. There are few custom fields where I was populating data in read only mode in Demo env. Somehow the data in readonly mode stopped appearning since yesterday.
Can anyone help here?
I just tested a Powerform. Read-only fields with default text are shown (read-only) in the signing ceremony for the Powerform.
I agree that read only fields with no default text do not show on the document when it is shown in the signing ceremony. But why should they if they don't have default text?
How were you setting the read-only fields? Were you using the Powerform URL? If so, then signers could very easily change the "read only" values themselves by changing the URL themselves.
If this is the case, then the upgrade may be considered by the product group to be the "closing of a loophole."
If, on the other hand, you had a secure method for setting Powerform field values in a truly read-only pattern, then updates to the Powerform system may have missed this issue as a regression test.
Or were you setting the value of the read only field in the template itself? I just tried that and it worked fine: the field, with its read-only text, is shown in the document.
Please EDIT / UPDATE your question to describe how you are setting the values to be read-only.

Docusign API, "Correct Document" or just change fields

Using the Docusign API, I am trying to change the fields that exist on a document. When I first create the document, I am able to change field values using "tabs." I get how to do that.
When I am trying to edit, or in Docusign's terms "correct," a document after it has been sent out, but before being signed, I am having trouble figuring out how to access those fields again to change the values.
I have tried using the API avenue described here ( PUT /v2/accounts/{accountId}/envelopes/{envelopeId}/documents/{documentId}/fields ), but even after successful calls, the values of the fields aren't changing, and I believe it is because I should be trying to access the tabs, as I did when first changing the tab values as I created the document, instead of targeting the fields, since the two seem to be different. Any thoughts? Thank you in advance for your answers.
To update Tab values you should use the putRecipientTabs api.
Once a signer completes the Signing process, the tab values cannot be updated.
Also not all Tab values can be updated. See this answer for more information.
The putEnvelopeDocumentFields api is for a different purpose. Document fields are different from Tabs. Document fields are an array of name-value custom data strings to be added to a document. Custom document field information is returned in the status, but otherwise is not used by DocuSign.
I figured it out.
The "fields" we are seeing on documents are "tabs," and they are children of the recipients.
The hierarchy goes envelope > recipients > tabs, which tabs we were trying to change. Not envelope > document > fields, which refers to something else--just familiarizing with the language of the api.
Here is a link to the reference for how to change "fields" aka "tabs", and that link includes sample requests.
One thing that helped me target my actual fields, since I kept on getting an error that the field didn't exist for the recipient, is to do a get request of all available tabs and use that response body as the request body for the update call (where we change the field values). Then you know the field information will be accurate, paring the body down to exactly the "fields" aka "tabs" you are interested in targeting.

Two recipient with different scenario

Scenario: Single document should be sent to two recipients, the 1'st recipient can only edit the fields and the 2'nd recipient has all the access.
Can anyone let me know, is there any possibilities that 1'st recipient can have only edit field access ( should not have sign access ) and other recipient should be able to edit fields and add sign in a single document in DocuSign.
There are currently seven different types of recipients you can use in your DocuSign transactions. See more information here
The DocuSign platform supports many different tab types and features. You can add signature, initial and information tabs to help your signers know precisely what actions you want them to take, where in the document you want them to sign, initial or add information, and in what order. You can also do things like pre-populate tabs with data, use calculated or conditional fields, and much more.
See more information here
