How to write into Microsoft SQL Server table even if table exist using PySpark - apache-spark

I have a PySpark Code which writes into SQL Server database like this
df.write.jdbc(url=url, table="AdventureWorks2012.dbo.people", properties=properties)
However problem is that I want to keep writing in the table people even if the table exist and I see in the Spark Document that there are possible options error, append, overwrite and ignore for mode and all of them throws error, the object already exist if the table already exist in the database.
Spark throw following error
py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o43.jdbc. There is already an object named 'people' in the database
Is there way to write data into the table even if the table already exits ?
Please let me know you need more explanation

For me the issue was with Spark 1.5.2. The way it checks if the table exists (here) is by running SELECT 1 FROM $table LIMIT 1. If the query fails, the tables doesn't exist. That query failed even when the table was there.
This was changed to SELECT * FROM $table WHERE 1=0 in 1.6.0 (here).

So append and overwrite mode will not throw an error when the table already exists. From the spark documentation ( ) SaveMode.Append will "When saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data/table already exists, contents of the DataFrame are expected to be appended to existing data." and SaveMode.Overwrite will "Overwrite mode means that when saving a DataFrame to a data source, if data/table already exists, existing data is expected to be overwritten by the contents of the DataFrame." Depending on how you want to handle the existing table one of these two should likely meet your needs.


Spark: refresh Delta Table in S3

how can I run the refresh table command on a Delta Table in S3?
When I do
deltatable = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, "s3a://test-bucket/delta_table/")
I am getting the error:
AttributeError: 'DeltaTable' object has no attribute '_get_object_id'
Does the refresh command only work for Hive tables?
Ok. It's really an incorrect function - the spark.catalog.refreshTable function (doc) is used to refresh table metadata inside the Spark. It has nothing to do with recovery of the Delta table.
To fix this on Delta you need to do something different. Unfortunately I'm not 100% sure about right way for open source Delta implementation - on Databricks we have FSCK REPAIR TABLE SQL command for that. I would try following (be careful, make a backup!):
If removed files were in the recent version, then you may try to use RESTORE command with spark.sql.files.ignoreMissingFiles set to true
If removed files were for the specific partition, then you can read the table (again with spark.sql.files.ignoreMissingFiles set to true), leave data only for that partitions, and write data using overwrite mode with replaceWhere option (doc) that contains condition
Or you can read the whole Delta table (again with spark.sql.files.ignoreMissingFiles set to true) and write it back in Overwrite mode - it will of course duplicate your data, but the old files will be removed by the VACUUM.

Spark jdbc overwrite mode not working as expected

I would like to perform update and insert operation using spark
please find the image reference of existing table
Here i am updating id :101 location and inserttime and inserting 2 more records:
and writing to the target with mode overwrite
.option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test")
.option("user", "root")
.option("password", "root")
After executing the above command my data is corrupted which is inserted into db table
Data in the dataframe
Could you please let me know your observations and solutions
Spark JDBC writer supports following modes:
append: Append contents of this :class:DataFrame to existing data.
overwrite: Overwrite existing data.
ignore: Silently ignore this operation if data already exists.
error (default case): Throw an exception if data already exists
Since you are using "overwrite" mode it recreate your table as per then column length, if you want your own table definition create table first and use "append" mode
i would like to perform update and insert operation using spark
There is no equivalent in to SQL UPDATE statement with Spark SQL. Nor is there an equivalent of the SQL DELETE WHERE statement with Spark SQL. Instead, you will have to delete the rows requiring update outside of Spark, then write the Spark dataframe containing the new and updated records to the table using append mode (in order to preserve the remaining existing rows in the table).
In case where you need to perform UPSERT / DELETE operations in your pyspark code, i suggest you to use pymysql libary, and execute your upsert/delete operations. Please check this post for more info, and code sample for reference : Error while using INSERT INTO table ON DUPLICATE KEY, using a for loop array
Please modify the code sample as per your needs.
I wouldn't recommend TRUNCATE, since it would actually drop the table, and create new table. While doing this, the table may lose column level attributes that were set be careful while using TRUNCATE, and be sure, if it's ok for dropping the table/recreate the table.
Upsert logic is working fine when following below steps
df = ("csv").
load("file:///C:/Users/test/Desktop/temp1/temp1.csv", header=True,
and doing this
option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test").
option("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver").
option("dbtable", "temptgtUpdate").
option("user", "root").
option("password", "root").
option("truncate", "true").
Still, I am unable to understand the logic why its failing when i am writing using the data frame directly

Error While Writing into a Hive table from Spark Sql

I am trying to insert data into a Hive External table from Spark Sql.
I am created the hive external table through the following command
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE tab1 ( col1 type,col2 type ,col3 type) CLUSTERED BY (col1,col2) SORTED BY (col1) INTO 8 BUCKETS STORED AS PARQUET
In my spark job , I have written the following code
Dataset df ="header","true").csv(csvInput);
df.repartition(numBuckets, somecol)
Each time I am running this code I am getting the following exception
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table `tab1` already exists.;
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable(DataFrameWriter.scala:408)
at org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameWriter.saveAsTable(DataFrameWriter.scala:393)
at somepackage.Parquet_Read_WriteNew.writeToParquetHiveMetastore(
You should be specifying a save mode while saving the data in hive.
Spark provides the following save modes:
Save Mode
ErrorIfExists: Throws an exception if the target already exists. If target doesn’t exist write the data out.
Append: If target already exists, append the data to it. If the data doesn’t exist write the data out.
Overwrite: If the target already exists, delete the target. Write the data out.
Ignore: If the target already exists, silently skip writing out. Otherwise write out the data.
You are using the saveAsTable API, which create the table into Hive. Since you have already created the hive table through command, the table tab1 already exists. so when Spark API trying to create it, it throws error saying table already exists, org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Tabletab1already exists.
Either drop the table and let spark API saveAsTable create the table itself.
Or use the API insertInto to insert into an existing hive table.
df.repartition(numBuckets, somecol)

Spark returns Empty DataFrame but Populated in Hive

I have a table in hive
When I run the following in hive I get results back
SELECT * FROM db.table_name;
When I run the following in a spark-shell"db.table_name").show
It shows nothing. Similarly
sql("SELECT * FROM db.table_name").show
Also shows nothing. Selecting arbitrary columns out before the show also displays nothing. Performing a count states the table has 0 rows.
Running the same queries works against other tables in the same database.
Spark Version: 2.2.0.cloudera1
The table is created using
And if I read the file using the parquet files directly it works.<path-to-files>).show
I'm currently using a workaround by describing the table and getting the location and using
Have you refresh metadata table? Maybe you need to refresh table to access to new data.
I solved the problem by using
which stores the results in textfile.
There is probably some incompatibility with the Hive parquet.
I also found a Cloudera report about it (CDH Release Notes): they recommend creating the Hive table manually and then load data from a temporary table or by query.

How to specify the database when registering a data frame to a table in Spark1.6

I am working on a simple Spark script, and running into issues putting data where I want to, and getting the job to work. Specifically, I need to specify the database of the tables when registering a data frame to a temp table.
sqlContext.sql("insert overwrite table db.automated_quantity_updates select * from db.update_deletes_temp_table")
sqlContext.sql("insert into table db.automated_quantity_updates select * from db.update_adds_temp_table")
sqlContext.sql("insert into table db.exclusions select * from db.exclusions_temp_table")
The code above runs without errors, but does not yield any results. Removing the database yields results, but that won't work in production where the database in which the temp tables have to be stored is not whatever default Spark is using. How do I specify which database a temp table needs to be in registering a datagrame to a temp table in Spark 1.6?
The temporary table/view which is created by registerTempTable or createOrReplaceTempView is not related to any databases. It just creates a view of the dataframe with a query plan based on how the dataframe was created.
From Apache Spark's Dataset.scala
Local temporary view is session-scoped. Its lifetime is the lifetime of the session that created it, i.e. it will be automatically dropped when the session terminates. It's not tied to any databases, i.e. we can't use db1.view1 to reference a local temporary view.
emphasis added by me.
