Trace peripheral interactions of an application running on Linux os - linux

Is there a mechanism to log the peripheral interactions. E.x. If there is an application running on Linux Kernel and it interacts with the physical world over UART, CAN or any other interface. In this context is there some command or tool that can log these interactions (the data transferred is not required) so that it comes handy to understand to which peripheral does the application interacts....
Thanks in advance

Assuming a user mode (not in kernel) program, you can run it through strace, which will trace the use of system calls by the program.
To interact with peripheral hardware a program must cooperate with the kernel, and the device drivers of the respective peripherals. This communication often happens through device files (like /dev/sda). To open these "files" the program issues a system call, which will be shown by strace.


Linux's system calls for GUI? [closed]

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I'm studying Operating Systems. I read Window have lots of system calls for manage windows and GUI components. I have read you can change the GUI manager of your Linux Operating System. Then does Linux have system calls for GUI managements? How GUI works in Linux?
I'll take x86 as an example as I am more aware of x86 stuff than ARM stuff. Also, I may get some information wrong as I've been doing some research on this question while answering. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
System booting
Some time ago, Linux used to boot with a legacy bootloader (GRUB legacy version). The GRUB bootloader would be started by the BIOS at 0x7c00 in RAM and then would read the kernel from the hard-disk. It would follow the multiboot specification. The multiboot specification mentions the state that the computer needs to be in before jumping to the kernel's entry point. The kernel would then launch a first process (init) that every process would be a child of.
Today, most Linux distributions boot with UEFI (with the option of legacy booting also available). A UEFI app is placed on the boot partition partionned as a GPT ESP (EFI System Partition). This EFI app is launched and then follows the Linux Boot Protocol to launch Linux. The init process was also replaced by systemd. Linux will thus launch systemd as the first process of the computer. Actually, as stated on the manpage for systemd:
systemd is usually not invoked directly by the user, but is
installed as the /sbin/init symlink and started during early
The process that will be started is thus /sbin/init but it is a symlink to systemd. The systemd process will then read several configuration files on the hard-disk called units. These units are often targets which specify several units to read. Targets are thus units which specify several units to read. At first systemd will read which specifies several other units. Some of these other units will start some processes among which is the Display Manager (fancy terminology which means login prompt). Recently, Ubuntu starts the Gnome Display Manager (GDM) as the first displaying program (gdm.service unit). This program will start the X server before presenting the user login screen (
When the display manager runs on the user's computer, it starts the X server before presenting the user the login screen, optionally repeating when the user logs out.
Once logged in, GDM will start several other binaries responsible to let you interact with the system (the actual desktop, a binary to gather input for this desktop, etc). All of these components depend on the X server to work properly.
The X server is a user program which makes extensive use of the Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) of the Linux kernel. The DRM is a system call interface which is used to interact with graphics cards. When the DRM detects a graphics card, it exposes a file like /dev/dri/card0 which is a character device (
In earlier days, the kernel framework was solely used to provide raw hardware access to
priviledged user-space processes which implement all the hardware abstraction layers. But
more and more tasks were moved into the kernel. All these interfaces are based on ioctl(2)
commands on the DRM character device. The libdrm library provides wrappers for these
system-calls and many helpers to simplify the API.
When a GPU is detected, the DRM system loads a driver for the detected hardware type. Each
connected GPU is then presented to user-space via a character-device that is usually
available as /dev/dri/card0 and can be accessed with open(2) and close(2). However, it
still depends on the grapics driver which interfaces are available on these devices. If an
interface is not available, the syscalls will fail with EINVAL.
The ioctl call allows to have any number of operations on the /dev/dri/card0 file since it is a general call which includes a request argument which is simply an unsigned long. It also takes a variable amount of arguments (see
The ioctl call thus allows hardware vendors (like NVIDIA, AMD, etc) to provide drivers for their cards with the general ioctl call used as a general interface between user mode and kernel mode.
There exists several 3D rendering APIs available (OpenGL, Direct3D). OpenGL is mostly a set of C headers and a convention. The convention says what a certain call should do. It is up to the hardware vendor to implement the convention for their own card. Mesa3D has been an attempt to create an open source implementation of OpenGL for certain graphics cards. It worked quite well for integrated Intel HD Graphics (since documentation is open) and AMD (since they cooperated and offered some insight into the workings of their cards), but not for NVIDIA (the Nouveau driver is mostly not working or slow).
When you program some OpenGL, you include the OpenGL headers and link with libraries provided by hardware vendors which provide the definitions of the functions in the headers. These definitions make use of the DRM and cooperate with the X server to show content on the screen.
I'm studying Operating Systems. I read Window have lots of system calls for manage windows and GUI components. I have read you can change the GUI manager of your Linux Operating System. Then does Linux have system calls for GUI managements? How GUI works in Linux?
System calls (provided by the kernel) are often buried (e.g. in some cases deliberately undocumented and proprietary) and should not be used. Almost everything you see are actually normal functions in dynamically linked libraries/shared libraries. This allows the kernel's system calls to be radically changed without breaking everything (because everything only depends on the dynamically linked libraries/shared libraries); and reduces the functionality needed in the kernel itself.
For an example; most of the "system calls for managing windows and GUI components" you think Windows has could (internally, inside the relevant DLL) just end up using a single "send_message()" system call (to tell a different process, the GUI, that you want to create a window or change its position or ...).
For Linux it's roughly similar. The kernel's system calls (which actually are documented, for no sane reason - it goes against the spirit of SYS-V specs and means badly written "linux executables" aren't compatible with other Unix clones like FreeBSD or Solaris or OSX) exist to use things like low level memory management and raw file IO and sockets; but (like Windows) the kernel's system calls are buried under layers of shared libraries, and those shared libraries (e.g. like Xlib, GLib, KWindowSystem, Qt, ...) just use "something" (file IO, pipes, sockets, ...) provided by kernel to talk to another process (display server, GUI, ..).
Linux and Windows fall under separate categories; Linux is just a kernel, i.e. the piece under the hood that gives us the basic functionality we expect to run programs, like threads, memory and process management, etc. Windows is a full operating system, including the user facing components and numerous system libraries. An apter comparison would be a specific Linux distro and Windows.
On that note, distros, as independent operating systems, obviously can have different implementations of any OS component. Some distros, like Arch, don't come with a GUI by default at all. That said, essentially the entire Linux ecosystem uses Xorg and/or Wayland; I would recommend looking into the implementation details of those two.
A Linux GUI has quite a few differences compared to Windows GUI. For example, the GUI is not considered to be a part of the operating system, but rather an external part of it; that means no syscalls (not embedded whatsoever in the OS). After all, like the previous answer says, Linux is a kernel, that means it's only something really basic (allows execution of programs, memory/threads management, processes management, but not really much more). Whatever comes next (GUI, for example) are added features using packages.
This allows, for example, installing a GUI on top of a minimal installation of any Linux distro (CentOS, for example), and that GUI can be the one you want (Gnome, KDE...).

How early can I send data to a serial port on Linux boot?

I have an external serial peripheral that needs to be setup on Linux boot, on an embedded system.
What I need is sending a short configuration string as early as possible during system boot, so my procedure is simply
Set port to 115200 bps
Send a string, like "ABCDE\r\n"
I see that recent kernels support an early-on serial console, but what I need is not a console (my peripheral can also send meaningless data in that phase, plus I'll be showing a splash screen in graphic mode), just a fast initialization for the the peripheral.
How can it be done?
The answer to this will be subjective depending on what you mean by as early as possible. I will provide few possibilities I am aware of which might help you
In case your embedded platform uses any form of bootloader (ex: U-Boot) then you can do the serial(UART) initialization as part of the bootloader (Usually this will be done for the target platform alone so that we can see how far the boot is happening). You can try initializing your external serial peripheral in bootloader itself. As bootloader will execute before the linux kernel gets loaded you can achieve this easily.
If your platform doesn't use any form of bootloader then the possibility of initializing the external serial peripheral is via kernel driver (or) system init process.
I have been using PSplash program which uses the basic frame buffer driver for the boot progress. If interested check the following repo

How do operating systems determine where to direct device input?

Let me give some concrete context for motivation.
I've been enjoying the program AHK for quite some time. It allows the user to script various tasks on a Windows machine and, if need be, bind those actions to hotkeys.
I've never understood how it is that if I create a binding for say alt+k, Windows will then understand to first inform AHK when that key-combination is pressed. And if AHK then decides to create the keystroke down in response, Windows will know the intended target for that command.
Furthermore, if I start a program in administrator mode, it seems that AHK now no longer gets to preempt any device input. Now the input is immediately passed to the currently focused program. That's unless I also run the AHK script in administrator mode, in which case everything is back to normal.
Can anybody shed some light on what's going on behind the scenes here? And if there are considerable differences on Linux, I'm also interested to hear about those.
From my understanding Operating Systems course, I will answer this in most Generic way.
Every I/O device has a device controller. The Operating System never communicates with the device controller directly. The OS uses a special software called device driver(usually provided by the vendor themselves) which sits between the device controller and the OS.
The device driver understands the device controller and provides the OS with a uniform interface to communicate with the device. For example: to start an I/O operation the device driver will load the appropriate registers in the device controller. The controller will examine the contents of the register and examine what action is to be taken(like read a character from keyboard). The controller will initiate the transfer from device to a local buffer.
Once the transfer is complete , it will inform the driver using an interrupt. The driver will return the control back to the operating system possibly returning pointer to data. For other operations driver returns the status.

What is the main difference between drivers and user applications?

I know that user applications can run only in user mode, which is for system security. On the contrary most drivers run in kernel mode, to access I/O devices. Nevertheless some driver run in user mode, but are allowed to access I/O devices. So I have the following question. What is the main difference between drivers and user applications? Can't user application be allowed to access I/O devices like some drivers do?
First of all, some preview from this link :-
Applications run in user mode, and core operating system components
run in kernel mode. Many drivers run in kernel mode, but some drivers
run in user mode.
When you start a user-mode application, Windows(/any OS) creates a process for
the application. The process provides the application with a private
virtual address space and a private handle table. Because an
application's virtual address space is private, one application cannot
alter data that belongs to another application.
In addition to being private, the virtual address space of a user-mode
application is limited. A processor running in user mode cannot access
virtual addresses that are reserved for the operating system. Limiting
the virtual address space of a user-mode application prevents the
application from altering, and possibly damaging, critical operating
system data.
All code that runs in kernel mode shares a single virtual address
space. This means that a kernel-mode driver is not isolated from other
drivers and the operating system itself. If a kernel-mode driver
accidentally writes to the wrong virtual address, data that belongs to
the operating system or another driver could be compromised.
Also, from this link
Software drivers
Some drivers are not associated with any hardware device at all. For
example, suppose you need to write a tool that has access to core
operating system data structures, which can be accessed only by code
running in kernel mode. You can do that by splitting the tool into two
components. The first component runs in user mode and presents the
user interface. The second component runs in kernel mode and has
access to the core operating system data. The component that runs in
user mode is called an application, and the component that runs in
kernel mode is called a software driver. A software driver is not
associated with a hardware device.
Also, software drivers() always run in kernel mode. The main reason
for writing a software driver is to gain access to protected data that
is available only in kernel mode. But device drivers do not always
need access to kernel-mode data and resources. So some device drivers
run in user mode.
What is the main difference between drivers and user applications?
The difference is same as that between a sub-marine and a ship. Drivers are hardware-dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the interrupt handling required for any necessary asynchronous time-dependent hardware interface. Hence, almost all of them run in kernel mode. Whereas, as specified in the second paragraph, to prevent applications damaging critical OS data, the user applications are bound to run in user space.
Also, not all drivers communicate directly with a device. For a given I/O request (like reading data from a device), there are often several drivers, layered in a stack, that participate in the request. The one driver in the stack that communicates directly with the device is called the function driver; the drivers that perform auxiliary processing are called filter drivers.
Can't user application be allowed to access I/O devices like some
drivers do?
The application calls a function implemented by the operating system, and the operating system calls a function implemented by the driver. The driver knows how to communicate with the device hardware to get the data. After the driver gets the data from the device, it returns the data to the operating system, which returns it to the application.
Applications connect to IO devices through APIs/interfaces presented by device drivers(rather the OS). The OS handles most hardware/software interaction. Hardware vendors write "plugins/modules/drivers" which allows the OS to control their specific hardware. So using the interfaces provided by the OS, you can write your Application to access IO devices.
So, you can't have a user application directly access the hardware without the help of drivers because it's all drivers below the hierarchy to access the device as device drivers are written in low-level languages which can communicate with hardware, whereas user-applications are written in high-level languages.
Also, check this answer to get more idea about drivers address space in various OS'.
Your question lacks any concrete operating system tags, so I'll answer generically about the subject
Yes, drivers can be very similar to a user application in a microkernel-based operating system. In a microkernel, usually a driver is just a userspace app that queries the kernel for some generic capabilities and then functions normally in userspace
Take for example a hypothetical implementation of a pagein/pageout driver in such an OS.
When a page fault happens in user mode, the transition is made to kernel as usual with synchronous exceptions, but a microkernel would queue the pagein request to a userspace driver via local message queue.
After that (still in the exception handler) the faulting process is made blocking and dequeued.
Then the userspace driver app does the necessary page-in and notifies the microkernel on the work done again via local message queue. The kernel is then ready to reschedule the faulting process as it will have its memory mappings ready.
Such functioning incurs a performance overhead but it has its advantages, mainly that the drivers can be implemented and tested just like any other user app.
In a monolithic kernel such disposition is impossible and that case is better described by other answers.

How to simulate an interrupt storm or a live lock on Linux?

I am developing a tool which boots up a custom build of Linux and boots into QT based desktop for x86 based machine. My custom Linux runs from USB and when the it boots on a machine with certain brand of sound cards connected, then my tool runs to a live lock situation with a lot of interrupts. I doubt its some problem with APIC driver but the system is renderd useless and I have to poweroff the system.
My Question:
I would like to simulate the same situation by using a kernel driver or module. I am not sure if I can cause an interrupt to fire from a module. I have a experience with I2C or SPI which causes interrupts on ARM based Linux boards. But i dont know how to do it from a module
Could anybody please suggest me how to cause an interrupt from a driver?
Just create a module with an interrupt forkbomb in it. Google it. It'll only take a second for your vm to halt.
