DNS request serves different IP address for www and non-www? - dns

I am in the process of moving the website traffic for adadarters.com from old host to new host. We are keeping old host for various reasons, including mail and ASP files that we don’t want to move, so I simply modified the A record to point to the IP for new host. After 10 hours it has still not really propagated, even though it appears that it has. I have been doing ipconfig /flushdns all day.
What’s happening is that adadarters.com serves up the NewIP ( and www.adadarters.com serves up the OldIP ( If you try and type in the URL without www, it appears to redirect to www and sends you to old host.
The way I figured out was nslookup adadarters.com (my ISPs IP address) vs nslookup www.adadarters.com
Also, a traceroute to adadarters.com vs www.adadarters traces the route to new and old IP addresses.
New host says DNS looks fine to them. Old host says settings look fine to them too, and that I just need to wait longer for it to propagate. But why would www propagate differently than non-www? I think they are just putting me off because they don't know (one reason they are the old host).
Any ideas about what might be happening?If by some chance this has resolved by the time you look, the old host files have the logo on right, new has logo on left and is a WordPress site.

This is off-topic here, you should've asked on https://superuser.com/
Your computer probably cached the old DNS. Try ipconfig /flushdns
The problem clearly is not in your ISP's DNS:
$ nslookup www.adadarters.com
Non-authoritative answer:
Name: www.adadarters.com


Locally cached dns cannot be uncached through cache refresh linux

So I run a semi-private website for myself, locally hosted on my network, and port forwarded to the web. I changed from using one computer to another to host it, and whilst my public IP address correctly points to the new computer, the subdomain I'm using to access it doesn't.
From what I've gathered so far, this is only an issue on the old host computer, when I dig the subdomain, I get a reply from that localhost saying the subdomain points to localhost, but everywhere else the new subdomain points to the public IP. If I dig and ask even my router for the correct IP it points to the public one.
I've tried to flush the dns cache, but that didnt change anything.
I'm running Ubuntu Linux, and really confused.
I found it, it was set in my /etc/hosts file, I must've done that and forgotten about it

Setting up domain with WAMP / XAMPP

I was wondering about security with setting up a domain for WAMP / XAMPP.
Lets say that I want to publish website hosted on my PC with WAMP or XAMPP.
So, I have to register a domain.. and set it in WAMP / XAMPP. But, what would happen, if I set some already used domain in WAMP? For example if I set stackoverflow.com, which is already registered. What would happen? I guess that people will not see my website, but this one (stackoverflow), but how does WAMP or XAMPP recongnise that it is my website?
I am begginer with this matter, so please, dont be angry if its something obious :)
I think you are forgetting about DNS Servers and what they do.
When your browser see's any domain name you enter in the address bar, it goes to a DNS Server and asks, "Please give me the IP address for this domain name". Domain names are only there for us humans as its easier to remember stackoverflow.com than it is to remember an ip address, and that gets even more difficult for us to remember if it is on the IPV6 network.
So unless you can get all the DNS Servers in the universe changed to point the domain name stackoverflow.com to your routers external IP you wont effect anything by setting WAMP or XAMPP to use any existing domain name.
But lets say you do set WAMP/XAMPP to use an existing domain name. You would amend your HOSTS file to tell the Browser where to find that domain like this localhost stackoverflow.com
::1 localhost
::1 stackoverflow.com
This has the effect of seeding the local machines DNS Cache with these addresses. Now the browser will always check the DNS Cache before committing to the expence of asking a DNS Server to get the ip address, so your browser thinks that stackoverflow.com lives on your PC i.e. for IPV4 or for IPV6 ::1
All this will do is stop you getting to the real stackoverflow.com because the browser will attempt to connect to every time you use stackoverflow.com as a domain name in the browser address bar instead of going to the real ip address for SO.
Reply to your comment
When you register a domain, you normally get access to an admin panel of some sort, where you set the ip address to use for this domain. This will set the DNS Server of who you purchased the domain from and this is then automatically propergated to all top level DNS Servers.
At that point you would set this to the External IP/WAN IP address of your router.
But be aware, if your ISP allocates IP addresses to you dynamically i.e. not a Static IP address you cannot do this, as your ISP Allocated IP Address is liable to change over time.
As a final note
WAMPServer and XAMPP are designed to be single seat developer tools and not LIVE Servers. That is not to say that the Apache in them is somehow less capable but that there is so much more to securing a web site than first meats the eye.
Also, you may not realise, but a Windows desktop OS is not a good target to run a live web server on. They are configured to be clients and as such have various limitations, mainly that a desptop OS can only manage around 20-30 external connections MAX. So if your site actually takes off, you are going to have a lot of complaints about the speed and accessibility of your site.
This destop limitation cannot be reconfigured.

Moved VPS - Setting up nameserver on new machine

I just upgraded to a new VPS with GoDaddy. My old onw was with them as well. I setup the DNS on the new machine just like the old one, but with the new IP address. Is there anything I need to do other than that to get the new DNS information to propagate? Did it last night at about 10:30, but when I use DNSStuff.com it still shows the old IP. Do I just need to wait?
Thank you for your help.
This is pretty vague. Are you saying you want to change the hostname of your VPS from the IP of the old VPS to that of the new one?
If so, you need to change the hostname record in the DNS for the hostname's parent domain, wherever that is.
When you say "you setup DNS on the new machine" do you mean you are running a nameserver on it? Is that with the intention of it acting as an authoritative nameserver for some domains (presumably hosted on that machine?)
If so, you would need to update the nameserver glue record, again within the domain that is the parent to the nameserver hostname.
There are even more possibilities. You have to be a bit more specific I'm afraid.

Propagating DNS records from a new IP

I have a more specific DNS situation than it is usually asked, and have extinguished reading resources already. At this point I'm pretty desperate. Here is the scenario
Get a computer with OLD IP (let's call it that) for a new domain. Set up for the first time its own ns1.mydomain and ns2.mydomain successfully. They had propagated and all was fine whether you entered mydomain.com or www.mydomain.com
Fast forward a few months, and have to upgrade to new machine, with NEW IP. Soon, I will no longer have access to OLD IP machine. I make an exact copy (went over it many, many times) of the DNS configuration from the old machine on the new one, replacing OLD IP with NEW IP
Since the old machine is still running, I change its DNS records to point to the new IP instead, because I figured it would help 'transfer the authoritative dns' to the new machine. Of course, I have no real grasp of how the authoritative dns is set, even with all my reading.
What followed is that after a few hours (it has been more than a day already by now), typing mydomain.com points to the new IP, while typing www.mydomain.com will keep pointing to the same old one. On the domain.com.zone file, on both OLD IP and NEW IP computers, I have a record for www IN CNAME domain.com.
Also, going to http://www.intodns.com will say "Looks like the A records (the GLUE) got from the parent zone check are different than the ones got from your nameservers".
Doing a nslookup, will say that the authoritative answers can be found at my nameservers, but they still point to the OLD IP
Finally, still after 24h, if I do a service named stop on the OLD IP computer and go to http://www.internetsupervision.com, it will fail finding the DNS for mydomain.com or www.mydomain.com. Yet, if I turn named service back on, it will find it again immediately.
I believe my lack of understanding of the authoritative DNS is preventing me from making a new IP machine start broadcasting the new DNS records. As I've said, I still have access to the old machine, but only for a few more days.
If anyone has any insight to help me in this case, I appreciate. I really don't know what to do any more and have nobody to turn to. Why is my new, updated DNS IP not propagating properly?
The servers telling the world where to go to find authoritative data for your domain are the servers for the parent domain of your domain. That is, if you want to change the IP addresses of the name servers for mydomain.com, you need to change those addresses both on your own servers and the servers for .com. The latter is typically done via an interface (usually web) provided by the people you pay to get the domain in the first place.
Apologies if this is too basic, but you don't mention changing your delegation anywhere in your question.

Cloudflare DNS: Can't change IP address

After moving to the new server, for sure, I need to change the DNS settings at Cloudflare to the new server IP address.
Cloudflare control panel can show the new ip address that I've setup, but when doing some dig command, the ip address returned still the old one. Although I already request directly to the ns specified by Cloudflare.
here is my dig command:
dig thedomain.tld #cfns.ns.cloudflare.com
Strangely, when I pause the cloudflare, I can see the new ip from dig command above.
any hint to solve that ?
It actually sounds like you may be running into some recursive DNS caching issues. We push out IP changes that are made in your DNS settings very quickly (minutes or less), but it may take a little longer to push out everywhere.
