Cloudflare DNS: Can't change IP address - dns

After moving to the new server, for sure, I need to change the DNS settings at Cloudflare to the new server IP address.
Cloudflare control panel can show the new ip address that I've setup, but when doing some dig command, the ip address returned still the old one. Although I already request directly to the ns specified by Cloudflare.
here is my dig command:
dig thedomain.tld
Strangely, when I pause the cloudflare, I can see the new ip from dig command above.
any hint to solve that ?

It actually sounds like you may be running into some recursive DNS caching issues. We push out IP changes that are made in your DNS settings very quickly (minutes or less), but it may take a little longer to push out everywhere.


How to setup subdomain for digitalocean?

I need to access my Digitalocean server by typing in the URL. If I type the IP address, it works.
But as long as I type, it does NOT work.
When I ping in terminal, it pings the correct IP address ( Same thing when I try it here
This is my Google domain's Name Space settings:
Shall I change Name servers? Just note here, on my domain I use Google Workspace (so I do want to keep google servers for the main domain)
What else shall I have set up in there (in Google Domains DNS settings)? This is what I got so far:
I'm confused about many options there
shall I add A record in Custom resource records
or shall I forward → in Synthetic records
or shall I set → in Registered hosts
Is there anything specific I need to set in Digitalocean settings?
------------ ↓ UPDATE (Dec 15, 2020) ↓ --------------------
It seems that the problem is with Google Domains provider since I tried to test it out a different provider that I have and I created an A record for -> and it works without any issue (try to see for yourself).
Another thing is that I can't change the default Google NS servers, since I'm hosting Google Workspace on my main domain
To answer, succinctly, you want to add a custom Address mapping (A) record from the host name (sendy) to the IPv4 address ( for your domain (
You should leave the name servers as they are; this configuration is necessary so that Google can manage your domain and resolve your records.
It's good to leave the defaults TTL but you can reduce these. Alternatively, once you've updated your DNS records through Google, you can check the resolver on Linux using either of the following:
NOTE 8.8.*.* are the IPs for Google's DNS service and will resolve quicky
It may (!) take some time (but usually not very long) for these updates to be shipped to other DNS resolves on the Internet.
It's unclear how you're able to resolve to the IPv4 address ( without changing your DNS records.
It's unlikely Google Domain's (i.e. Google's) DNS is at issue.

Moved VPS - Setting up nameserver on new machine

I just upgraded to a new VPS with GoDaddy. My old onw was with them as well. I setup the DNS on the new machine just like the old one, but with the new IP address. Is there anything I need to do other than that to get the new DNS information to propagate? Did it last night at about 10:30, but when I use it still shows the old IP. Do I just need to wait?
Thank you for your help.
This is pretty vague. Are you saying you want to change the hostname of your VPS from the IP of the old VPS to that of the new one?
If so, you need to change the hostname record in the DNS for the hostname's parent domain, wherever that is.
When you say "you setup DNS on the new machine" do you mean you are running a nameserver on it? Is that with the intention of it acting as an authoritative nameserver for some domains (presumably hosted on that machine?)
If so, you would need to update the nameserver glue record, again within the domain that is the parent to the nameserver hostname.
There are even more possibilities. You have to be a bit more specific I'm afraid.

DNS request serves different IP address for www and non-www?

I am in the process of moving the website traffic for from old host to new host. We are keeping old host for various reasons, including mail and ASP files that we don’t want to move, so I simply modified the A record to point to the IP for new host. After 10 hours it has still not really propagated, even though it appears that it has. I have been doing ipconfig /flushdns all day.
What’s happening is that serves up the NewIP ( and serves up the OldIP ( If you try and type in the URL without www, it appears to redirect to www and sends you to old host.
The way I figured out was nslookup (my ISPs IP address) vs nslookup
Also, a traceroute to vs www.adadarters traces the route to new and old IP addresses.
New host says DNS looks fine to them. Old host says settings look fine to them too, and that I just need to wait longer for it to propagate. But why would www propagate differently than non-www? I think they are just putting me off because they don't know (one reason they are the old host).
Any ideas about what might be happening?If by some chance this has resolved by the time you look, the old host files have the logo on right, new has logo on left and is a WordPress site.
This is off-topic here, you should've asked on
Your computer probably cached the old DNS. Try ipconfig /flushdns
The problem clearly is not in your ISP's DNS:
$ nslookup
Non-authoritative answer:

How to check DNS?

When troubleshooting DNS issues (specifically whether a domain is resolving), what is the proper way to check so that you get accurate results? DNS info is cached throughout the internet, and different machines (like local machine) or service (like pingdom) has different results.
How to check the DNS so that you know what you will get after it propagates?
Working with Heroku and CloudFlare.
In most common cases you can use tools such as: dig or host. Both tools are made for query name servers to retrieve info. You can also use a simple "ping" in order to see if IP has changed. But I suggest you to use different DNS's on the computer you're using to test. Actually Google DNS replicate so fast ( ).
Not on purpose DNS poisoning: Keep in mind if you're pinging something that is recently configured/changed on your name server and still not propagated you'll "poison" the DNS's cache and this data is going to expire, but later...( Always depending on domain name TTL's of course ).
Using a new DNS wich never has known that domain you're sure the request is made for the first time and it's going to be made without asking any cache.
To get all the DNS servers for
$ host -t ns name server name server
To ask a domain name for
$ dig #nameserver
You can also ask for TXT, CNAME types and so on...
AXFR retrieval test:
$ dig #domainname AXFR
Or get all Mail Exchange (MX) server for a domain:
$ host -t MX mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20
Hope it helps.
Cheers! :)
To get a "Non-authoritative" answer from your local name server that would be e.g.:
To check the name server where the domain is listed that would be e.g.:

Host Changed IP - What to do?

My host has changed my IP address in my VPS hosting. This was a planned change they asked me when will it be good for me.
When they've changed my IP I managed to change the 2 nameserver's IP at my domain host so they will point to the new ip now.
I'm using kloxo and I have changed the DNS records for my main domain. It is working correctly with the new IP address now.
However I'm hoiting other domains there aswell but they just can't seem to be loading those sites...
Can anyone please tell me what could be the problem? Maybe change their DNS to the new ip aswell? (But if I do that, won't all my domain point to the main domain?)
The DNS records for those other domains will also need to be updated. Provided that you've correctly set up your VirtualHosts (or equivalent), then changing the A-records of the other domains to match the new IP of your server shouldn't cause any issues.
