xpages ext library mobile application calendar issue - xpages-extlib

I m developing xpages Mobil app with Ext library on domino 8.5.3. The problem I faced is the calendar is not working properly. It is displayed white screen.
Please help.


How can I turn my Wix website full responsive?

I created a website with wix editor (not wix ADI) and it works well in computers and mobile version.
The fact is that it is not responsive with tablets, and I already tried all the editor options and could not solve it. Should I add/embed a specific code in order to be responsive in other devices?
Thank you.

XPages mobile controls not working with iOS 8

We have a couple of simple apps that use the XPages mobile controls that no longer work on iOS 8 devices. Tapping on outline entries, dataview entries, buttons in the header, etc. doesn't seem to do anything. Tapping on a category to expand or collapse it in a categorized view is the only thing that seems to work. The apps are running on a Domino 9.0 server with the openntf essentials package installed. iOS 7 and Android devices work fine.
Anybody else having problems with the mobile controls and iOS 8?
I can confirm this problem with our apps that use the mobile controls as well. It seems to be an issue with Dojo 1.8 that is used by these controls. Debug on an iPad running iOS 8 reveals "Deprecated attempt to access property 'changedTouches' on a non-TouchEvent object." and "Typerror: Attempted to assign to readonly property." in Dojo.js:7956.
UPDATE: Got it working by copying Dojo 1.9.4 to the domino\js folder. Also had to add in the ibm and template folders into the dojo-1.9.4 folder. These were extracted from the xsp.dojo.jar file in the Domino\osgi\shared\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.xsp.dojo_9.0.1.20140801-1000 folder. Then had to restart the server. Restarting http by itself doesn't work.
IBM has just released 9.0.1 Fix Pack 2 Interim Fix 1 which fixes SPR PALT9P8JDG "XPage Mobile Controls Fail On iOS 8". The technote has been updated accordingly.
For the latest information on this issue, see this technote: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21686751

XPages richtext field doesn't work on mobile

I am working on an XPage application with few richtexts field on a page. It works well on desktop, however, the richtext field just doesnt show up on mobile environment. Here's a public link for testing (it would show up a richtext field when opened on a desktop but would just show up a small empty box on an mobile - tested on safari, chrome, default android browser):
XPage Application With RichText Field
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks !
Mobile cannot cope with the CK Editor, so Rich Text cannot be edited on mobile. This is still the case with 9.0.1, from my experience on a recent training course. But I believe the Dojo editor works on iOS. I can't find the blog post and it was from a couple of years ago, but I found that the XPages forum was working by using the Dojo rich text editor instead of the default CK Editor. I can't remember if that was on 8.5.3 or 9.0 though.
If I view the source on your link I see that you have Dojo 1.6.1 and that means to me that you are using Domino 8.5.3
The richtext editor didn't work with older versions of Domino in mobile.
you need to upgrade to Domino 9 or preferable 9.0.1 with the latest Extlib from openntf

CRM 2011 (rollup 12) shows the mobile view instead of the normal view in non IE browsers

I recently went to do a demo of some a CRM solution I had been developing but when I tried displaying it on my MAC in firefox and chrome it comes up with the mobile interface. The instance will never be used on mobile devices so I want to disable this functionality for the whole site...How do I do this?
I had the same issue when I opened crm on firefox (on explorer and chrome it was ok), I assume you are using roll up 12 since only from this rollup you have other browsers besides internet explorer integration.
The issue with me was that for some reason, it opened the "default.aspx" page, which opened this url:
When the correct address should be:
I'm also guessing that you have set up ADFS..
I had the same problem and what helped for me was to add the site to the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer.
If you're using IE 11, try compatibility mode. Settings -> Compatibility View Settings

Wikitude app crash (poi adding problem) iPhone

I am currently working in iPhone application in which I have used wikitude api.
I am successfully integrate and run the app but my app is crash while adding poi over wikitude camera view. And my app throws exception of "CORE ANIMATION CALAYER NAN". I am getting this issue in iPhone 4.0.
Please try the new version of the Wikitude iPhone API which should fix the described issue. You can download it from http://www.wikitude.org/developers
Cheers, Nicolas
