How to set online pin verification in EMV - payment

I'm trying to modify terminal capabilities to accept just online Card PIN verification here is an example that work with offline:
tag ="x9F\x33" value="xE0\xF8\xC8"
1.Now I need to change the value to force terminal accept just online PIN verification
2.I'm looking for tool that helps me to generate these tags and values for EMV
Any Ideas?

I'm not aware of a (free) tool that generates tags value for you.
Commercial sniffer tools (like Fime smartSpy) may help you by analyzing the transaction and decomposing each tag.
However, the following web sites may help you find the proper documentation for each tag :
#arved is right, the details for tag 9F33 (Terminal Capabilities) are to be found in Annex "A2 Terminal Capabilities" of EMV book 4.
The terminal Cardholder Verification Methods (CVM) are defined in byte 2 of terminal capabilities. If you just want "enciphered PIN for online verification", byte 2 should be set to 0x40.
So, tag 0x9F33 should bet set to 0xE040C8


TagInspector on Windows - looking for an equivalent that shows character-encoding

So I came across this article, which describes a tool called 'TagInspector'. Here's the containing article:
The link to TagInspector shown in the article, goes to a Linux-centric website, that offers both Linux and Windows kits for TagInspector.
The bad news (for me) was that both Windows kits (32-bit and 64-bit) contain just a single file, a .exe, and when I run that, on both Win-10 and Win-7 computers, I get 'unknown runtime error 123', when I try to open any MP3 file.
(I sent a msg, via the 'Contact' tab, to that TagInspector distributing site, alerting them to that problem with their Windows'
kits. I don't know if/when I might ever get a fix for the problem.)
So, MEANWHILE, what my bottom-line issue now is, is how to find some ALTERNATE freeware 'id3-tag'-displaying software that, as this one
does, not only displays the VERSION# of ide-tags, but also shows the
CHARACTER-ENCODING in use. Specifically, whether the encoding is
ISO8859-1 or UTF16-BOM(Unicode).
[ If you read the article, it shows a screenshot, and explains why
this level of detail is needed, to resolve issues with album-cover
artwork not appearing correctly on certain in-vehicle touch-screen music players. His article pertains to in-vehicle consoles containing
"MyLink" firmware, whereas my vehicle (a 2015 Subaru) contains "StarLink" firmware. ]
So, my question is simply: Can anyone point me to some other id3-tag displaying software that, like TagInspector does additionally show the character-encoding? I'd want something that is offered in a
[ I have been using some freeware called "MP3tag", but I see no way to get it to show/confirm the character-encoding of the id3 tags. ]
Ok, I've resolved this issue to my satisfaction.
(1) I updated an old Linux machine that had been on moth-balls, and
installed the Linux kit offering of TagInspector. It works fine on Linux
and I was able to confirm the character-encoding of the id3-info in the MP3 files in question.
(2) More importantly, after re-reading the initial article mentioned, it
appears that it must be the 'nature-of-the-beast'...i.e. that id3 version 1
tags are (always) encoded in ISO8859_1, whereas id3v2.x are (always) encoded
in UTF-16_BOM. As a result, I now see no further NEED to continue to
use TagInspector. My original app..."Mp3tag" will fulfill my needs
for an id3-tag application.

Stripe : customize form

after some research, I have not found how to customize the Stripe V3 payment form.
I would like to be able to write each field of the form myself. I think that because of this, the javascript code must be different, but I have not found an example.
Has anyone ever done that? If so, can you show me the html and javascript code?
Thanks in advance.
With Elements (Stripe.js v3), each input field is created by Stripe.js and runs in its own iframe.
If you want to create the fields yourself, you can still use Stripe.js v2 but note that you would no longer be eligible for PCI SAQ-A and would instead need to file under SAQ-A EP which is more complex.
You can find more information about PCI compliance here.

How to fetch the text spoken to cortana while the SpeechRecognitionResult.Text is returning "..." - Windows UWP

While deep linking Windows UWP apps with cortana, I'm unable to fetch the text spoken. In the Voice Command Definition file I'm using a <ListenFor> element with {*} in order to allow user to speak anything, but I'm unable to fetch it.
If you're trying to set up a VCD to accept freeform dictated text, you'll need to use a PhraseTopic field. See the 1.2 VCD spec for details.
For example, if you've got a Command block containing
<ListenFor> Take a note to {noteTopic} </ListenFor>
You'd want a corresponding PhraseTopic
<PhraseTopic Label="noteTopic" Scenario="Dictation">
There's various options (Subjects and Scenarios) you can use to refine the dictation service's behavior.
You could also use Scenario="Search" and have you VCD look something like this:
<ListenFor> Take a note to {noteTopic} </ListenFor>
<PhraseTopic Label="noteTopic" Scenario="Search"/>

How to set the requested presence with Telepathy-Glib-GJS?

According to the Telepathy Developer's Manual:
"To bring an account online, set RequestedPresence to an online state[..]"
For TelepathyGlib.Account under GJS I can see a TelepathyGLib.Account.prototype.get_requested_presence but not an equivalent setter. What's the right way to bring a telepathy account online in GJS/TelepathyGlib?
Not immediately obvious, but you don't set a presence, you request it ...

How to call and save contact in Java ME?

I am doing a program using j2me and the last window in the program has a form that contains name of the place, number and location.
I want to know:
if there is any way to call for the number which appears in the window?
if there is any way to save the information (name and number) in the contact?
any tutorials or examples applied this feature << because I searched a lot and I didn't find something useful.
You can use the midlet.platformRequest("tel:[telephone number]") to make the call. As far as accessing contact in the phone or saving contacts to the phone's address book, your phones needs JSR 75 API functionality and you might also require to sign the build
